
  • 网络Gravity;g-force;pull of gravity;gravity of Earth;g
  1. 由CHAMP星载GPS相位双差数据解算地球引力场模型

    Determination of Earth Gravity Field Model from GPS Phase Double-Different Data Onboard CHAMP

  2. 周三晚,在电影节中,第一个亮相的电影是乔治·克鲁尼和桑德拉·布洛克的最新3D奥德赛电影《地球引力》,这部电影在评比中脱颖而出。

    Kicking off proceedings Wednesday evening was the world premiere of George Clooney and Sandra Bullock 's latest offering , the 3D odyssey ' Gravity ' which is showing out of competition .

  3. 地球引力使物体落到地面上。

    The force of gravity makes things fall to earth .

  4. 美国国家航空航天局计划让其未来需要逃离地球引力(尤其是去往月球和火星)的大多数飞行器携带立方体卫星。

    NASA plans for most of its future Earth-escaping payloads ( to the moon and Mars especially ) to carry CubeSats .

  5. 测定地球引力常数GM的协方差分析

    Covariance analysis for determination of the constant of earth gravitation

  6. 日长和地球引力场参数J2的长期和长周期变化

    Secular and Long-Period Variations in the Length of Day and the Harmonic Coefficient J_2 of Geopotential

  7. 用LAGEOS-1的激光测距资料测定地球引力常数GM

    Determination of the gravitational coefficient of the earth from the SLR data of lageos-1

  8. Skye是建在Unique酒店屋顶上的绚丽泳池,这座奢华酒店本身的建筑就有够特别,是违反地球引力的倒弧形。

    Skye is the spectacular rooftop pool of Hotel Unique , a luxury boutique hotel built in the gravity-defying shape of an inverted arc .

  9. 本文基于Lie级数的方法对卫星轨道摄动进行了频谱分析。这种摄动是由地球引力场的所有带谱调和项和田谐调和项引起的。

    In this paper an expression for the spectrum of satellite orbit perturbation , induced by all zonal and tesseral harmonics of the earth 's gravitational field , is derived based on Lie series .

  10. 慕尼黑ISA研究中心地球引力物理学部门的汉斯彼得尼斯瓦德说,只要我们一起猛跳一下,就能解决全球变暖问题。

    Hans Peter Niesward , from the Department of Gravitationsphysik at the ISA in Munich , says we can stop global warming in one big jump .

  11. 三颗感受或(和)测量地球引力场的卫星&CHAMP、GRACE、GOCE

    Champ , grace and goce : three satellites for sensing and / or measuring the earth 's gravity field

  12. IERS1996规范中地球引力势模型和测量模型的改进

    Improvements of the Geopotential and Measurement Models in the IERS 1996 Conventions

  13. 基于PREM的地球引力势二阶系数的潮汐摄动

    Tidal perturbation of geopotential coefficients of second order based on the Prem rheological parameters

  14. 与希腊神话中的伊卡洛斯(Icarus)一样,许多美国房主如今正为他们当初对地球引力的蔑视而付出代价。

    Like Icarus , many American homeowners are now paying the price of their disdain for gravity .

  15. 利用TOPEX资料可以得到新的地球引力场、海洋大地水准面和海潮模型。

    Using TOPEX altimeter data , a few new earth gravity models , geoid models and ocean tide models were generated , and these models were better than old models .

  16. 根据卫星定位的基本原理,飞行器的高度测量是通过WGS84地心回连(ECEF)直角坐标转换而来的,其间由于地球引力场的不规则性,引入了2~6m的误差。

    During the process , a transformation of positioning data from a mathematical earth to a physical earth is involved , which will give rise to a height measuring error of 2 to 6 meter with the present method available , due to the irregularity of the earth gravitational field .

  17. 石块落地是地球引力的一个实例

    A rock falling to the grind be an illustration of gravity

  18. 我渴望体验对抗地球引力的快感。

    I was keen to experience the excitement of defying gravity .

  19. 基于不同天文标准计算地球引力对卫星轨道的影响

    Effect of Gravitational Perturbations on Satellite Orbit via Different Astronomy Standards

  20. 由于地球引力的作用而引起的自由、快速的下降。

    A free and rapid descent by the force of gravity .

  21. 等待心灵感应战胜地球引力的那一天。

    And wait for that day when telepathy overcomes gravity .

  22. 卫星重力梯度测量与地球引力场的精度研究

    Research on accuracies for satellite gravity gradiometry and earth 's gravitational field

  23. 我正试着让地球引力来帮我一个忙。

    I 'm trying to get gravity to do me a favor .

  24. 天空实验室超出了地球引力的范围。

    Skylab was beyond the reach of Earth 's gravity .

  25. 太阳和月亮相对角度的不断改变引起了地球引力的变化。

    Both sun and moon exert a gravitational pull on the earth .

  26. 地球引力将是火星早期定居者所遇到的问题。

    Gravity will be a problem for the early settlers on mars .

  27. 基于地球引力变轨的日冕探测器轨道设计

    Design of Earth Gravity Assist Trajectories for the Coronal Mass Ejections Probe

  28. 地球引力位函数在流处理器上的实现与分析

    Implementation and Analysis of Gravitational Potential Function on Stream Processors

  29. 用地球引力强行分离悬浮粒子的设备。

    Uses centrifugal force to separate particles from a suspension .

  30. 重量乃是地球引力。

    It 's the force of gravity of the earth is the weight .