
dì lǐ ɡé lí
  • geographical isolation
  1. 推测差异可能是因为长期地理隔离所导致。

    The differences were possibly due to the long - time geographical isolation .

  2. 聚球蓝细菌丰度、群落结构和多样性在时间上变化主要是受水温的影响,在空间上的变化主要是受地理隔离的影响。

    Abundance , community composition and diversity of Synechococcus ' temporal variations mainly due to the impact of water temperature changes , Spatial variations caused by the impact of geographical isolation .

  3. Mantel检验也表明,种群间的遗传分化不是由地理隔离造成的。

    Mantel tests suggested that the genetic differentiation between populations was not caused by geographic isolation .

  4. 这种差异主要是由于地理隔离分化造成的。

    The mainly reason is the geography insulation and division .

  5. 社会不平等和地理隔离所造成的屏障得以消散。

    Barriers of social inequality and geographic isolation dissolve .

  6. 造成这种差别的原因可能是桑植居群片断化和地理隔离造成的基因流的限制。

    Limited gene flow due to habitat fragmentation and isolation by distance may account for the genetic clustering .

  7. 研究表明:在冷杉属树种的系统进化过程中,地理隔离比遗传隔离发挥了更大的作用。

    Those research shows that geographic isolation plays a more important role than genetic isolation in the phyogenesis of abies .

  8. 总之,雅鲁藏布江河谷地区特殊的地形和地貌以及与其他热带地区的地理隔离是造成丝须蒟蒻薯在这一地区遗传多样性极低的可能原因。

    The extremely low genetic diversity in Brahmaputra populations was probably due to the unique landforms and vicariance of the Brahmaputra valley .

  9. 鳄蜥主要分布在中国的广西广东两省区和越南,均为地理隔离种群,对鳄蜥进行保护和研究迫在眉睫。

    Crocodile lizards are mainly distributed with isolated populations in Guangxi and Guangdong of China and Vietnam . The Chinese crocodile lizard is already in urgent need of research and protection .

  10. 结果显示,地理隔离和开花物候隔离是梅、杏保持两个物种的界限的关键合子前隔离因素。

    The investigation results show that geographical isolation and their flowering phenology isolation were important barrier in crucial mode of pre-zygotic isolation to maintain species boundaries of P. armeniaca and P. mume .

  11. 臭柏种群间的平均遗传距离为0.086,平均相似性系数为0.918,4个种群之间有比较相似的遗传多样性,由于地理隔离,种群间也存在分化。

    The average genetic distance among populations was 0.086 and Nei 's genetic identity was 0.918.The genetic diversities in 4 populations were similar , but the genetic differentiation existed because of geographic isolation .

  12. 两个或更多相关物种之间无法互相杂交是因为地理隔离,这样的物种被称为异地种。

    Related species that are not geographically isolated , and which could interbreed but in practice do not because of differences in behavior , breeding season , etc. , are called sympatric species .

  13. 在其漫长的进化历史中,疣蝗在我国是否由于地理隔离而形成了不同的地理种群、这些种群之间的遗传分化程度及其形成过程鲜有研究。

    In its long history of evolution , whether different geographic populations had been differentiated by the geographical isolation , the genetic differentiation and its formation among the different populations has not been studied .

  14. 还从地理隔离、种群扩散、基因交流、区系划分、分子钟估算等方面阐述了系统地理学在鱼类的应用研究现况和应用前景。

    The paper also exploits the research and application of phylogeography on fish and its prospects from the aspects of geographical isolation , population dispersal , gene flow , fauna division and molecular clock estimate .

  15. 生物学家过去总是想像山脉隆起或者新海岛在海上冒出之类的地理隔离事件为例子。

    In the classic example , biologists imagine that a physical barrier arises , perhaps the formation of a new mountain range or the creation of an island resulting from a rise in sea level .

  16. 对形态数据在种群水平上进行聚类结果表明,东温泉的两个种群与其它种群之间存在明显的形态分化,这种分化可能与它们之间的地理隔离有关。

    From cluster analysis at the population level we found that there is obvious differentiation between the populations from East hot spring and the populations from other places , this differentiation probably caused by the geographical isolation among those populations .

  17. 中介蝮主要分布在黑龙江省北部,种群数量较少,且与岩栖蝮存在地理隔离。同时对黑龙江省蝮蛇的保护现状和影响种群增长的因素进行分析,提出种群管理和合理利用的意见。

    Intermediate pit viper is found in the northern Heilongjiang , is relatively rare and geographically isolated from Ussuri mamushi The present conservation status and factors influencing their population growth were analyzed and the management of viper population was discussed .

  18. 原本连成一片的热带雨林碎成了小一些的片段,爬行动物也因此被分离在各个片段里面。这种地理隔离让生物种群向着不同的方向进化,增加了爬行动物的多样性。

    The expansive rainforests broke up into smaller fragments , and reptile populations became isolated from each other in the fragments . Such geographical isolation allows different populations to evolve in different directions , which led to a great increase in diversity .

  19. 与贺兰山的属相似性系数低于60%,因为贺兰山位于干旱的荒漠与半荒漠区,可能有地理隔离作用。

    While the coefficient with Helan Mountains is under 60 % , because the Helan Mountains are located in arid desert and semi-desert region and it is supposed that there is intense vicariance in nature in the development of the Yellow River in Ningxia and Gansu .

  20. 随着国际贸易往来的不断扩大,船舶航运业作为世界贸易的重要组成部分,船舶压载水成为传播地理性隔离有害生物的主要途径。

    With increasing expansion of international trade , ballast water become one of the main methods to transmit invasive pest as shipping industry plays an important role in the world trade .

  21. 各种群间存在较高水平的基因流动,并且稻瘟病菌种群的遗传分化不符合地理距离隔离模式。

    Among the populations had a high degree of gene flow , and genetic differentiation in the M. oryzae population was not consistent with a simple model of isolation based on distance . 2 .

  22. 中国板栗遗传变异空间结构模式的形成可能是长距离基因流、自然气候、人类活动、地理距离隔离等诸因素综合作用的结果。

    The spatial patterns of genetic differentiation in C. mollissima populations appeared to be a combining result of long distance gene flow , climate factors , human activities , and local effects of geographic isolation .

  23. 我们的分歧很深,经济和地理上的隔离使上层人士免受下层人士的困扰。

    Our divisions are deep.Economic and geographic segregation has immunized those at the top from the problems of those down below .

  24. 但在文艺复兴时期,这两种甲虫在地理上相互隔离。

    But during the Renaissance the two beetle species were geographically isolated .

  25. 它们在自然界保持了各自的鉴别特征,主要因为地理上的隔离。

    They maintain their identities in nature mainly because of geographic solation .

  26. 但是,围绕抗日救国这一共同目标,尽管有了地理上的隔离,但各自的创作并不是封闭的,而是相互影响和交融的。

    However , the Anti Japanese national salvation of the common goal , despite the geographical isolation , but their creation is not closed , but the impact and blend with each other .

  27. 我们真的无法创造出这些连接,因为我们在地理位置上是隔离的,

    We really couldn 't create those links where we were , because we were geographically isolated ,