
  • 网络expressionist;expressionism;Expressional School
  1. 试图超越表现派的一场运动。

    A movement that tried to go beyond expressionism .

  2. 他的作品对后来的“野兽派”和“表现派”影响重大。

    His works had a far-reaching influence on the subsequent Fauvism and Expressionism .

  3. 锺斯小组的艺术一直有高度的表现派作风。

    Miss Jones . s art has always been highly expressionistic .

  4. 抽象表现派的象征性内容。

    The symbolic content of abstract expressionism .

  5. 虽然法国的通俗印象派作品已经过时,但是德国的表现派画作却日益风行起来。

    Although pedestrian French paintings are out , German expressionist pictures are fetching increasingly large sums .

  6. 表演体系中表现派的内在精神&表现主义戏剧与表现派之间的相互对应

    The Spirit Core of the Expressional School in Performing System & the Correspondence of Expressionistic Drama and Expressional School

  7. 在中国新诗史上,现代派是营造意象的高手。锺斯小组的艺术一直有高度的表现派作风。

    In Chinese free-style verse , modernism is adroit at creating images . Miss Jones . s art has always been highly expressionistic .

  8. 第二部分重点阐述德国表现主义的艺术形式的多元化构建,论证了主观因素、情感因素、象征因素和抽象因素是表现派艺术形式的关键所在。

    In part two , the diversification of the arts forms of expressionism is elaborated and the key roles of the subjective factor , emotion factor , the symbol factor and abstract factor in the arts forms of expressionism are discussed .

  9. 第二章从表现派与体验派的表演理论中,找出它们各自关于性格化创造的方法,并根据自己的理解对两个流派各自的方法进行的分析。

    The second chapter from the " expressionist " and " school experience " performance theory , find their own way on the character of creation , and according to their own understanding of the two schools of analysis of each method .

  10. 蒙克没有运用光影来描绘他周围的世界,而是通过各种实验将自己痛苦的情绪呈现为视觉。这种转变在某种程度上为席勒(EgonSchiele)等表现主义派以及后来的罗斯科(MarkRothko)等抽象表现主义派奠定了基础。

    Instead of playing with light and shadow to capture the world around him , Munch experimented with ways to visualize his own tormented emotions -- a shift that helped pave the way for the Expressionists like Egon Schiele along with later Abstract Expressionists like Mark Rothko .

  11. 当久泻伤及脾阳,甚至久病及肾,表现出一派正虚之征像,全身正气衰弱,呈脾肾阳虚之征。

    When lasting diarrhea impair Spleen Yang and Kidney , it while express the syndromes which due to Yang insufficiency .

  12. 但同时也表现了国粹派们企图用文化作为救亡图存的根本途径的保守性和落后性。

    But at the same time it expresses the conservative and backward characteristics that modem people want to rescue nation with culture as the fundamental way .

  13. 明代的赋学理论,继承的是元祝尧的古体赋观,表现为复古派与反复古派的交相论争。

    The Ode 's theory of Ming Dynasty , which inherits Zhu Yao 's theory of Yuan Dynasty , displays the alternative argument between the classicist school and the anti-classicist school .

  14. 这主要表现在新写实派作家的文学创作之中。

    Shown mainly by the new - type realistic writers in their creations .

  15. 尽管罗姆尼在民意调查中仍严重落后,特别是在关键的摇摆州中。但他的强势表现鼓舞了保守派的士气,用还剩的四个多星期去扭转竞选形势。

    Although Romney is still trailing badly in the polls , especially in the crucial swing states , his strong showing lifted conservative morale with more than four weeks left to turn the campaign around .