
  • 网络tangshan;Tangshan City
  1. 基于GIS的唐山市综合防灾与生态规划

    Synthetic Disaster Resistance and Ecosystem Planning of Tangshan City on the Basis of GIS

  2. BP神经网络法预测唐山市需水量

    Prediction of urban water demand in Tangshan City with BP neutral network method

  3. 结果唐山市分离的5株流行性腮腺炎病毒均为F亚型。

    Results All of the five mumps virus strains were F subtype in the city .

  4. 唐山市空气中SO2与TSP污染状况分析

    Analysis of so_2 and TSP pollution in the air of Tangshan City

  5. 基于RS与GIS唐山市城镇扩展对耕地产能影响的定量评估

    Quantitative assessment of urban expansion impact on comprehensive productivity of cultivated land in Tangshan city based on RS and GIS

  6. 基于RS与GIS的城市化进程中唐山市土地利用动态变化研究

    Study on Dynamic Change in Land Utilizaton in the Process Urbanization in Tangshan Based on Remote Sensing and GIS Techique

  7. 基于GIS的OWA在唐山市地下管道评价中的应用

    Application of OWA based on GIS on evaluation of underground pipe line in Tangshan city

  8. 3S技术在河北省唐山市地面形变监测和城市扩展中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Surface Deformation Monitoring and Urban Expansion Based on 3S Technology in Tangshan City , Hebei Province

  9. 本文根据唐山市1984年五个功能区十个监测点的监测结果,探讨了近地面总悬浮颗粒(TSP)的污染与气象条件的关系。

    The relation between total suspended particulate ( TSP ) pollution with some meteorological conditions is studied at ten sites inTangsnan city in1984 .

  10. 采用BI和OWA多准则评价方法,从防灾的角度建立了唐山市不同目标建设用地适宜度评价模型。

    BI and OWA are used for the different targets of construction land suitability evaluation of Tangshan for disaster prevention .

  11. 根据唐山市大气环境污染特点,对主要污染指标SO2、NOx、TSP进行了污染状况分析。

    According to air pollution characters in Tangshan , the pollution situation of the main pollution indicators SO 2 ? NO x ? TSP is analyzed .

  12. 利用microsoftexcel,对唐山市空气质量连续监测系统的一个点位全年数据进行日变化规律的统计分析。

    Taking Tangshan as an example and making use of Microsoft Excel , the paper introduces how to make data statistic and analysis of the law of daily change at a whole year 's time points in the continuous monitoring system of air quality .

  13. DRE-PCR分型方法在唐山市结核分枝杆菌研究中的应用

    Application of the double repetitive element - PCR ( DRE-PCR ) based DNA fingerprinting analysis to the genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

  14. 应用CES-D量表对唐山市城区428名15~60岁的肢体残疾人进行了调查。

    A Survey of 428 extremity disabled persons aged from 15 to 60 years in urban districts of Tangshan was carried out by using the Center of Epidemiological Suryey-Depression Scale ( CES-D ) in order to explore the prevalence of depressive symptoms .

  15. 唐山市综合防灾的研究

    A Research on Integrate Natural Disasters Prevention System for Tangshan City

  16. 水泥搅拌桩干喷技术在唐山市西外环高速公路中的应用

    On the Application of Cement Mixing Stake Technique in Tangshan Expressway

  17. 唐山市铁矿资源的最适耗竭研究

    Research on Optimal Exhaustion of Iron Ore Resources in Tangshan City

  18. 唐山市岩溶塌陷区域风险评价

    Regional risk assessment on karst collapse in Tangshan city , China

  19. 唐山市国有资本运营体系构建

    The construction of operating system of state-owned capital in Tangshan city

  20. 唐山市高职院校足球运动开展状况的调查和分析

    Investigation and Study on Development of Football in Higher Vocational Colleges

  21. 唐山市劳动就业服务体系建设的探讨

    An Inquiry into the Construction of Employment Service System in Tangshan

  22. 唐山市与珠江三角洲诸城市生态水平比较及调控

    Comparison of Ecology level in Tangshan and Cities of Zhujiang Delta

  23. 唐山市电影院建筑通用设计

    The common architecture design of cinemas for the city of Tangshan

  24. 现状条件下唐山市地表水资源量探讨

    A Discussion of Surface Water Resources in Tangshan at Present Conditions

  25. 唐山市产业结构优化问题的研究

    Study on The Problem of Industrial Structure Excellent of Tangshan city

  26. 唐山市社区妇女更年期综合征影响因素分析

    Influencing factors of menopausal syndrome among women in communities of Tangshan

  27. 唐山市在城市转型中如何发展旅游业

    How Tangshan City to Develop the Tourism in the Urban Transformation

  28. 唐山市采煤塌陷区景观生态重建研究

    Research on Ecological Landscape Rehabilitation in Mining Subsidence Area in Tangshan

  29. 唐山市环境污染现状及治理对策

    The actuality of environmental pollution and Control Countermeasures in Tangshan City

  30. 加入世贸组织对唐山市主要工业行业的影响

    Influences of Entering WTO on the Main Industries in Tangshan