
  • Wallace;Mike Wallace;Randall Wallace
  1. 杜瓦先生和华莱士先生发表的讲话表明他们的观点越来越接近了。

    Speeches delivered by Mr Dewar and Mr Wallace indicated their views were converging

  2. 改进型booth华莱士树的低功耗、高速并行乘法器的设计

    Low Power and High-Speed Parallel Multiplier Design Using Modified Booth Wallace Tree

  3. 这是1937年华莱士·K·哈里斯和J·安德烈·福霍克斯为1939年纽约世博会的主题中心设计的模型。

    In1937 , Wallace K.Harrison and J.Andre Fouilhoux designed this model for the Theme Center of the1939 World 's Fair in New York .

  4. 但华莱士也说,程序开发商应注意到Facebook用户数增速放缓这个现象。

    Still , Mr. Wallace said it is important for developers to take note of Facebook 's slowing user growth rate .

  5. 华莱士二人都出生于牧师家庭,最初杂志叫“littlemagazine”,“读者文摘”是副标题,他们对文章有一个明确的要求——简短易读,但要有激励人心或是让人愉悦的效果,

    The Wallaces , both children of church ministers , had a clearly defined formula for their " little magazine " as Reader 's Digest was originally subtitled . Articles were to be short , readable and uplifting .

  6. 聚焦环境和社会问题的华莱士全球基金会(WallaceGlobalFund)的埃伦多尔西(EllenDorsey)称,撤资运动已从“一些冲动的学生(搞的运动)”发展为一场全球性运动。

    Ellen Dorsey of the Wallace Global Fund , a foundation that works on environmental and social issues , said the divestment campaign had evolved from " a few scrappy students " into a global movement . "

  7. 富兰克林·D·罗斯福(FranklinD.Roosevelt)麾下的农业部长和副总统亨利·A·华莱士(HenryA.Wallace)一度食素,也是一名和平主义者。来自艾奥瓦州的华莱士认为,对于陷入贫困的美国农村,鸡是一个救星。

    Henry A. Wallace , a sometime vegetarian pacifist from Iowa who also served as Franklin D. Roosevelt 's agriculture secretary and vice president , argued that the chicken was the savior of poverty-stricken rural Americans .

  8. 这片海域吸引了19世纪伟大的博物学家阿尔弗雷德丠莱士(AlfredRusselWallace),作为华莱士线(WallaceLine)的提出者,他划出了从东洋物种到澳洲物种(Australasianspecies)过渡的分界线。

    These are the waters that drew the great 19th-century naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace , he of the Wallace Line , marking the point where Asian flora and fauna give way to Australasian species .

  9. 华莱士称,课程一开始教的是《网页设计入门》,接下去可能很快就会教《中级Scratch编程》。由于在小学和中学学习编程的机会不多,此类班级的规模在不断扩大。

    The classes , which began with Introduction to Web Design and soon may include Intermediate Scratch Programming , are growing because there aren 't many opportunities to learn coding in elementary and middle school , says Ms. Wallace .

  10. 值得宽慰的是,华莱士收到了一个开心的消息,他最近成为GrandRapidsDrive的老板之一,GrandRapidsDrive是底特律活塞队在NBA发展联盟的球队,他的事业在这里正式起飞。

    Thankfully , there 's a happy ending to this , as Wallace was recently named a part owner of the Grand Rapids Drive , the minor league affiliate basketball team of the Detroit Pistons , where his career officially took off .

  11. 在《银翼杀手2049》中,K警官和她的人工智能全息图像伴侣Joi一起生活,Joi由华莱士集团开发,被打造成完美伴侣的形象。

    In Blade Runner 2049 , Officer K ( Ryan Gosling ) lives with his AI hologram companion Joi , who was manufactured by Wallace Corp and tailored as the perfect companion .

  12. 最后,他说,他想通过扩展和整修狭小的大堂来让歌剧院更受欢迎。半个世纪前,为了节省成本,这幢建筑的设计师华莱士·K·哈里森(WallaceK.Harrison)不得不按比例缩小了大堂。

    Toward that end , he said , he wanted to make the Met more welcoming by expanding and renovating its cramped lobby - which the building 's architect , Wallace K. Harrison , was forced to scale back to save money half a century ago .

  13. 博物馆包括大英博物馆,维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆,国家美术馆,泰特美术馆的,收集的华莱士,该研究所的当代艺术,并Saachi画廊。

    Museums include the British Museum , the Victoria and Albert Museum , the National Gallery , the Tate Gallery , the Wallace Collection , the Institute of Contemporary Art , and the Saachi Gallery .

  14. 有办法把华莱士救活就好了。

    LF only there were a way to bring back wallace .

  15. 你自己说过,贵族们不会支持华莱士的。

    You said yourself * The nobles will not support wallace .

  16. 一种新的计算汉明距方法&位权值流水华莱士树算法

    New Way of Hamming Distance Accumulation-Bit Power Pipeline Wallace Tree Algorithm

  17. 在这一问题上华莱士和蒋介石各执一词。

    Chiang Kai-shek and Wallace did not agree on this issue .

  18. 华莱士先生,该书的结尾有些含糊

    Mr. Wallace , the book ends on an ambiguous note .

  19. 你曾跟这个华莱士私底下谈过话。

    You spoke with this , uh , Wallace in private .

  20. 不敢相信华莱士现在才说出来

    I can 't believe Wallace didn 't come forward earlier .

  21. 它们都指出了一个事实:华莱士是错误的。

    They all pointed to the fact that Wallace was wrong .

  22. 华莱士:那里很美,但是你更美。

    William wallace : not nearly as beautiful as you .

  23. 华莱士已经请他当竞选伙伴。

    Wallace had asked him to be his running mate .

  24. 她担任华莱士夫人的私人助理。

    She works as the personal assistant to Mrs wallace .

  25. 华莱士:他会对苏格兰人民开恩吗?

    Wallace : Will he show mercy to my country ?

  26. 尤其要感谢华莱士先生和我们共度了这么美好的一个下午。

    And a special thanks to Mr. Wallace for being with us .

  27. 我原想在退休前逮捕华莱士。

    I really wanted to catch Wallace before I retired .

  28. 华莱士通过制造我们之间的分歧来建造他的政治生涯。

    Wallace had built his political career by exploiting divisions between us .

  29. 战争所导致的心理恐慌(华莱士福利)

    The psychic upheaval caused by war ( Wallace Fowlie )

  30. 华莱士夫人我们可不可以不要这么谈论莎美卡

    ms. Wallace , Can We Please Not Talk About Shameika