
biǎo dì
  • cousin;younger male cousin;a son of father's sister or mother's brother or sister, who is younger than oneself;a son of father's sister or of mother's brother or sister,who is younger than oneself
表弟 [biǎo dì]
  • [a son of father's sister or of mother's brother or sister,who is younger than oneself;cousin]∶姑母、姨母或舅父的儿子中比自己年轻者

表弟[biǎo dì]
  1. 他表弟要结婚了。

    His cousin was about to wed .

  2. 汤姆:我是汤姆,你的表弟。你不记得我了吗?

    Tom : I 'm Tom , your cousin . Don 't you remember me ?

  3. 他的两个表弟都叫约翰。

    Both his cousins are called john .

  4. 我表弟来庆祝了。

    My cousin came to celebrate it .

  5. 我小时候目睹过表弟掉进蚂蚁窝里。

    When   I   was   younger , I   saw   my   cousin fall onto   an   ant 's   nest .

  6. 她把职位让给了表弟爱德华爵士。

    She has relinquished the post to her cousin , Sir Edward .

  7. 在我大二的时候,我开始辅导一位高中的年轻姑娘她住在离大学10分钟路程的地方不久,她的表弟(堂弟)从少年拘留所回到家

    In my sophomore13 year , I started tutoring a young woman who was in high school who lived about 10 minutes away from the university . Soon , her cousin came home from a juvenile14 detention15 center .

  8. Boy,OhBoy让人无奈的孩子我五岁的儿子和他的表弟在一起的时候,总要招来大乱。

    When they 're together , my five-year-old son and his cousin tend to cause mayhem .

  9. Freddie表弟和其他的小伙伴觉得熊哥哥很有趣。

    Cousin Freddie and other cubs think Brother is funny .

  10. 他的表哥(或表弟)马尔科(Marco)是秀台上的模特。

    His cousin Marco has modeled on the runway .

  11. 比如第谷•布拉赫(TychoBrahe)在与一位表弟的决斗中失去了他的鼻子,决斗的原因据说是他们在争谁是更好的数学家。

    There was Tycho Brahe , who lost his nose in a duel with a cousin over which , legend had it , was the better mathematician ;

  12. 其他人则担心其中的利益冲突:这位出生在南非的企业家是SolarCity的董事长,而首席执行官是他的表弟。

    Others worry about conflicts of interest : the South African-born entrepreneur is SolarCity 's chairman , while the chief executive is his cousin .

  13. 他是18岁小伙子时,他掉了下来,到伦敦,没有钱,除了一个表弟地址没有谁是应该Connexions的是工作在一个糖果。

    He was a lad of eighteen when he dropped down into London , with no money and no connexions except the address of a cousin who was supposed to be working at a confectioner 's.

  14. 除了这两个首席执行官职务,穆斯克还在担任太阳城(SolarCity)公司董事长,这家太阳能面板供应商和安装商目前由他的表弟彼得o里沃和林登o里沃打理。

    In addition to his two chief executive roles , Musk is chairman of SolarCity , a solar-panel supplier and installer run by his cousins Peter and Lyndon Rive .

  15. 现在我得回我表弟那封信了。

    Now I have to answer that letter from my cousin .

  16. 或许在你表弟婚礼上会遇上一个。

    Maybe you 'll meet one at your cousin 's wedding .

  17. 没有阿姨,表弟或者叔叔在家?

    No aunts or cousins or uncles or anything like that ?

  18. 我今天晚上要和表弟一起吃饭。

    I am to have supper with my cousin this evening .

  19. 他咒骂他表弟,不但如此,还打了他。

    He cursed his cousin , yes , and beat him .

  20. 鲍勃,你在哪?我是你的表弟。

    Bob ? where are you ? I 'm you cousin .

  21. 我表弟在六个月的时候就能抓住东西。

    My younger cousin can hold something at six months old .

  22. 你还可以当一回表弟呢。

    You 'll have a chance of acting as a cousin .

  23. 我表弟这次就是想看看有什么机会。

    My cousin is here this time looking for some opportunities .

  24. 我们确实认为你表弟适合那个职位。

    I do think that position is fit for your cousin .

  25. 我的表弟个子不高,但有点胖。

    My little brother is not tall , but abit fat .

  26. 我有一表弟,非常调皮。

    I have a cousin who was very naughty when young .

  27. 表弟:天凉了,快上楼吧!

    Younger cousin : It is getting chilling , go upstairs quickly !

  28. 我房间的窗户是被淘气的表弟打坏的。

    The window of my room is broken by my naughty cousin .

  29. 我表弟从不工作,也没钱。

    My cousin never works and he has no money .

  30. 我那表弟马吕斯·彭眉胥,他也要去旅行吗?

    Is my cousin Marius Pontmercy travelling so , too ?