
  • 网络The Little Mermaid;Den Lille Havfrue
  1. 此次小美人鱼铜像首次来到中国,她将被安置到一个人工湖中,以人工湖象征她所在的哥本哈根海湾。

    The mermaid statue will make her Chinese debut at a man-made lake resembling the sights of Copenhagen harbor where the statue resides .

  2. “小美人鱼”铜像是丹麦雕塑家爱德华•埃里克森根据安徒生童话《海的女儿》中女主人公的形象用青铜浇铸的,“小美人鱼”这个名字也由此而来。

    The bronze statue was created by Danish sculptor Edvard Eriksen according to Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen 's fairytale that bears the name .