
dì fɑnɡ zhǎnɡ ɡuān
  • Governor;commissioner
  1. 在她任地方长官期间,进行了几项改革。

    During her incumbency as commissioner , several changes were introduce .

  2. 地方长官被赋予禁止罢工、驱逐嫌疑闹事者的权力。

    The regional governor has been given powers to outlaw strikes and expel suspected troublemakers .

  3. 地方长官感到他们一直在受顾问们的愚弄。

    The governors felt that they were being strung along by their advisors .

  4. 作为“世界无家可归动物日”的一部分,许多地方长官和市长都会在ISAR的宣言上签名。

    As a part of National Homeless Animals'Day , many governors and mayors sign proclamations written by ISAR .

  5. “是时候改写‘全世界的工人联合起来’这条老标语的时候了”WalterHickel说,他是Alaska的前地方长官和总统RichardNixon的内务秘书。

    " It 's time to the rewrite the old slogan'Workers of the world unite !" 'said Walter Hickel , a former Alaska governor and interior secretary under President Richard Nixon .

  6. 他们声称,地方长官卢华莱士(lewwallace)曾向邦尼表示,如果他供称自己卷入另一场凶杀,就免于起诉他杀害警官的罪行。

    They allege that Lew Wallace , the territorial governor , offered Bonney immunity from prosecution for the murder of one lawman if he would testify about his involvement in the murder of another .

  7. 卑廖地方长官在1743年确实发动了一次进攻。

    The governor of Prome did indeed lead a in1743 raid .

  8. 他们用大量的选票重新推选他出任地方长官。

    They re-elected him governor by a large number of votes .

  9. 地方长官是各州行政机构的首脑。

    A governor heads the executive branch of every state .

  10. 在这次改革中,这位地方长官的动机纯正。

    The governor has the rectitude of his motives in policy reforming .

  11. 被邀请的人中,有地方长官、高级官员

    Among those invited were the Governor , high officials

  12. 地方长官鹊鸟略微改变了策略,走上了另一条路。

    The prefectural governor , Yoshihiro Murai , takes a somewhat different tack .

  13. 几周之后,我就要称呼你为地方长官了。

    Couple of weeks , I 'm gonna have to call you governor .

  14. 等同于地方长官的最高头衔的公务员名称。

    The high position title of public servant is equal to the governor .

  15. 地方长官视察了这座监狱;行政官视察了这个实验室。

    The governor visited the prison ; The grant administrator visited the laboratory .

  16. 地方长官和财务会掌管着全部司法权。

    The governor and Council assumed full judicial authority .

  17. 地方长官负责管理政府及执行州法令。

    The governor is in charge of running the government and implementing state laws .

  18. 地方长官发布哀悼一日的命令。

    The governor decreed a day of mourning .

  19. 人群被挡在地方长官大厦的门口不准入内。

    The crowd was turned away at the gate of the governor 's mansion .

  20. 你通知地方长官了吗?

    Did you inform the governor ?

  21. 就任地方长官的职务

    Accede to a governor ship

  22. 在圣马可广场旁边的还有两座宫殿,是为威尼斯的地方长官或检察官而建。

    Also beside St Mark 's Square are two palaces built for the magistrates or procurators of Venice .

  23. 多数地方长官都有对州立法的否决权,类似于总统的否决权。

    Most governors have veto power over state legislation , analogous to the veto power of the President .

  24. 在华盛顿,皮尔斯总统宣布任命安德鲁-瑞德为堪萨斯地方长官。

    In Washington , President Pierce announced the appointment of Andrew Reeder to be governor of the Kansas territory .

  25. 代表国王或君主统治一个国家或省的地方长官。

    Governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of his or her king or sovereign .

  26. 各州地方长官的任期不同,但通常是2或4年。

    The length of a term served by a governor varies but , is usually two or four years .

  27. 法官执行任务并行于职权。地方长官和财务会掌管着全部司法权。

    The judge exercises the duties and powers of his office . The Governor and Council assumed full judicial authority .

  28. 地方长官的权力包括,召集州立法机构的专门会议及赦免触犯州法律的罪犯。

    The governor 's authority includes calling special sessions of the state legislature and pardoning persons convicted of state crimes .

  29. 一些文化上最为保守的州,例如堪萨斯和密歇根,都拥有女性地方长官。

    Some of the most culturally conservative states in the country , such as Kansas and Michigan , have female governors .

  30. 地方长官管理本州行政机构,包括那些关于环境保护、野生物资源保护、或自然资源管理的机构。

    A state governor oversees the state administrative agencies , including those agencies relating to environmental protection , wildlife conservation , or natural resource management .