- 网络North China;north china region;Huabei

There was a welcome fall of seasonable snow in north China .
North China 's Tianjin municipality will prohibit businesses and institutes from collecting personal bioinformation starting next year , amid heightened public concerns over the uncontrolled use of facial recognition , now employed in mobile payment , test-taking , and even public restrooms .
Variations of the b-values before several large earthquakes occurred in North China
Deformation field and tectonic stress field constrained by GPS observations in North China
Long-term variation characteristics of general geomagnetic field F in North China and its application method
On the Consistency of Large Earthquake Moment and Strain Rate Inferred from GPS Data in North China
A Brief Analysis of Relation between Block Motion and Seismicity in the North China with GPS Information
Variations of h-value and " earthquake situation window " before and after the strong earthquakes in the northern China area
Tectonic Control on the Formation and Distribution of Oil-gas Pools in the Bohai Bay Basin of North China
Using the GPS velocity field , we estimate the annual accumulations of strain rate field and strain energy density field .
In this paper , the crust and the upper mantle velocity structure beneath northern China has been studied by the use of near-by earthquake P wave information .
Establishment of the GPS Monitoring Network in North China and Relationship between the Crustal Horizontal Motion and the Stress Field and Seismicity
The q - value in the attenuation of horizontal peak value of acceleration on rock site in North China
A large area of North China shows prominent low P_n velocities beneath the Archean basement .
Reconstruction of the basement velocities and time-terms using PG waves in North China region
Resistance Monitoring of Helicoverpa armigera ( H ü bner ) to Bacillus thuringiensis Insecticidal Proteins in North China
Cn mid-term earthquake prediction method and the check of its application in North China region
Modeling aseismic fault slips and block deformation in northern China by DDA
Based on two periods of GPS remeasurement data of1995 and1996 in North China , the tectonic block movement of this area in present period is calculated and analyzed .
In northern China , evolution of the sedimentary sequences since formation of the early Proterozoic crystal basement can be divided into five stages , i.
Distribution of lewis , abo , mn , rh , P blood group systems and ABH secretion in Han nationality of North China
Based on the geological and seismic investigation results in North China , and the measurements of about 10 years GPS surveys , the mechanism of current North China geodynamics is discussed .
Based on some previous study , a large number of precursory data observed in North China ( 34 °~ 42 ° N , 108 °~ 124 ° E ) since 1980 were systematically analyzed .
A study about monitoring method of earth 's surface covering based on MODIS of North China & Take building site as an example
The production effects and action mechanism of applied EM biological-organic fertilizer to winter-wheat and summer-maize under the typical cropping systems of the Huabei area in china were analyzed .
Studies on the Population Dynamics of Aphis Glycines and Controlling Effect of Its Dominant Natural Enemies in Northern China
The above results show that the method that precursory earthquake swarms and general ones were discriminated by using the normalized entropy value K ( K ≥ 0.8 ), is not as clear as that of North China region .
We have analyzed the evolutional process of precursors , including observational data of leveling , GPS , gravity , deformation at fixed observational sites , mobile geodetic deformation and ground strain before and after the Zhangbei M_S6.1 earthquake .
In north China area , the major ecological factors affecting the efficiency of grape Photosynthesis are CO 2 and moisture contents , especially , the relative humidity has a direct bearing on the efficiency of photosynthesis .
Subtype diversity of gag and env gene segments of HIV-1 isolates from Exit-Entry people of North China , including 21 Chinese , 17 African and 1 Southeast Asian were studied .