
  • 网络Surface state
  1. 超导体表面态

    Surface states of a superconductor

  2. 上述能带结构分析结果再现了活性表面态在反应过程中的作用,并与光电子能谱观测结果相吻合。

    The role of the active surface states could be seen clearly in the results of the band structure analysis , and the results were consistent with the experimental observation of the photoelectron spectroscopy .

  3. p型Si单晶表面态真空效应的光伏测定

    Study of Effect of Vacuum on Surface States of p Type Silicon by Photovoltaic Method

  4. 空表面态引起n型样品表面能带发生1.36eV弯曲。

    A 1.36 eV band bending in surface region is induced by these empty surface states .

  5. 通过各种表征手段分析光催化剂的结构和表面态,采用若丹明B降解体系评价其光催化性能。

    The structure and surface state of photocatalysts were characteries by various characterization instruments . The photocatalytic properties of photocatalysts were studied .

  6. (Ph,La)TiO3铁电薄膜的表面态分析

    Analysis of Surface States of Ferroelectric ( Ph , La ) TiO_3 Thin Films

  7. Ge(100)金属表面态的电子能量损失谱研究

    Study of a metallic surface state on Ge ( 100 ) by HREELS

  8. ZnO纳米颗粒中的表面态发射特性研究

    Surface Emission Characteristics of ZnO Nanoparticles

  9. Eu~(3+):Y2O3纳米微粒的尺寸效应和表面态效应的研究

    Size Confinement and Surface State Effect of Eu ~ ( 3 + ): Y_2O_3 Nanocrystals

  10. 量子尺寸效应对超微粉TiO2表面态的影响

    Effect of Quantum Size on the Surface of TiO_2 Ultrafine Particles

  11. 高介电常数TiO2纳米晶的表面态研究

    Surface State Studies of Nanocrystalline TiO_2 with High Dielectric Constant

  12. 钛酸钡PTC热敏电阻陶瓷表面态浅析网络状态方程研究

    Study on the Trap State of BaTiO_3 Semiconducting Ceramics On Network State Equation

  13. TiO2纳米粒子膜的制备、表面态性质和光催化活性

    Preparation of TiO 2 nanoparticle film and its surface state and photocatalytic activity

  14. 用稳态光电导和场效应的联合测量研究Ge的快表面态

    Investigation of the Fast Surface States of Ge by combined measurement of Steady Photoconductivity and Field Effect

  15. 纳米晶TiO2的合成及表面态研究

    Synthesis and surface state studies of nanocrystalline TiO_2

  16. 两种形式的改性TiO2对有机底物的可见光降解都是由其表面态引起的。

    The visible-light degradation of MO on the two kinds of modified TiO2 catalysts was actually caused by surface states .

  17. ZnS:Mn,Cu粉末DCEL器件表面态能级的研究

    Surface state energy levels of powder zns : mn , cu DCEL devices

  18. 用自由正电子固体表面态湮没技术研究2%PdO/Al2O3

    A study on the 2 % pdo / al_2o_3 by means of free positron annihilation technique in the solid surface layer

  19. 该表面态可提高完整TiO2(110)面对CO、NO催化分解活性。

    This surface state can promote the activity of catalytic dissociation of NO and CO for TiO_2 ( 110 ) surface .

  20. 同时,ZnO量子点的绿光发射的荧光寿命均发生缩短,这进一步验证了修饰剂的作用,说明量子点的表面态发生改变,导致量子点发光路径的改变,使其荧光寿命缩短。

    Meanwhile , the fluorescent lifetime of green emission reduces , which proves surface state of ZnO QDs is modified due to the functionalization .

  21. CdSe薄膜/溶液界面的表面态研究

    The Determination of Surface States of CdSe Thin Film Electrode by Impedance Measurements

  22. Fermi能级钉扎理论及ZnSnO3气敏材料表面态测定

    Pinning Theory of Fermi Energy and Surface State Measurement of ZnSnO_ ( 3 ) Gas Sensitive Material

  23. 拉氏变换阻抗分析测量CdSe薄膜电极的表面态

    The determination of surface state energies of CdSe thin film electrode by impedance analysis in Laplace transformation

  24. 脉冲信号宽度对电流崩塌影响较小。脉冲条件下,GaNHEMT电流崩塌效应主要由栅漏之间表面态充放电引起。

    Under pulse condition , charging and discharging of surface states between gate and drain induce GaN HEMT current collapse .

  25. 文中介绍了用稳态光电导和场效应的联合测量以研究Ge的快表面态的实验方法。

    In this paper , The experimental method for investigation of the fast surface states of Ge by combined measurements of steady photoconductivity and field effect was described .

  26. 结果表明,PTC陶瓷材料的耐压性能与施主浓度、表面态密度、颗粒尺寸和颗粒尺寸分布及散热条件等有关。

    The results show that the withstand-voltage is affected by donor concentration , surface state den-sity , grain size and distribution , heat dissipation coefficient .

  27. 荧光光谱研究表明TiO2的表面态起着两种不同作用,一为表面复合中心,二为光催化反应活性中心。

    The surface states play two different roles for the photoinduced carriers , one is surface recombination center , the other is surface active centers .

  28. 荧光增强的原因是由于ZnS基质向Mn2+离子和表面态的能量传递是两个相互竞争的过程,紫外光辐照下表面猝灭中心数目不断减少从而Mn2+离子的发光增强。

    We consider that surface state act as quenching centers . With the irradiation , the surface state decreases and therefore luminescence of Mn2 + increases .

  29. 此外对费米能级处的Shockley表面态的影响也作了讨论。

    Moreover the effect of Shockley sarface state at Fermi level is also discussed .

  30. 发现与P原子悬挂键有关的本征满表面态在Г点位于价带顶下0.6eV处,而缺陷引入的空表面态位于价带顶上1.1eV处(Г点)。

    It is found that the intrinsic occupied surface states related to P atom dangling bonds are located at 0.6 eV below the valence band maximum , while the defect induced empty surface states are located at 1.1 eV above the valence band maximum (Γ point ) .