
huá rén
  • Chinese
华人 [huá rén]
  • (1) [Chinese]

  • (2) 中国人

  • (3) 外国国籍的中国血统公民

华人[huá rén]
  1. 华人服务生们站在一起,讲着只有他们自己才懂的笑话。

    Chinese waiters stood in a cluster , sharing a private joke

  2. 在这条街上有一大片华人居住区。

    The street includes a large chunk of ethnic Chinese ghetto .

  3. 很多华人聚居在中国城。

    Many Chinese live in chinatown .

  4. 托尼是美籍华人。

    Tony is Chinese American .

  5. 文章还讨论了PRC模型在华人家族企业持续发展中的应用意义。

    The implications of the PRC model were also discussed in this paper .

  6. 作为一名出生在英国的华人,他在2011年创建了“谷歌大脑”(GoogleBrain)——谷歌的深度学习项目,并且在去年加入百度前一直领导着该项目。

    A UK native with Chinese roots , he founded in 2011 Google Brain , the US technology company 's deep learning project , and led it until he joined the Chinese company last year .

  7. 华人置业曾在上述地块推出名为斯卡拉(LaScala)的豪华住宅项目,与意大利米兰的一家歌剧院同名。

    Chinese Estates was building a luxury housing complex on the land called La Scala , named after the opera house in Milan , Italy .

  8. Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT)是由美籍华人NordenEHuang提出的一种新的数据分析方法,由经验模态分解(Empiricalmodedecomposition)及Hilbert谱分析两部分组成。

    Hilbert-Huang transform ( HHT ) is a new data analysis method proposed by Norden E Huang , which consists of two parts : Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectral Analysis .

  9. RichardOng是一位出生于马来西亚的华人,目前担任高盛亚洲投资银行业务联席主管。过去6个月,他一直在北京为高盛高华工作。

    Richard Ong , Goldman 's ethnically Chinese , Malaysian-born co-head of investment banking in Asia , has been working at the joint venture in Beijing for the past six months .

  10. 结论老年性黄斑变性(age-relatedmaculardegeneration,AMD)为本组老年华人尸体解剖眼黄斑区的主要病理改变,其次为病理性近视黄斑变性和老年性白内障术后黄斑囊样水肿。

    Conclusion The macular affections , age related macular degeneration , myopic macular degeneration and post operative cystoid macular edema are varying in number in the above mentioned order successively , in elderly Chinese at an autopsy study .

  11. 去年,华人文化产业投资基金宣布,计划与华纳兄弟和全球广告巨头WPP等企业共同创立一个“全球内容投资基金”。

    Last year , China Media Capital announced plans to create a " global content investment fund " with Warner Bros. and the global advertising giant WPP , among others .

  12. 从七十年代初期它所制作的电视剧集常年占据着香港电视剧收视率的八成左右,时至今日,TVB的剧集更在内地及海外华人中拥有数目庞大的观众群。

    Since early 1970s , the TV series which TVB manufactured has taken up a portion of 80 % in Hong Kong market . Even until now , the TVB series has a large number of Chinese audience groups both in mainland and overseas .

  13. 张晓刚现在还是生活在北京郊外一个传统村庄里一个有着高耸屋顶的工作室中,收藏他作品的人主要有前瑞士大使乌里•希克(UliSigg)、北京企业家刘兰、以及印尼华人农业大亨余德耀(BudiTek)。

    Mr. Zhang still spends his days at his soaring studio in a traditional village on the city 's outskirts . His major collectors include former Swiss ambassador Uli Sigg , Beijing entrepreneur Liu Lan and Chinese-Indonesian farming tycoon Budi Tek .

  14. 充分开发利用华侨资源促进海南经济快速发展论海外华侨华人的认同

    Fully Exploiting Overseas Chinese Resources Promoting Economic Rapid Development in Hainan

  15. 华人企业纷纷加快对华投资步伐。

    Chinese companies are accelerating the pace of investment in China .

  16. 华侨华人认同与中国&一种建构主义分析

    The Identity of Overseas Chinese and China & A Constructivist Analysis

  17. 经营中餐馆已经成为海外华人的支柱产业,被成为海外华人的诺亚方舟1。

    Running Chinese restaurant becomes a pillar industry for overseas Chinese .

  18. 海外华人华侨民族舞蹈教学现状与分析

    The Current Conditions and Analysis of Overseas Chinese Ethnic Dance Teaching

  19. 麦礼谦教授与美国华侨华人研究

    Professor Him Mark Lai and the study of Chinese American history

  20. 民营企业和华人企业的战略联盟构建

    Formation of Transnational Strategic Alliance Of Chinese Enterprises in Southeast Asia

  21. 近年来华侨华人经济问题研究的进展和思考

    Pondering Over The Research Progress of Overseas And Ethnic Chinese Economic Issues

  22. 1990-2000年美国华人参政状况研究

    Chinese Americans ' Participation in the U.S. Politics : 1990-2000

  23. 中国传统人性假设与华人管理思想探讨

    A Probe into Chinese Traditional Human Nature Hypothesis and Chinese Management Ideas

  24. 美国华人研究的新视角:文化社区理论

    New Perspective on Chinese American Studies : Cultural Community Theory

  25. 二战后东南亚华侨华人认同的变化

    Changing Identities of Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia since World War II

  26. 著名美籍华人分子生物学家吴瑞教授

    Prof. ray Wu : a prominent American Chinese molecular biologist

  27. 华人移民与我们有着血缘和文化关联。

    Chinese immigrants and we have the blood and the cultural connection .

  28. 东南亚华人财团与美国家族财团比较研究

    Comparative Studies on Southeast Asian Overseas Chinese Consortiums and American Kindred Consortiums

  29. 培养具有持续创新精神的学习型、开拓型华人企业家。

    Cultivating study oriented and pioneering entrepreneurs who possess continuous innovation spirit .

  30. 近代新加坡神庙与华侨华人社会

    Temples and Overseas Chinese Society in Singapore in Modern Times