
xiǎo lónɡ bāo
  • Xiaolongbao;small steamed meatfilled buns
  1. 小笼包餐馆是老板洪宝(音译)两年半前在皇后区法拉盛开的功夫小笼包餐馆(KungFuXiaoLongBao)的分店。

    The Bao is an outpost of Kung Fu Xiao Long Bao , which the owner , Hong Bao , opened two and a half years ago in Flushing , Queens .

  2. 小笼包餐馆东村圣马可广场(第三大道)13号;

    The Bao 13 St. Marks Place ( Third Avenue ) , East Village ;

  3. 小笼包的外形就像一个圆锥扣在了一个半球上。

    The shape of the dumpling took the form of a cone as opposed to a sphere .

  4. 朋友,听我说了这么多,你们一定要来无锡尝尝这里的风味小吃小笼包哟!

    Friends , listen to me so much , you must try to come here in Wuxi , snack dumplings yo !

  5. 生活中的科里,喜欢美食,他对“小笼包”赞不绝口,还能亲自制作。

    As for food , steamed dumpling stuffed with minced pork is his favorite , which he can even make by himself .

  6. 上海人的早餐通常是在路边摊买的,那里有最美味的猪肉小笼包。

    Breakfast is commonly bought from corner stalls which sells pork buns , for the best Xiaolongbao ( small steamer bun ) .

  7. 我们香港人,很爱吃包子:小笼包、上海包、广东包、莲蓉包……我认为,抢那些包子,十分重要。

    We Hong Kong people here love bun . Buns of all sort . Dear friend , it is important to snatch buns .

  8. 我吃了一个还想吃,看来我的嘴巴和肚子也喜欢上了这小笼包了。

    I ate a still want to eat , it seems my mouth and stomach are also in love with this soup dumplings in .

  9. 这个小笼包的皮很娇嫩,但是不会破,至少夹子的小齿没把它夹破。

    This one 's skin is delicate but does not break , at least not yet , not under the tongs " little teeth .

  10. 想来一顿饱餐,他们的菜单从上海小笼包到东坡肉包,包罗万有,任君选择。

    For a real hearty meal , pick from an extensive menu that has anything from Shanghainese meat dumplings to tung poh meat with buns .

  11. 把灌汤小笼包夹起来的一刻真是让人提心吊胆,只希望不要把皮弄破溅出里面美味的汤汁。

    It 's a perilous moment , lifting a soup dumpling from its basket , hoping it won 't tear and spill its beautiful guts .

  12. 有很多种类型的包子,像有名的蒸饺,小笼包还有狗不理包子。

    There are many sorts of steamed buns with flavored stuffing , such as the famous steamed dumplings , mini steamed buns and Goubuli steamed buns .

  13. 但是我这桌只对巧克力酱小笼包感兴趣,吃完之后才意识到里面还有香蕉。

    But my table only had eyes for the xiao long bao filled with dark liquid chocolate and a dab of banana recognized in the aftermath .

  14. 中餐常有刀削面、拉面、水饺、锅贴、小笼包、肉饼、炒面、炒饭,还有馄饨。

    Chinese food is often served with Sliced noodles , hand-pulled noodles , dumplings , fried dumplings , steamed buns , meat pies , fried noodles , fried rice , and wonton .

  15. 餐厅尝试了若干融合菜肴,诸如西班牙辣香肠炒饭和黑松露小笼包、馄饨,但主要还是提供简单的家常菜。

    While the restaurant makes a few forays into fusion cuisine - chorizo fried rice and black truffle " xiao long bao , " soup dumplings - it mostly serves simple , homey dishes .

  16. 东村这家店推陈出新,有放在辣椒上的小笼包,期待年轻人和酒醉之人大胆一试;还有加入芥末的汤包,算是向附近的日本侨民致意。

    East Village innovations include xiao long bao jacked up on chile , anticipating the bravado of the young and the drunk , and others spiked with wasabi , a gesture toward the neighborhood 's Japanese expats .

  17. 这里的烹饪技巧和食材搭配独出心裁,比如“分子小笼包”以及涂有巧克力和猪肋排汤的牛舌,味道令人惊喜。

    Expect surprisingly tasty treats created with inventive cooking techniques like the " molecular xiao long bao " and the unlikely marriage of ingredients - think of ox tongue coated with chocolate and bak kut teh ( pork rib soup ) .

  18. 而这里的包子皮非常薄,像是用来盛放而非保护肉汤的。小笼包里面的碎猪肉馅松散柔软,像是也快要融化了。

    here the dough is ultrathin , less armor than envelope for the broth - pork-stock jelly , which melts into soup as the dumplings steam - and the ball of minced pork at the center , loose and yielding , as if itself in midmelt .

  19. 这座城市最富盛名的莫过于小笼包“汤包”和其甜口、酱焖(菜式),更广泛源于其精致的河鲜如螃蟹、鳗鱼和虾。知名菜式包括「叫花鸡」和「东坡肉」。

    The city itself is best known for the xiao long bao " soup dumpling " and for its sweet , soy-dark braises , but the wider region is the source of exquisite river delicacies such as crab , eel and shrimp , and famous dishes including beggar 's chicken and dongpo pork .

  20. 请给我两份虾肉的小笼蒸包。

    Bring me two portions of steamed dumplings stuffed with shrimp , please .

  21. 著名无锡小吃有小笼蒸包、三凤桥酱排骨、清水油面筋等。

    Wuxi , a small well-known snack bags , three-Feng Bridge ribs sauce , water and other oil gluten .

  22. 武汉有很多种快餐食品,比如说面窝、小笼蒸包、热干面、蒸饺、水饺、豆浆、春卷、油条。

    There are many kinds of fast food in Wuhan , such as Chinese doughnuts , steamed meat buns , hot-and-dry noodles , steamed dumplings , wonton , soybean juice , spring rolls , and fried dough sticks .