
  1. 在我看来,这似乎更凸显了小学教育而非幼儿园前教育存在的质量问题,而且这也表明,想要获得更长远的成功,就必须把幼儿园前教育和所有其他与教育儿童相关的问题联系在一起。

    It seems to me this highlights quality issues in elementary schools more than pre-K , and indicates longer-term success must connect pre-K with all the other issues related to educating a child .

  2. 我叫XXX,是北华大学教育科学学院小学教育系2009届毕业生。

    My name is XXX , a2009 graduate from BH university majoring in Education .

  3. 斯坦福大学胡佛学院的教育专家EricHanushek表示,比起课堂规模、学生的家庭背景和校方的资金水平来说,唯独教学质量在小学教育中最容易改善。

    Good teaching is the single biggest variable in educating pupils , bigger than class size , family background or school funding , says Eric Hanushek , an education expert at Stanford University 's Hoover Institution .

  4. 1998年发布的《科瑞克报告》(CrickReport)将公民教育从2002年开始纳入英国中学必修科目,将公民预备教育也作为小学教育评估的考察内容。

    This paper provides a synthesis of the education for democratic citizenship ( EDC ) in the school sector in England since 1995.Following the publication of the Crick Report , citizenship education was introduced into secondary schools in 2002 as a statutory subject .

  5. 市政议会已宣称支持改善小学教育。

    The city council has declared for improving primary school education .

  6. 小学教育专业(本科)教育实践课程改革构想

    Reform on the Practice ( undergraduate ) Curriculum of Primary Education

  7. 中央苏区小学教育的特点

    The characteristic of primary education in the Chinese central Soviet areas

  8. 甘肃省区域化探方法技术和主要成果我所看到的美国小学教育

    Regional geochemical method and technic and primary result in Gansu Province

  9. 小学教育创新要立七观

    Setting up " Seven Concepts " to Innovate Elementary School Education

  10. 书法课程在高师小学教育中的重要意义

    Significance Of Calligraphy Course For Primary Education Majors In Normal University

  11. 中国农村小学教育资源对教育成果的影响研究

    Impact of Primary School Resources on Educational Achievement in Rural China

  12. 关于小学教育专业课程建设的几点思考

    Some Ideas on the Construction of Professional Curriculums of Primary Education

  13. 论我院设置小学教育本科专业的必要性

    The Necessity of Setting-up the Primary Education Major for Undergrades

  14. 小学教育本科专业课程方案比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Undergraduate Course Plans of Primary Education

  15. 经济欠发达地区小学教育专业的定位与发展

    Orientation & Development of Educational Specialty in Primary Education in Underdeveloped Area

  16. 高师小学教育专业实习生能力现状及对策研究

    The Abilities and Strategies of Practice Students of Elementary Education

  17. 小学教育受地方政府的保护。

    Primary education comes under the umbrella of local government .

  18. 专业定位是小学教育本科专业建设的起点。

    Construction of discipline on primary school education for undergraduates ;

  19. 小学教育专业课程设置的问题与对策

    Study on Problem and Countermeasure of Curriculum Setup about Elementary Education Specialty

  20. 五年制小学教育专科一年级物理探究教学研究

    Research on the Physics Exploring Teaching of Five-Year Training School for Elementary Education

  21. 高师本科小学教育专业实践教学探索

    Practice Teaching Exploration of the Specialty of Primary Education in Higher Normal Schools

  22. 浅议农村幼儿教育与小学教育的衔接

    The Shallow Argument Village Infant Education Educates with Grade School of Link Up

  23. 高师小学教育专业教育实践的创新研究

    An Innovative Investigation on Teaching Practice for Primary Education Specialty in Normal Colleges

  24. 关于中国地方小学教育财政支出的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Local Financial Expenditure for Primary Education in China

  25. 如果在小学教育方面有任何新的进展,让我知道

    If any new advancements are made in primary education , let me know

  26. 论山西抗日根据地小学教育特殊的经济条件

    On the Special Economic Conditions of Primary Education in Shanxi Anti-Japanese Base Areas

  27. 浅谈小学教育专业的教育教学

    On the Pedagogical Education in Training Primary School Teachers

  28. 究其原因,主要在于小学教育经费来源不稳定、管理混乱和分配不均等。

    The cause is mainly instability , mal-control and unbalanced distribution of education funds .

  29. 小学教育专业理科教学改革与学生科学素养的培养

    Teaching reform of science discipline and developing students ' scientific quality in elementary education

  30. 五年制小学教育专业(文科)课程设置

    Course Setting of Five-fear-tum Primary School Education Speciality