
  • 网络earth revolution;Earth's Revolution
  1. 地球公转日子的一半乘以地球公转的一半,就是对太阳的公转。

    Half of the days of the earth revolution multiplies half of the earth 's revolution is the revolution of the sun .

  2. F3+Fs是地球公转离心力,它是形成大洋环流的原动力。

    F 3 + F s is the centrifugal force as the Earth revolution and original force resulting in the formation of ocean circulation .

  3. 本文根据中学地理教学的特点,选择《地球公转与四季变化》开展CAI课件设计研究。

    According to the characteristics of geography teaching at middle school , the authors made the design and research of the CAI software for revolution of the earth and the change of seasons .

  4. 需要注意的是,这是选择航天器入轨速度与地球公转速度方向一致时计算出的V3值;

    It should be noted that this is to choose the speed of the spacecraft orbit the Earth and the revolution speed in the same direction when the calculated value of the V3 ;

  5. 月则是靠月亮绕地球公转计算的。

    The month depends on the moon 's journey around the earth .

  6. 地球公转速度突然减慢对人居环境的影响

    On the Influence of the Earth 's Revolution Speed on Human World

  7. 地球公转轨道偏心率变化的构造运动响应

    The response of the crust as tectonic movements to the changes of eccentricity of the earth 's orbit

  8. 试论地球公转自转导致球面陆壳的北移

    A discussion about the northward migration of spherical continental crust resulted from the revolution and rotation of the earth

  9. 当然这又会引出另一个问题,为什么地球公转轨道上的某些区域会有特别多的陨石屑。

    Of course this raises the question of why certain parts of our orbit would be especially full of debris .

  10. 形成季节的主要因素不是地球公转轨道的形状,而是地球自转轴的倾斜。

    The tilt of the earth 's axis , not the shape of its orbit , is what is responsible for the seasons .

  11. 如果等效原理遭到违背,月球围绕地球公转的轨道将会出现偏斜&靠近或是远离了太阳。

    If the equivalence principle were violated , the moon 's orbit around the Earth would appear skewed , either towards or away from the sun .

  12. 这种情况每年平均发生一两次,不是每月都发生,因为月球绕地球公转的轨道稍稍有点斜。

    This happens about once or twice a year , on the average , but not each month since the Moon 's orbit around the Earth is slightly tilted .

  13. 彗星及其彗尾扫过之后,会留下一道充满细小尘埃和碎屑的痕迹,并存在很长一段时间。如果有一颗彗星经过地球公转轨道,那么我们每年都会经过这道满是尘埃和碎屑的区域。

    Long after a comet and it 's tail have passed us by , it leaves behind a thin trail of dust and debris . If a comet crosses the Earth 's orbit , we pass through this trail each year .

  14. 地球既公转又自转。

    The earth revolves both round the sun and on its own axis .

  15. 比如地球的公转周期为一年。

    It takes the Earth a year to go around the sun .

  16. 由于地球的公转运动,从地球上向各方向发射宇宙火箭必与地球之间交换能量。

    The space rocket which is launched in any direction must exchange energy with the earth because of the earth orbital revolution .

  17. 由于地球的公转,当北半球的人们在过冬天的时候,南半球的人们却正在过夏天。

    As the Earth 's revolution , when people over the Northern Hemisphere being winter , the people over the southern hemisphere summer .

  18. 第三宇宙速度ν3及获得ν3所需的火箭推进剂量与地球在公转轨道上的位置的关系

    Third cosmic speed v_3 and relation between quantity of rocket propellant needed to obtain v_3 and the earth 's position on its orbit

  19. 由于太阳和来自于太阳系之外的影响,地球的公转周期仍然是一年一次。

    Due to the influences in the solar system and from outside the solar system , the Earth will make her round trip once a year .

  20. 地球的公转运动则导致球面陆壳向北迁移、南半球的陆壳向赤道迁移,致使北半球地壳变厚,陆壳富集。

    The revolution of the earth results in northward migration of spherical continental crusts and migration of the continental crust of southern hemisphere toward the equator , and thickens the crust of northern hemisphere , richens continental crusts .

  21. 地球绕太阳公转。

    The earth revolves around the sun .

  22. 地球绕太阳公转是常识。

    It is common sense that the earth revolves around the sun .

  23. 地球围绕太阳公转的轨道是椭圆形的。

    The path of the earth around the sun is oval .

  24. 没错,时空的几何结构规定了地球围绕太阳公转的轨道。

    Exactly , the geometry of space-time tells the Earth how to move around the Sun .

  25. 这一天之所以如此特殊,原因在于地球绕太阳公转的方式。

    What makes the day so special is the way the Earth moves on its orbit around the sun .

  26. 地球绕太阳公转,为测量太阳系外的恒星距离提供了一条基线。

    The earth moving around the sun gives us a baseline for measurements of objects outside the solar system .

  27. 由于地球自转和公转的原因,太阳紫外线辐射强度呈现出以一年和一天为周期的规律性变化。

    Because of rotation and revolution of the earth , solar ultraviolet radiation intensity varies in diurnal and annual periodic .

  28. 以地球围绕太阳公转的轨道上的两点作为基线观察天体时产生的视差。

    The parallax of a celestial body using two points in the earth 's orbit around the sun as the baseline .

  29. 本文根据地球自转及公转规律论证了时空钟设计方案的科学性。

    This paper demonstrate the scientific possibility design programme on the space-time clock according to the law of the rotation and revolution of the earth .

  30. 我们把地球围绕太阳公转的轨道称为黄道,把月球围绕地球公转的轨道称为白道。

    We the Earth around the sun to the track known as the ecliptic , the moon around the Earth to the track known as the White Road .