
xiǎo yè qǔ
  • serenade
小夜曲 [xiǎo yè qǔ]
  • (1) [serenade]

  • (2) 主要指夜晚在户外向女人表示爱慕之情所唱或演奏的乐曲

  • (3) 适合作小夜曲的乐曲

  • (4) 西洋音乐中的一种小型乐曲,多以爱情为主题

小夜曲[xiǎo yè qǔ]
  1. 为(某人)唱或奏小夜曲。

    Sing or play a serenade to ( sb )

  2. 这支小夜曲我听多少遍也不觉得厌烦。

    I never tire of listening to this serenade .

  3. 幕间休息时,一位身着白衣的金发男孩用长笛为来宾演奏了一支小夜曲。

    In the interval a blond boy dressed in white serenaded the company on the flute

  4. 那天恰逢我的生日,吃完早餐后全体工作人员为我唱了一首小夜曲。

    It happened to be my birthday , and after breakfast I was serenaded by the crew .

  5. 一名当红雷盖乐歌手对着一个年轻的歌迷唱了一首小夜曲,这让她感到了前所未有的激动与兴奋。

    A top reggae singer gave a young fan the thrill of her life when he serenaded her .

  6. 我起身在用力装CD的鞋盒里翻找着,直到我找到一张肖邦的小夜曲合辑。

    I got up and rifled through my shoebox of CDsuntil I found a collection of Chopin 's nocturnes .

  7. 1936年,歌剧《纷纷扰扰为谁忙》在莫斯科的Vakhtangov剧院上演,他为这个歌剧写了一系列的歌曲和小夜曲,正是这些乐曲使他一下子广为人知。

    The music that made him most popular was the set of songs and serenades he wrote for the1936 production of " Much Ado About Nothing " at the Vakhtangov theatre in Moscow .

  8. 对自己的女友唱小夜曲是违法的。

    It is against the law to serenade your girlfriend .

  9. 小夜曲唱走调,那雄鲸老兄你今夜就得独自徘徊了。

    Serenade out of tune & you might be swimming solo tonight .

  10. 你的病人就是听巴奇奏小夜曲的那个人吗

    Your patient . Is that who Budge was serenading ?

  11. 这位作曲家已将肖邦的小夜曲改编为合奏曲。

    The composer has arranged Chopin 's nocturnes for the full orchestra .

  12. 然后由所有的已婚妇女为新娘唱小夜曲。

    She is then serenaded by all the married women .

  13. 你闭上眼睛仍能听到凶手在奏小夜曲吗

    Are you still hearing this killer 's serenade behind your eyes ?

  14. 《良宵》与《月夜》是其创作的具有“东方式的小夜曲”称号的两首二胡独奏曲。

    Nice night and Moon night are two oriental serenades composed by him .

  15. 我们要用小夜曲去征服它们?

    We 're gonna Serenade them into submission now ?

  16. 你最喜欢听哪种音乐?你喜欢听小夜曲吗?

    What kind of music do you like best ? Do you like serenade ?

  17. 《莫扎特大全集》之小夜曲,舞曲,进行曲全集。

    《 Complete Mozart Edition 》 Box-1 Serenades , Dances , Marches for Orchestra .

  18. 舒伯特的《小夜曲》,肖邦的钢琴协奏曲等等。

    Schubert 's @ Serenade @ , Chopin 's piano concertos and so on .

  19. 是我献给你的小夜曲。

    Without your love there is no day .

  20. 她有很长时间都在排演室里度过,弹奏着舒伯特的奏鸣曲和肖邦的小夜曲。

    She spends hours in her rehearsal room playing Schubert sonatas and Chopin nocturnes .

  21. 碰巧这是一首小夜曲。

    This happens to be a nocturne .

  22. 他还在他的窗户下对他唱起小夜曲,大概一个星期有那么一次。

    He would thus serenade him , perhaps once a week , under his windows .

  23. 他在月光下为她唱小夜曲。

    He serenaded her in the moonlight .

  24. 在演奏中他总爱带着一两个女孩上台,对着她们呤唱小夜曲。

    In concert he always brings a girl or two on stage to serenade them .

  25. 我偏爱舒伯特的小夜曲。

    I prefer schubert 's serenades .

  26. 电影中有个可爱的镜头,罗密欧在月光中为朱丽叶唱小夜曲。

    There 's that lovely bit in the film where Romeo serenades Juliet in the moonlight .

  27. 鱼并不是唯一能长时间高声演奏小夜曲的动物。

    Fish aren 't the only animals , which are impressed by long and loud serenades .

  28. 为某人唱或者演奏小夜曲。

    Sing and play for somebody .

  29. 这部学术上被称为“小夜曲”的歌剧仅在威尼斯花园演奏过一次。

    The opera technically known as a serenata was performed just once in a Venice garden .

  30. 为新婚夫妇演奏的吵杂的模拟的小夜曲(通过猛击锅和壶制造)。

    A noisy mock serenade ( made by banging pans and kettles ) to a newly married couple .