
  • 网络Geological tourism resources;geological resources for tourism
  1. 冰川地质旅游资源的开发策略

    The Exploration Strategy on Glacial Geological Resources for Tourism

  2. 巢湖区域地质旅游资源评价与开发对策

    Evaluation and Development Strategy of Geologic Tourist Resources in Chaohu Area

  3. 山西地质旅游资源概况及其开发与保护构想

    Exploitation and Protection of Geological Tourism Resources in Shanxi Province

  4. 地质旅游资源分类及开发利用初探

    Preliminary Study on the Classification of Geological Tourism Resources and Its Exploitation

  5. 江西地质旅游资源特点综述

    Summary on the Characteristic of Geologic Tour Resource in JX

  6. 澳门地质旅游资源的形成与开发

    The formation and development of geological tourist resources in Macau

  7. 新疆地质旅游资源与开发

    Geological resources for touring and its development in Xinjiang

  8. 河南省地质旅游资源及其开发利用初探

    A pilot probe on the geo-tourism resources and their development in Henan Province

  9. 区域地质旅游资源的评价方法

    Study of evaluation on regional geological tourist resources

  10. 澎湖群岛地质旅游资源评估与规划

    Geo-tourism Resources Evaluation and Planning in Penghu Islands

  11. 地质旅游资源是地质作用形成的特殊的自然资源。

    Geological tourism resources are special nature resources which are formed by geological process .

  12. 京九铁路沿线江西段地质旅游资源开发建议

    Some suggestions on development of geological tourist resources along the Jiangxi Section of Beijing-Jiulong Railway

  13. 随着秦皇岛旅游业的不断发展,开发秦皇岛北部的地质旅游资源,是秦皇岛旅游业的发展方向。

    With the tourism development of Qinhuangdao city , developing the resources in northern Qinhuangdao is the orientation .

  14. 如何能够应用科学的方法对地质旅游资源进行合理的开发与规划,是目前地质公园开发所面临的一个突出问题。

    How to introduce scientific methodology to exploitation of tourism resources is critic problem in the development of geopark .

  15. 要破解这一难题,在贵州开发地质旅游资源,促进民族旅游与地质旅游的结合是一条可行的道路。

    We think developing geological tourism is a feasible way to promote the combination of ethnic minority tourism with geological tourism .

  16. 大连的地质旅游资源种类丰富,规模较大,而且有很多地质旅游资源都是国内外罕见的,甚至是惟一的。

    Dalian variety of geological tourism resources , larger , and many domestic and international geo-tourism resources are rare , even unique .

  17. 地质旅游资源的开发一项系统工程,新疆具有十分丰富的地质旅游资源。

    The geological tour resources development is a systems engineering ( project ), Xinjiang has very ( extremely ) rich geological tour resources .

  18. 贵州的地质旅游资源得天独厚,国家地质公园的建设、世界地质公园的申报都为贵州开发地质旅游准备了充足条件。

    Guizhou is rich in original geological resources . National geological park construction and geological park of the world declaration has prepared ample conditions for developing Guizhou geological tourism .

  19. 因此,对抚仙湖流域的地质旅游资源进行科学评价,并以湖泊地质旅游资源特色为卖点,开发湖泊旅游产品,将湖泊地质旅游资源、地质旅游精品推介入旅游市场,具有积极地意义。

    Hence , it 's worthwhile of assessing scientifically the geological tourist resources in Fuxian Lake area for market , to develop lake tourist products as highlights of lake geological tourism .

  20. 作者竭力倡导积极开发新疆的地质旅游资源并提出普查、保护、景点建设及线路开发等具体建议。

    The authors suggest to develop these resources , and offer some propositions , such as the geological survey and protection , build of touring sites , and development of touring lines .

  21. 地质旅游资源是以地质遗迹为依托的旅游资源,开发地质旅游资源可以提高人们的生活质量,促进经济发展。

    Geological tourism resources is a special tourism resources which take geological vestige as basis , develop geological tourism resources can improve the quality of life of the people , bring about an advance in economic .

  22. 根据地质旅游资源的性质和成因特点对地质旅游资源的分类进行了尝试,将其分为地层型、遗迹型、岩浆型、构造型、地下水型五大类。

    According to characteristics and contributing factors , the authors tentatively classified the geological tourism resources into five types : stratal type , geological remains type , magmatic type , tectonic type , and groundwater type .

  23. 在分析和评价过程中,对比了环渤海地区典型城市天津、青岛、秦皇岛和大连四个海滨城市的地质旅游资源科学研究价值,突出分析了大连地质旅游资源的优势。

    In the analysis and evaluation process , comparing the typical city of Circum-Bohai-sea Tianjin , Qingdao , Qinhuangdao and Dalian , the coastal city of four scientific value of geological tourism , especially analyzed the advantages of geological tourism resources in Dalian .

  24. 本文通过对大连地区的调查,了解大连地质旅游资源的基本概况,并从科学研究价值、经济学价值和社会学价值三个方面对大连地质旅游资源进行了分析和评价。

    Based on the investigation of Dalian , understand the basic situation of geological tourism resources , and from the scientific research value , economic value and the social value of the three aspects of the tourism resources of Dalian geological analysis and evaluation .

  25. 结果在地质旅游资源的保护和开发工作中,引入多元化的地质公园模式、生态旅游模式、资源评价保护模式,以达到多方制约、多目标设定、多效益获得的双赢结果。

    Results In the geological tourism resources protection , and exploitation , the introduction of multiplex patterns : geological park pattern , the eco-tourism pattern , the resources appraisal protected mode , achieved restricts , the multi-goals hypothesis , the multi-benefits in every way obtain double-win result .

  26. 石林世界地质公园旅游资源评价与旅游产品规划设计

    Evaluation of Tourism Resources of Stone Forest World Geo-park and Tourism Products Planning

  27. 陕西延川黄河蛇曲国家地质公园旅游资源研究与建设构想析

    Tourist resources and constructive visualization of the national meander Geopark in Yanchuan , Shaanxi

  28. 螺髻山冰川地质专项旅游资源开发对策及其意义

    Development Measures of Specialized Tourist Resources of the Glacial Geology of Mount Luoji and its Significance

  29. 秦皇岛柳江盆地国家级地质公园旅游资源研究

    Investigation and study on the tourism resources of Liujiang Basin state geological park in Qinhuangdao city

  30. 南海市西岸镇地质地貌旅游资源特征与开发

    On the Development of the Geological and Geomorphologic Tourism Resources of Xi'an Town in Nanhai City