
  • The Emperor's New Clothes;The Emperor's New Suit
  1. 他们正在赶制皇帝的新装。

    They were working on the Emperor 's new clothes .

  2. 皇帝的新装许多年以前有一位皇帝,他非常喜欢穿好看的新衣服。

    THE EMPEROR 'S NEW CLOTHES Many years ago , there was an Emperor , who was so excessively fond of new clothes , that he spent all his money in dress .

  3. WPPPLC旗下广告机构智威汤逊(JWT)的亚洲首席执行长唐锐涛(TomDoctoroff)说,皇帝的新装正在消失,他们不能让其显露出来。

    ' The clothes of the emperor are disappearing and they can 't let that show , ' said Tom Doctoroff , Asia chief executive of WPP PLC 's JWT ad agency .

  4. 你们都知道皇帝的新装这个故事的。

    You know the story of the emperor 's new suit .

  5. 而一旦他们面临经济或军事的失败,皇帝的新装也就会被戳穿。

    In face of economic failure or military defeat , their emperors turn out to be naked .

  6. 在童话故事“皇帝的新装”中,皇帝走在队列中,身上一丝不挂。(补充说明)

    In the tale " The New Clothes of the Emperor " the Emperor walked in the procession without anything on .

  7. 比如《小美人鱼》、《丑小鸭》及《皇帝的新装》等经典故事,均因其幽默和想象受到人们的喜爱。

    Classic tales such as The Little Mermaid , The Ugly Duckling , and The Emperors New Clothes are loved for their humor and imagination .

  8. 小美人鱼,丑小鸭,皇帝的新装中的皇帝都是我们所熟悉的人物。

    The Little Mermaid , the Ugly Duckling , and the Emperor who paraded naked through his city are characters well known to most of us .