
dì dòng
  • burrow;a hole in the ground;dugout;burrom
地洞 [dì dòng]
  • [dugout;burrom] 在山坡上挖掘的或在覆盖着草皮的地下挖掘的避难所或简单的住处

地洞[dì dòng]
  1. 蚯蚓的焦渴得到了缓解,慢慢地爬动到一旁,钻进一个地洞不见了。

    Its thirst assuaged , the Worm slithered aside , and vanished into a hole in the ground .

  2. 那一刻,作为一名中国人,我真想找个地洞钻进去,她说道,我根本没什么兴致去欣赏美景了。

    At that moment , as a Chinese I wished I could find a hole in the ground and hide , she recounted . I was in no mood to appreciate the view .

  3. 一些独居蜂会把巢筑在田间的地洞里。

    Some solitary bees make their nests in burrows in the soil .

  4. 月圆之夜,这种夜间活动的啮齿类动物会小心地呆在地洞里不出来。

    When there is a full moon , this nocturnal rodent is careful to stay in its burrow .

  5. 兔子躲在地洞中。

    The rabbits hid in the burrows .

  6. 在天然的山洞或者人挖出来的地洞里酒窖里的凉爽对于葡萄酒的保存来说是极好的他们同样也做Denise很喜欢的芝士哦!

    these bodegas are underground - in naturally occurring caves or they dig down That is very good for wine to keep it cool They also make cheeses which Denise loved !

  7. 白酒地洞贮存与传统贮存老熟工艺的差异

    Difference between Liquor Storage in Cave and Traditional Liquor Storage Techniques

  8. 到处都是岩石下地洞里

    Everywhere . Under rocks . In holes in the ground .

  9. 它们在地里打很深的地洞,毁坏草坪。

    They dig deep tunnels in the ground , ruining lawns .

  10. 你什么时候把他们锁在地洞里的?

    What time did you iock them in the hoie ?

  11. 他们知道,他们和躲在地洞里的那些人没有区别。

    They were the same as those people crouched in a hole .

  12. 我们在地洞里住得太久了。

    We have lived too long in the telluric cavern .

  13. 但这地洞已被它的挖掘者占据了。

    But this hole is already occupied by its digger and owner .

  14. 埃琳娜和斯隆得找到一个安全的地洞。

    Elena and Sloane need to hole up somewhere safe .

  15. 贝里克挖开了警卫室的那个地洞。

    Bellick dug the hole in the guard room .

  16. “小兔子绕过树钻进地洞里”

    " The Bunny goes around the tree and into the burrow . "

  17. 从内部看,那个地洞显得更大。

    Seen from within , the cave looked larger .

  18. 它们总是选择安全且潮湿的地洞来完成脱壳。

    Moulting usually takes place in the protected moist environment of their burrows .

  19. 有地洞就死不了,快挖吧!

    Lilly : Not if you have an underground bunker . Start digging !

  20. 敌人一定是用生化战场激活码他来挖地洞。

    The enemy must 've been using it to dig their tu els .

  21. 一头雄从地洞里钻出来,嗅嗅周围的空气。

    A male badger came out of its den and snuffed the air .

  22. 一只老鼹鼠回到它的地洞里。

    An ancient mole returning to its burrow .

  23. 小松鼠将干果贮藏在地洞里。

    The squirrel stores nuts in its burrow .

  24. 当薄暮涌入山区,一只穿山甲从地洞钻了出来。

    As dusk descends on the mountains , a pangolin emerges from its burrow .

  25. 当这个发生的时候,我的朋友就不得不钻进地洞。

    When this happened , my friend would have to go in the hole .

  26. 鼹鼠在我们车库底下挖地洞。

    Moles bore their way under our garage .

  27. 这位洞穴学家之死是由于地洞的塌陷。

    The death of the speleologist is due to the infall of the cave .

  28. 我当时恨不得钻到地洞去,背上行囊,转身就走了。

    I could grow to drilling holes , heavy luggage , and turned left .

  29. 人们观察到蜘蛛和青蛙共享着由蜘蛛挖掘的地洞。

    The spider and frog have been observed sharing burrows created by the spider .

  30. 地松鼠通常住在地洞里。

    Ground squirrels usually live in burrows .