
biǎo miàn
  • surface;face;top;front;outside;appearance;boundary;superficies
表面 [biǎo miàn]
  • (1) [surface;outside;appearance]

  • (2) 物体跟外界接触的部分,即物体或躯体的外面、外部

  • 不平的地球表面

  • (3) 事物的外在现象

  • 表面上的平静是虚假的

表面[biǎo miàn]
  1. 木星表面可能根本就不是固体的。

    The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all .

  2. 水覆盖了地球表面的大部分。

    Water covers a large proportion of the earth 's surface .

  3. 表面上我佯装不在乎,但内心却在高声喊叫。

    I pretended not to care but I was screaming inside .

  4. 她的话你绝对不能只看表面。

    You shouldn 't take anything she says at face value .

  5. 他看起来可能惹人喜爱,但那都是表面的!

    He may seem charming , but it 's all show !

  6. 若只看表面,数字很令人鼓舞。

    Taken at face value , the figures look very encouraging .

  7. 他表面上自信,内心极度紧张。

    Beneath his confident exterior , he was desperately nervous .

  8. 先把表面的油污或尘土去掉。

    First remove any grease or dirt from the surface .

  9. 表面上看,她显得信心十足,而实际上她紧张得要命。

    Outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous .

  10. 压力必须均匀分布于整个表面。

    Pressure must be uniformly distributed over the whole surface .

  11. 把糖霜撒在蛋糕表面。

    Dredge the top of the cake with icing sugar .

  12. 搜索队被传送到那个星球的表面。

    The search party was teleported down to the planet 's surface .

  13. 停火协定带来了表面的和平。

    The ceasefire brought about a semblance of peace .

  14. 他明白得很,绝不会凭表面现象来判断。

    He knows better than to judge by appearances .

  15. 表面的繁华掩盖了这座城市的肮脏和贫穷。

    Squalor and poverty lay behind the city 's glittering fa ç ade .

  16. 要确保油漆均匀地涂在表面上。

    Make sure the paint covers the surface evenly .

  17. 她只是表面上信教而已。

    She simply observes the outward forms of religion .

  18. 她虽然非常害怕,但表面上依然很镇静。

    Though badly frightened , she remained outwardly composed .

  19. 表面上看来好像很多。

    On the face of it , it seems like a great deal .

  20. 用砂纸打磨表面,然后再上油漆。

    Rub the surface with sandpaper before painting .

  21. 表面上看,这对夫妇似乎幸福美满。

    Outwardly , the couple seemed perfectly happy .

  22. 用湿布擦表面。

    Wipe the surface with a damp cloth .

  23. 初次见面时,她总给人以热情亲切的表面印象。

    When you first meet her , she gives a superficial impression of warmth and friendliness .

  24. 细菌一进入血液里,就附着在红细胞表面上。

    Once in the bloodstream , the bacteria adhere to the surface of the red cells .

  25. 将表面擦光。

    Rub the surface smooth .

  26. 她表面上好像很镇静。

    She seemed outwardly composed .

  27. 在牛排表面轻轻打花刀。

    Lightly score the surface of the steaks with a knife .

  28. 打磨木头的表面,为刷清漆做准备。

    Rub the surface of the wood in preparation for the varnish

  29. 月球表面有这样一些黑色的条痕。

    There are these dark streaks on the surface of the moon

  30. 敏感肌肤专用面霜不会破坏皮肤表面的保护层。

    Sensitive Cream will not strip away the skin 's protective layer