
  • 网络EXPRESSIONISM;expressionist;expressionistic;ism
  1. 系统地介绍了E.卡拉特拉瓦与理性的表现主义

    The principle of E. Calatrava and rationalized expressionism

  2. 在上世纪80年代末苏联现实主义还占主导地位的时期,他们开始尝试现代主义、表现主义和波普(Pop)风格的绘画。

    Beginning in the late 1980s , they experimented with modernism , expressionism and Pop at a time when Soviet Realism still held sway .

  3. 我的雕刻风格是表现主义。

    When I sculpt , my style is expressionistic .

  4. 结果证明,他也很欣赏霍伊兰,后者曾受抽象表现主义画家影响。赫斯特是在上学期间参观利兹美术馆(LeedsArtGallery)时注意到霍伊兰的作品的。

    As it turns out , he is also an admirer of Hoyland , who was influenced by the Abstract Expressionists , and whom he discovered when visiting Leeds Art Gallery as a schoolboy .

  5. 它赞助过椅子制作比赛,将一块空地变成活动板房的陈列场,还展出过回形针,仿佛它们是罗斯科(Rothko,抽象表现主义艺术家&译注)的作品似的。

    It has sponsored chair-making competitions , turned a vacant lot into a showcase of prefabricated housing and exhibited paper clips as if they were Rothkos .

  6. 苏富比(Sotheby’s)表现主义和现代艺术副主管西蒙•肖(SimonShaw)表示,梵高的早逝意味着他的作品“极度稀缺”。苏富比将负责这件作品的拍卖,预计将拍出3000万至5000万美元的价格。

    Simon Shaw , co-head of impressionist and modern art at Sotheby 's , which is auctioning the work with an estimate of $ 30m - $ 50m , said Van Gogh 's early death meant his works were in " radically diminished supply . "

  7. 蒙克没有运用光影来描绘他周围的世界,而是通过各种实验将自己痛苦的情绪呈现为视觉。这种转变在某种程度上为席勒(EgonSchiele)等表现主义派以及后来的罗斯科(MarkRothko)等抽象表现主义派奠定了基础。

    Instead of playing with light and shadow to capture the world around him , Munch experimented with ways to visualize his own tormented emotions -- a shift that helped pave the way for the Expressionists like Egon Schiele along with later Abstract Expressionists like Mark Rothko .

  8. 论《故事新编》的表现主义特征

    An Analysis of the Expressionistic Characteristics of " New Stories "

  9. 本文主要讨论德国新表现主义的文化身份问题。

    This article discusses the cultural identity of German New Expressionism .

  10. 作为现代音乐的第一个流派是表现主义音乐。

    As the first modern music genres of music is showed .

  11. 今晚布莱恩教授有一个关于表现主义的讲座。

    Professor Bryer will be giving a lecture on expressionism tonight .

  12. 我的作品从来不是对于抽象表现主义的反动。

    My work has never been a reaction against Abstract expressionism .

  13. 表现主义绘画是现代艺术史上的重要一页。

    Expressionism painting is an important chapter in modern art history .

  14. 但是不是很多表现主义画家都这样做嘛?

    But didn 't a lot of expressionist painters do that ?

  15. 德国表现主义文学的最大成就体现在戏剧方面。

    The greatest contribution of German Literature of Expressionism is its drama .

  16. 他憎恶表现主义和现代派艺术,提倡现实主义。

    Luld cs loathes expressionism and modernist art , but advocates realism .

  17. 各个方面的因素相互融合最终形成了表现主义。

    Mutual integration of all aspects of Expressionism eventually formed .

  18. 第一个表现主义团体于1905年在德累斯顿成立。

    The first Expressionist group gathered at Dresden in 1905 .

  19. 中国当代女性油画家表现主义风格成因及面貌

    The Performance Style and Expression of Chinese Contemporary Female Painters

  20. 抽象表现主义对中国现代陶艺的影响

    The Influence of the Abstract Expressionism to the Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art

  21. 迷狂的身体&论德国表现主义舞蹈的文化根源

    Ecstatic Body & On Cultural Origin of German Expressive Dance

  22. 论尤金·奥尼尔塑造女性形象的表现主义手法

    Eugene O'Neill 's Expressionist Approach in Portraying the Female Image

  23. 此外,《玻璃动物园》也是表现主义的经典作品。

    The Glass Menagerie is also a typical magnum opus of expressionism .

  24. 第一部分简介表现主义的起源和主要理论。

    The first one introduces the origin and main theory of expressionism .

  25. 《第三交响曲》带有新浪漫主义与后表现主义结合的风格特征。

    The third symphony has the style character of Neo-romanticism and Post-expressionism .

  26. 论表现主义艺术与表现主义美学之间的关系

    On Relationship Between Art of Expressionism and Aesthetics of Expressionism

  27. 论前期创造社小说的表现主义风格

    On the Expressionistic Styles of Early Days Creation Society Novels

  28. 精神价值的回归&表现主义的发展及其意义

    Returning of Spiritual Value & Development and Significance of Expressionism

  29. 以表现主义方式存在&信息时代的新表现主义建筑

    Existing in expressionism : Neo-Expressionism architecture in the information era

  30. 表现主义绘画作品重在崇尚自我感受,揭示事物的本质。

    Expressionist paintings lies advocating self-feelings , reveal the essence of things .