
  • 网络Don Juan;Don Giovanni;Don Jon;Don Juan DeMarco;DonJuan
  1. 一些文艺复光时期的弥撒的选节被不适当地加入到了格鲁克平淡无味的唐璜音乐中

    Some excerpts from a Renaissance mass are spatchcocked into Gluck 's pallid Don Juan music .

  2. 说不定他就是你的唐璜?

    Maybe he 's your Don Juan ?

  3. 这位29岁的《唐璜》女演员大约是在2002年的时候参加了SAT考试,当年的平均分是1020分,1080分刚过平均线。

    The 29-year-old Don Jon actress would have taken the SATs around 2002 , at which time the average score was 1020 , making 1,080 slightly above average .

  4. 三个月后,她包下一家影院,选择性地邀请了一些同事,观看长达三小时的影片《唐璜》(dongiovanni)。

    Three months later , she hired a cinema and subjected chosen colleagues to a three-hour film of Don Giovanni .

  5. 从小在舞台上长大的囧瑟夫本月即将携导演处女作《唐璜之瘾》(DonJon'sAddiction)赴圣丹斯电影节。

    The former child star is set to premiere his directorial debut , " Don Jon 's Addiction , " a film he wrote and stars in with Scarlett Johansson , at this month 's Sundance Film Festival .

  6. 情圣唐璜的故事不是非常地浪漫吗?

    Isn 't the story of Don Juan pretty romantic ?

  7. 大卫:哎,我又不是(情圣)唐璜。

    David : Well , I 'm no Don Juan .

  8. 突然间你就变成了唐璜。

    And suddenly you 're Don Juan de poconos .

  9. 唐璜勾引了许多年轻女子。

    Don Juan seduced many young girls .

  10. 唐璜传说在17世纪的意大利

    Don Juan in Italy of 17th Century

  11. 他创作了诗剧《曼弗雷德》,《唐璜》的前两章。

    He produced the verse drama Manfred , the first two cantos of Don Juan .

  12. 他是个真正的唐璜。

    He 's a real don juan .

  13. 天才的作家,伟大的革命家&以《唐璜》《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》游记释拜伦

    A Genius writer a Great Revolutionary

  14. 这类男性都很活跃、自信,属于唐璜类情人。

    This man is active and self-confident ; a " Don Juan " - type seducer .

  15. 柔丝:听重金属的男生绝对不是唐璜。

    Rose : A guy that listens to heavy metal could never be a Don Juan .

  16. 西班牙传奇中的唐璜是有史以来最著名的薄情人。

    The legendary Don Juan of Spain is the most famous lady killer of recorded history .

  17. “爱她们随后抛弃她们”是风流浪荡子唐璜的座右铭。

    " Love them and leave them " was the motto of the amorous don juan .

  18. 德普扮演的角色是情圣唐璜&或者,额,觉得是情圣的唐璜。

    Depp plays DonJuan , the legendary lover – or at least someone who thinks he is .

  19. 《唐璜》的主题是对英国和欧洲贵族社会、贵族政治的讽刺。

    It was intented to satirize aristocratic society and politics in Britain as well as in Europe .

  20. 《唐璜》在悖论中对人性的全面解放胆管内预留导丝法在治疗性内镜逆行胰胆管造影术中的应用

    Manifesto about Human Nature Release in Paradox-Don Juan ; Effect of intraductal guide-wire reservation during therapeutic ERCP

  21. 罗尔向经理建议设下一个圈套来活逮魅影,用《唐璜的胜利》的演出,以克莉斯汀为诱饵来抓住魅影。

    Raoul and the theatre managers devise a plan to trap the Phantom , using Christine as bait .

  22. 唐璜传说是西方文学中一个永恒的母题,400年来一直被常写不衰。

    The Don Juan legend is an eternal theme in European literature and has been used continually for about 400 years .

  23. 作为一部讽刺史诗,《唐璜》被公认为是拜伦的人生经验和艺术修养已臻成熟之境的杰作。

    As an epic satire , Don Juan is regarded as Byron 's masterpiece representing his life experience and artistic skills .

  24. 这部长诗通过贵族青年唐璜的种种经历,激烈抨击了当时的英国社会。

    This long poem encompasses a brilliant satire on contemporary English society through the experiences of a young noble , Don Juan .

  25. 拜伦在唐璜身上开发出勇敢,慷慨,诚恳直白等优点。

    Byron invests in Juan the moral positives like courage , generosity and frankness , are virtues neglected by the modern society .

  26. 在一两篇你们论文里,你们说唐璜是,一个永远在追求爱的人。

    In one or two of the papers you speak of Don Juan as somebody who is always in the pursuit of love .

  27. 叶甫盖尼特别喜爱《唐璜》和其他愤世嫉俗的作品。他的评注大量暴露了他的自私和幻想的破灭。

    Eugene had been especially fond of Don Juan and other cynical works , and his notes revealed much about his selfishness and disillusionment .

  28. 著名作家卡萨诺瓦,有很多情事,因此他的名字,成为一个唐璜性格类型的代名词。

    Casanova the famous writer who had lots of love affairs , so his name has become synonymous with a Don Juan type of character .

  29. 如果你想看演唱时的她,请上我们的网站,你能在那里免费观看全本《唐璜》。

    If you want to see her in action , go to our website where you can watch Don Giovanni in its entirety for free .

  30. 诗人的创作意旨在于通过唐璜的游历来体现不同的社会情形。

    The poet 's true intention is , by making use of juan 's adventures , to present a panoramic view of different types of society .