
  • 网络shangqiu;Shangqiu city
  1. 通过对2002年6月22~23日商丘市大到暴雨过程的高度场、总温度和e-t等物理量的分析发现:此次降水过程是由西北向东南方向移动的,并且强度在逐渐减弱;

    The article analyzes the rainstorm in Shangqiu city on June 22-23 , 2002 and some physical quantities including wind field , altitude field , ground total moisture content and e-t. It is shown that the precipitation process was in the NW to SE direction and the intension weakened gradually .

  2. 商丘市农产品加工业存在的问题与对策

    Problems & Countermeasures of Farm Products Processing Industry in Shangqiu City

  3. 基于GIS的土地利用空间格局分析&以河南省商丘市为例

    Spatial Pattern of Land Utilization Based on GIS

  4. 商丘市艾滋病VCT门诊HIV检测结果分析

    The analysis of HIV test in Shangqiu AIDS VCT in consulters

  5. 商丘市、济源市腹泻患者、家禽、家畜粪便中E.ColiO157:H7的鉴定

    Study on E.coli O157 : H7 strains isolated from feces of patients with diarrhea , domestic animals and poultry in Shangqiu and Jiyuan Cities

  6. 使用Mann-Kendall法进行突变检测表明,商丘市年日照时数和各季节日照时数在1982年存在突变现象。

    By the abrupt change detecting with Mann-Kendall , the results showed that , the yearly and seasonal sunshine hours abruptly change in 1982 .

  7. 目的:了解2005年商丘市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病自愿咨询检测(HIVvoluntarycounseling&testing,VCT)门诊求询者HIV感染状况,为本市艾滋病的预防控制提供依据。

    Objective : To study the HIV infection status of the consulters in the HIV Voluntary Counseling & testing ( VCT ) clinic of Shangqiu center for disease control and prevention in order to provide the reference for HIV / AIDS prevention and control in Shangqiu city .

  8. 农民素质现状的研究&以商丘市为例

    Farmer Quality Current Situation of Research & For Example in Shangqiu

  9. 商丘市农村武术发展现状及对策研究

    Research on the Development and Countermeasures of Countryside Wushu in Shangqiu

  10. 方法收集商丘市2003~2005年疟疾疫情数据并进行统计分析。

    Methods Data concerning malaria prevalence and infection were collected and analyzed .

  11. 商丘市基督教与天主教发展状况浅析

    A Brief Analysis on Development of Christianity and Catholicism in Shangqiu City

  12. 2009年6月3日商丘市强飑线过程分析

    Analysis of a Strong Squall Line Process in Shangqiu on June 3,2009

  13. 商丘市1080例手足口病流行特征分析

    Epidemiological analysis of 1080 patients with hand-foot-mouth disease in Shangqiu

  14. 商丘市极端天气气候事件变化趋势

    Extreme Climate Events in Shangqiu over Last 44 Years

  15. 商丘市放射工作人员微核检测分析

    Analysis of micronucleus of radioactivity workers in Shangqiu City

  16. 基于主成分分析的商丘市城市竞争力评价与提升政策

    Urban competitiveness evaluation and promotion strategies of Shangqiu city based principal component analysis

  17. 商丘市女性休闲体育活动现状调查与分析

    Investigation on Current Condition of Women Participating in Leisure Sport Activity in Shangqiu City

  18. 河南商丘市2000~2005年疟疾流行病学分析

    Epidemiological survey of malaria in Shangqiu City , Henan Province in 2000 ~ 2005

  19. 商丘市城镇体育人口现状调查及对策研究

    Research and analysis on the development status of the town sport population in Shangqiu

  20. 商丘市高中文言文教学状况调查与对策报告

    The Report of Investigation and Countermeasures on Classical Chinese Teaching Situation of High School in Shangqiu City

  21. 商丘市防护林害虫防治策略的回顾与探讨

    Review and Discussion about the Strategies of the Prevention and Elimination of Pests in Shangqiu Protection Forest

  22. 这表明了党和政府大力发展个体私营经济的坚定信心,也迎来了商丘市个体私营经济发展史上的又一个春天,出现了一个从未有过的良好机遇。

    It fortified our Party and government 's confidence to develop individual and private economy with major efforts .

  23. 黄河故道生态旅游资源的开发利用&以商丘市为例

    Exploiting and Utilizing Wetland Eco-tourism Resources of Yellow River 's Old Course ── Taking Shangqiu City as An Example

  24. 商丘市黄河故道森林公园蚂蚁生态调查及分析

    Ecological Survey and Analysis of Ants in the Old alleys of the Yellow River Forest Park in Shangqiu City

  25. 商丘市在2006年成为全国优秀旅游城市,商丘市旅游业的发展应该定位为商贸旅游。

    Shangqiu became an national tourist city in 2006 . Shangqiu 's tourism should be defined as business tourism .

  26. 基督教与天主教在商丘市的存在与发展,有其深刻的根源和社会心理因素。

    The existence and development of Christanity and Catholicism in Shangqiu has its deep historical origin and social psychological factors .

  27. 这条线路连接了河南省商丘市、安徽省省会合肥以及浙江省省会杭州。

    The route links the city of Shangqiu in Henan province with Hefei and Hangzhou , the provincial capitals of Anhui and Zhejiang .

  28. 目的分析商丘市2000~2005年的疟疾疫情,为当地疟疾防治提供依据。

    Objective To understand and analyze malaria situation in Shangqiu City during 2000 ~ 2005 and provide evidence for malaria control and prevention .

  29. 对河南省商丘市具有代表性的学校采用不同的教学方法和形式,对学生进行终身体育教育的实验。

    In different teaching methods and forms , lifelong physical education experiments have been made on students in the representative schools in Shangqiu City Henan Province .

  30. 研究了河南省商丘市2年生泡桐一个生长季节的养分变化情况及不同冠层养分状况。

    The Nutrients changes and the nutrient levels in different canopy layers of2-year-old Paulownia fortunei Yulinensis in a growing season were studied under the natural condition .