
  • 网络CIVILIZATION;Chinese Civilization;Huaxia;Sinic Civilization
  1. 唐山是华夏文明主要发祥地之一。

    Tangshan is along the major origin places the Chinese civilization .

  2. 原始礼乐文化:华夏文明形成研究的新视野

    Primitive Ceremony Culture : New View on the Forming of Chinese Civilization

  3. 非洲文明和华夏文明同样古老灿烂。

    Africa and China both have a long and proud civilization .

  4. 植根于华夏文明土壤中的奇葩&谈民族舞蹈的艺术魅力

    Miracle Roots in Chinese Culture & on the charm of folk dance

  5. 在这里呢,您处处都能发现华夏文明的痕迹。

    Here you can find traces everywhere of Chinese civilization .

  6. 华夏文明起源史研究二三思

    Some Ideas about the Study on the Origin of China 's Civilization

  7. 华夏文明优越:中国近代化进程中的羁绊

    Advantageous Civilization of Han Nationality : Fetter of Modernization Course in China

  8. 从地下考古看华夏文明的起源

    On the origin of Cathaysian Civilization from the point of underground archaeological studies

  9. 略论古丝绸之路的华夏文明传播

    Dissemination of Chinese civilization on the ancient Silk Road

  10. 三秦大地是华夏文明之根。

    Sanqin land is the root of Chinese civilization .

  11. 论中原文明在华夏文明中的核心地位

    On the Core Place of the Central Plains Civilization in the Chinese Nation Civilization

  12. 建设数字方志传承华夏文明

    Developing Digital Local Chronicles and Inheriting Chinese Civilization

  13. 碰撞与交融的华夏文明

    The Cathay Civilization In Collision And Blend

  14. 华夏文明经由这里传向西方,西方文明也经由这里传入中原。

    From here , China civilization spread western , and western civilization come to China .

  15. 围棋文化其起源于古老的华夏文明,是我国五千年历史发展所沉淀出的精华。

    The game of go is an consummates which is originates from the ancient China culture .

  16. 是的,旗袍象征着华夏文明,她委婉地道出中国所特有的文化底蕴。

    Yes , Qipao a symbol of Chinese civilization , she euphemisticallyChina 's unique cultural heritage .

  17. 它是一种表情,传递着华夏文明所独具的人文特质和优雅品格。

    It is an expression that conveys the unique cultural quality and elegance of Chinese civilization .

  18. 第四部分析了我国主要几类网站在华夏文明传播上的态度和作为。

    The fourth analyzes the attitude and achievement of several main websites on Chinese civilization communication .

  19. 它孕育了华夏文明,是华夏文明信史的开始。

    It was pregnant with Hua xia civilization and symbolized the beginning of its reliable history .

  20. 古代,日本通过学习、引进华夏文明,奠定了其文明的基础。

    In ancient times , Japan established its civilization basis through learning and introducing Chinese civilization .

  21. 悠久,是因为不仅融汇阿拉伯文明,又融汇了华夏文明。

    Long , because not only integrate Arabia civilization , but also a combination of Chinese civilization .

  22. 华夏文明与河南古代文学古代文明与地理环境之关系&古代中国、埃及及两河流域比较

    Civilization of ancient China and old literature of Henan Prov . The Ancient Civilization and Geographical Position

  23. 探究华夏文明象征之龙的起源问题,是一个极富挑战性的难题。

    To explore the origin of dragon , the symbol of Cathay civilization , is highly challenging .

  24. 几千年华夏文明也随着服饰礼制的传承得以发扬。

    Several thousand years of Chinese civilization is also officiating as the costumes carrying forward the legacy system .

  25. 中华文明亦称华夏文明,是世界上最古老的文明之一,也是世界上持续时间最长的文明。

    Also known as Chinese civilization , is one of the oldest and longest civilizations in the world .

  26. 晋城市历史悠久,文化遗产丰厚,是华夏文明的发祥地之一。

    Jincheng City has a long history , rich cultural heritage , is the birthplace of Chinese civilization .

  27. 书籍是我们学习的老师,有着悠久的发展历史,它承载着华夏文明。

    Books are of our learning teacher , with a long history , it carries with huaxia civilization .

  28. 期间,以中原文化为代表的华夏文明曾对以滇文化为代表的云南文化施以过全方位的重大影响。

    During this period , the central plains culture had been influence to yunnan ancient sports in every respect .

  29. 东南亚地区作为华夏文明和印度文明的接触地带,沟通了中国和古印度两大文明古国。

    As a contact zone of Chinese civilization and Indian civilization , Southeast Asian has communicated China and ancient India .

  30. 古文献多把黄帝、炎帝作为华夏文明开化的肇始,海内外华人也多以黄、炎二帝为祖。

    Generally speaking , the Emperor Huang and the Emperor Yan are taken as Founder of the ancient Chinese civilization .