
  • 网络The Queen;bohemian rhapsody;We are the Champions;we will rock you
  1. 从仪表盘看是在放皇后乐队(Queen)的《你是我最好的朋友》(You’reMyBestFriend)。

    the dashboard said Queen 's " You 're My Best Friend " was playing .

  2. 颁奖时,伴奏乐则换成了皇后乐队(Queen)的《WeAreTheChampions》。

    As he was given his trophy , they played We Are The Champions by Queen .

  3. 一只模仿皇后乐队(Queen)的翻唱乐队表演一曲高亢的《WearetheChampions》,拉开了会议帷幕,但除此以外,会上再找不到多少胜利色彩。

    A Queen cover band may have launched the event with a blasting rendition of We are the Champions but the triumphalism was otherwise in short supply .

  4. 该算法也适用于皇后乐队、U2乐队和阿巴合唱团所创的专辑。

    The algorithm also worked for the albums of Queen , U2 , and ABBA .

  5. 正在温布利球场演唱《波西米亚狂想曲》的皇后乐队一下子把Psy震住了。

    Their concert at Wembley Stadium shocked Psy , and they were singing Bohemian Rhapsody .

  6. 正在温布利球场演唱《波西米亚狂想曲》的皇后乐队一下子把Psy震住了。他们也成了Psy的灵感来源。

    Their concert at Wembley Stadium shocked Psy , and they were singing Bohemian Rhapsody . Queen happens to be one of Psy 's inspirations .

  7. 这个团体以英国皇家天文学家里斯勋爵(LordRees)和天体物理学哲学博士、皇后乐队(Queen)吉他手布赖恩•梅(BrianMay)为首。该团体表示,今后十年,有必要把每年发现的天体数增加一百倍。

    Led by Lord Rees , Britain 's royal astronomer , and Brian May , a PhD in astrophysics as well as guitarist with the rock band Queen , the group said a hundredfold increase in the number of objects detected each year was necessary over the next decade .

  8. 英国有史以来最畅销的五大唱片:No.1:皇后乐队的《精选集》No.2:披头士的《佩珀军士孤寂心灵俱乐部乐队》No.3:阿巴合唱团的《热门金曲集》No.4:绿洲乐队的《清晨的荣耀》No.5:阿黛尔的《21》

    The UK 's five highest-selling albums of all-time are as follows : 1 . Queen : Greatest Hits2 . The Beatles : Sgt Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band3 . ABBA : Gold : The Greatest Hits4 . Oasis : ( What 's The Story ) Morning Glory ? 5 . Adele : 21

  9. Psy还透露他想成为一个喜剧演员。但是15岁的时候,他在电视上看到一个流行歌曲节目,就在那时,他看到了皇后乐队。

    The conversation moved on and Psy had spoken about how he wanted to be a stand-up comedian ; but after turning 15 years old , he mentioned that he saw a television program with pop songs and at this point , he saw Queen .

  10. 鲍威的合作伙伴中大牌云集,包括皇后乐队和米克·贾格尔,他也因此而闻名。

    Bowie was noted for his collaborations , including with Queen and Mick Jagger .

  11. 皇后乐队作为迄今为止最具多样风格且极富天分的乐队之一,皇后乐队排在榜单第四名,当属实至名归。

    One of the most diverse and highly talented bands ever , Queen lands in the well-deserved number four position .

  12. 一旦音乐中混有人声,不管你所喜欢的是卡拉斯还是阿黛尔,抑或是皇后乐队,乐器都变成了陪衬。

    When music involves a voice , whether you love Callas or Adele or queen , the instruments are all second fiddle .

  13. 过去几年来,皇后乐队、艾尔顿·约翰、布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀、甲壳虫乐队等等都成了怀旧电影的灵感来源。

    Queen , Elton John , Bruce Springsteen , The Beatles ... they 've all inspired nostalgic films in the last couple of years .

  14. 如果说有哪个国家最有资格来创作奥运歌曲,那么这个曾诞生了世界皇后乐队以及甲壳虫乐队的国度可谓当之无愧。

    If any nation is entitled to write an Olympic song , surely it 's the one that brought the world The Beatles and Queen .

  15. 我希望葬礼办得体面一些——把我的棺材送到火葬场时,你爸他有没有唱皇后乐队的的《现在不要阻止我》?

    I hope the funeral was good - did Daddy play Don 't Stop Me Now by Queen when my coffin went into the cremator ?

  16. 但是15岁的时候,他在电视上看到一个流行歌曲节目,就在那时,他看到了皇后乐队。

    but after turning 15 years old , he mentioned that he saw a television program with pop songs and at this point , he saw Queen .

  17. 这个音乐节创办于1974年,自此诸如滚石乐团,皇后乐队,艾尔顿·约翰和保罗·麦克卡特尼都有在该音乐节上表演过。

    It first took place in 1974 , and since then acts such as The Rolling Stones , Queen , Elton John and Paul McCartney have all featured .

  18. 这是全美最红的音乐电玩游戏“吉他英雄”的缩微版模型,尽管仅有6英寸长,但你仍然可以摇出各式摇滚乐,其中的歌曲出自皇后乐队、“廉价把戏”、涅磐和警察乐队的专辑。4“厕所高尔夫”

    This miniature version of that mega-hit game is barely 6-inches long but you can still rock out to songs by Queen , Cheap Trick , Nirvana , and The Police .

  19. 在这次荒岛唱片节目中,盖茨挑选了皇后乐队和大卫·鲍伊的《承受压力》,威利·尼尔森的《蓝色天空》和披头士的《我们两个》。

    For his Desert Island Discs , Gates picked Under Pressure , by Queen and David Bowie , Willie Nelson 's Blue Skies , and The Two Of Us by The Beatles , among others .

  20. 比如这一张图片搭配上了三岁女孩米莉的话,她好像不太理解皇后乐队的《波西米亚狂想曲》,“驼鹿拉屎!驼鹿拉屎!你吃芒果吗?”

    One picture features a quote from a three-year-old called Millie , who couldn 't quite get the words of Queen 's Bohemian Rhapsody right . It reads : ' S * * * a moose ! S * * * a moose ! Can you have a mango ? '

  21. 1992年的今天,一场为纪念“皇后”乐队的灵魂人物佛莱迪·摩克瑞的全明星演唱会在伦敦的温布利体育场举行。

    1992-An all-star concert in memory of Queen frontman Freddie Mercury is held at Wembley Stadium in London .