
shānɡ wù yìn shū ɡuǎn
  • commercial press
  1. 阐述了出版企业信息资源规划的核心内容,并对商务印书馆IRP的案例进行了分析。

    This paper expounds the core contents of information resource planning of publishing enterprise , and analyzes the case of IRP of the Commercial Press .

  2. 本文采用理论研究和案例分析相结合的方法,应用整合营销传播理论,对商务印书馆这一著名出版社进行案例研究,探讨用IMC战略重构商务印书馆营销传播体系的必要性和可行性。

    This thesis will conduct a case study of the famous Chinese publisher-the Commercial Press and explore the necessity and feasibility of restructuring its marketing communication system with IMC ( Integrated Marketing Communication ) strategies .

  3. 本文提出的商务印书馆IMC模式吸收了全面IMC模式的基本要素,并结合商务印书馆的实际加以改造。

    The IMC mode of the CP embraces the basic elements of a comprehensive IMC mode .

  4. 论商务印书馆早期成功之道

    On the Methods of Success of the Commercial Press 's Earlier Period

  5. 他在商务印书馆出版了许多作品。

    He has published many works through ( with ) the Commercial Press .

  6. 《后现代的状况&对文化变迁之缘起的探究》,上海:商务印书馆。

    The condition of postmodernity : An enquiry into the origins of cultural change .

  7. 考察台湾商务印书馆的缘起及早期运作的历史。

    First investigated is the origin and the early operation history of the press .

  8. 1920&1921年商务印书馆的改革

    The Reform of the Commercial Press in 1920-1921

  9. 迷茫中的积极探索&前期《小说月报》改革与商务印书馆

    Active Explore in Perplexed Circumstance & Prophase Short Story Magazine 's Innovation and Commercial Press

  10. 此书1932年由商务印书馆出版,1954年中华书局又重印。

    This book published in1932 by the Commercial Press , Zhonghua Book and reprinted in1954 .

  11. 在这个意义上讲,商务印书馆是当之无愧的新文化运动传播中心。

    So CP was worthy of being called the Spread Center in New Culture Moveme .

  12. 商务印书馆和中华书局是中国近代最大的两家出版企业。

    The Commercial Press and Zhonghua Book Company were two largest publishing houses in modern China .

  13. 商务印书馆与中华书局的竞争与合作(1912-1949)

    The Competition and the Cooperation between the Commercial Press and Zhonghua Book Company ( 1912-1949 )

  14. 本文将商务印书馆文献传播的渠道分为市场渠道和非市场渠道。

    Circulation channels of the CP are divided into market channels and non-market channels in this dissertation .

  15. 你看过商务印书馆出版的<一九九三年香港大趋势图录>吗?

    Have you ever read Hong Kong in focus , 1993 . a pictorial by the commerial press ?

  16. 经过异常艰巨的劳动,他们最近在商务印书馆出版了那部大部头词典。

    After their labours of Hercules , they have recently published the voluminous dictionary with the Commercial Press .

  17. 实践证明,商务印书馆与中华书局在处理双方的关系上是成功的。

    The practice proved that The Commercial Press and Zhonghua Book Company were successful in dealing with the relationship .

  18. 1904年3月11日在上海创刊,商务印书馆编辑出版。

    March 11 , 1904 published in Shanghai , Commercial Press for publication . The beginning of the monthly .

  19. 近现代上海出版业竞争激烈,尤以中华书局和商务印书馆这两家最大的出版企业为盛。

    Shanghai publication competed intensely in modern times , especially competition between Zhong Hua Book Corporation and the Commercial Press .

  20. 2005年,商务印书馆出版了这部字典的增订版第4版。本文介绍了这一版的修订情况。

    In 2005 , the forth edition of it is published by the Commercial Press , which is introduced in this article .

  21. 商务印书馆作为近代最负盛名的民营书局,其出版的《最新教科书》使教科书之形式方备。

    As the most famous private book company in modern times , Commercial Press 's Newest Textbooks completed the textbook 's form .

  22. 作为中国近代出版界的两大巨头,商务印书馆与中华书局如何处理它们二者的关系就显得至关重要。

    As the two giants of the publishing circles in modern China , how to deal with their relationship was very important .

  23. 商务印书馆2003年编纂的《新华新词语词典》记录了20世纪90年代以来出现的新词语。

    The Xinhua Dictionary of Chinese Neologisms compiled by the Commercial Press in 2003 has recorded those that have emerged since the 1990s .

  24. 中国企业的集团化,载于《中国大趋势》,香港商务印书馆,1997年。

    Conglomeration of China 's Enterprises , in Megatrend in China ,( in Chinese ), Hong Kong : The Commercial Press , 1997 .

  25. 对策论与竞争战略,载于《经济学新论》,香港商务印书馆,1993年。

    Game Theory and Competitive Strategy , in New Developments in Economics ,( in Chinese ), Hong Kong : The Commercial Press , 1993 .

  26. 商务印书馆在对其出版的图书的宣传推广过程中,总结出不少后人至今仍然值得借鉴的经验。

    When the Commercial Press in the process of promote its published books , it summarize a lot of experience that still worth learning today .

  27. 也谈网页著作权保护形式&兼与李真、黄瑞华商榷商务印书馆与中华书局的竞争与合作(1912-1949)

    Discussion on the Protection of the Copyright of Webpages ; The Competition and the Cooperation between the Commercial Press and Zhonghua Book Company ( 1912-1949 )

  28. 其中,他与商务印书馆那段恢弘的出版历史,让我们看到了一个颇具经营策略的出版家。

    Among these work , we can see a considerable publisher with experienced business strategy according to the grand history about him and the Commercial Press .

  29. 商务印书馆出版的《古汉语常用字字典》(修订版)是一部曾获中国辞书奖一等奖而流布极广的字典,但其中却有不少失误。

    A Dictionary of Common-used Ancient Chinese Words ( Revised Edition ) is a widespread dictionary , but there are a lot of faults in it .

  30. 合作是促进企业发展的另一方式,商务印书馆与中华书局在发展过程中逐渐认识到这一点。

    The cooperation can promote enterprise development in another way . The Commercial Press and Zhonghua Book Company realized gradually the point in their developing process .