
  • 【电影】The Magic Flute
  1. 你能用你的魔笛提高温度吗?

    Can 't you use your flute to heat things up ?

  2. 都是因为我不知道怎么吹魔笛了!

    Because I don 't know how to play the flute !

  3. 他还想干什么?魔法师已经得到了魔笛!

    What 's he up to ? The sorcerer 's got the flute !

  4. 以防我的魔笛把我逼疯!

    B : In case I am driven crazy by your magic flute .

  5. 浅析莫扎特歌剧《魔笛》的艺术魅力

    The Artistic Charm in Mozart 's Opera Magic Flute

  6. 她知道歌剧《魔笛》中的每一首咏叹调。

    She knows every aria in'the magic flute ' .

  7. 莫扎特歌剧《魔笛》的体裁特点和演唱风格

    The Characterization Genre and Singing Style of Mozart 's Opera : Die Zaubrfl (?) te

  8. 现在不能把魔笛拿出来。我怕把它掉到水里。

    I can 't take the flute out . I 'm afraid I 'll lose it .

  9. 我没办法帮你们!我把魔笛的魔力给了那个魔法师!

    I can 't help you ! I gave away the power of the flute to the sorcerer !

  10. 当德国哈默尔恩的人们遇上鼠疫的难题,他们请来了一个花衣魔笛手。

    When the people of Hamelin , Germany had a problem with rats , they called the Pied Piper .

  11. 在德国,我们去了哈默尔恩村&花衣魔笛手那个童话的起源地;

    In Germany , we went to the village of Hamelin , where the tale of the Pied Piper takes place .

  12. 借助其魔笛的迷人乐声,他把老鼠引出城,引进水里淹死。

    With his bewitching pipe and enchanting music , he lured the rats away from the city and into a watery grave .

  13. 塔米诺作为莫扎特歌剧《魔笛》中的男主人公,在剧中有着重要的地位和作用。

    Tamino as Mozart opera " The Magic Flute " in the male protagonist in a play has an important status and role .

  14. 喔,太棒了。你马上就要把魔笛交出来,但听你的意思好象是我要投降了。

    Oh , that 's rich . you 're about to turn over the flute , and you act as if I 'm surrendering .

  15. 第四章为歌剧《魔笛》中花腔女高音经典唱段的分析,同样从人物角色、音乐结构及演唱技巧等方面对两首歌剧中的花腔女高音经典唱段进行分析。

    Second , three aspects of the two classical coloratura soprano arias in the Operas , i.e. the characters , musical structure and of singing skills will be analyzed .

  16. 比如,当我在德国看到那个按推测应该是魔笛手引孩子出走的地方,它看上去和我之前想象的并非完全一致。

    When I saw , for example , the spot in Germany where the Pied Piper supposedly led the children away , it didn 't look exactly the same as I had imagined .

  17. 但当哈默尔恩的人们拒绝兑现承诺向魔笛手支付报酬时,魔笛手转而向他们的孩子们奏起迷乐,引孩子们出走,不再出现。

    But when the people of Hamelin refused to pay the Pied Piper what they had promised , he turned his entrancing music on their children , leading them away to never be seen again .

  18. 花衣魔笛手的故事提醒我们,每个父母都得面对放手让孩子高飞的情况,而每个孩子都得品尝到离家独立的滋味。

    The story of the Pied Piper reminds us that every parent has to deal with letting go of their children and every former child has to cope with feelings about what it means to leave home .