
  • 网络South West England
  1. 音乐节每年在英格兰西南部的沃西农场举行。

    The festival takes place in South West England at Worthy Farm every year .

  2. 她的声音如孩童般,带有英格兰西南部诸郡的那种抑扬顿挫。

    Her voice is childlike , with a West Country lilt .

  3. 她其他的公司股权包括斯堪的纳维亚的一个主题游乐园和英格兰西南部的几家酒店。

    Her other business interests include a theme park in Scandinavia and hotels in the West Country .

  4. 英格兰西南部布里斯托机器人实验室(BristolRoboticLaboratory)的艾伦•温菲尔德(AlanWinfield)教授表示:很遗憾,人们对机器人的期望和恐惧都过了头。

    Unfortunately people have exaggerated expectations and exaggerated fears about robots , said Professor Alan Winfield of the Bristol Robotic Laboratory in southwest England .

  5. 她生前在英格兰西南部城市埃克塞特的EDF能源公司工作,在那里结识了现在的未婚夫。他们相识的时候,是在她离开这世界的九个月前。

    She met Mr Bradford at EDF Energy in Exeter , where they both worked , only nine months before she died .

  6. 由于运营方法国电力集团(EDF)和潜在的中国投资者的角力,位于英格兰西南部的造价245亿英镑的欣克利角(HinkleyPoint)核电站扩建项目的投资被搁置。

    Investment in the £ 24.5bn Hinkley point nuclear expansion project in southwest England , run by France 's EDF , has been held up because of wrangling between the energy group and potential Chinese investors .

  7. 7月20日,SFO对伦敦的三处居所、一间办公室以及位于英格兰西南萨默塞特的一处房屋进行了搜查。

    The searches were carried out on July 20 at three residential addresses and one company office in London , and at a house in Somerset , south-western England .

  8. 刘易斯来自英格兰西南地区Dorset县。他说自己计划在这个周末休息,随后将去为年轻人组织”小规模远征“和进行关于气候变化的演讲。

    Lewis , from Dorset in south-west England , said he planned to rest this weekend before embarking on a career organising " mini-expeditions " for young people and giving talks about climate change .

  9. 长江实业牵头的财团昨日在提交给香港交易所(HKEx)的一份声明中表示,WWU公司在威尔士及英格兰西南部从事管理天然气运输资产、天然气输配及气表服务工作。

    Wales and West Utilities manages gas transportation assets and gas distribution as well as meter services in Wales and the south west of England , the Cheung Kong-led consortium said in a statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange yesterday .

  10. 我们的目的地是位于英格兰西南部的一个叫做托基的城市。

    We were going now to Torquay in the southwest of England .

  11. 他被埋在英格兰西南方向的阿而隆。

    He was buried in Avalon , in the south-west of England .

  12. 锡通常是在英格兰西南部开采到的。

    Tin used to be mined in the south-western part of England .

  13. 他在英格兰西南部有一处房地产。

    He has a property in the West country .

  14. 英格兰西南部的一系列小山。

    A range of low hills in southwestern England .

  15. 1988年,饮用水导致英格兰西南部康沃尔郡的人中毒。

    Drinking water poisoned people in Cornwall , south-west England , in 1988 .

  16. 泰晤士小镇的建筑风貌来源于地道的英格兰西南部的建筑理念。

    The Thames Town area development was based on original buildings from south-west England .

  17. 而住在英格兰西南部和威尔士的居民往往也喜欢煲电话粥。

    Those in the South-West and Wales also tend to be hooked on their phones .

  18. 英格兰西南的一个丘陵地区。

    A hilly county in southwestern England .

  19. 德思礼一家:德思礼是英格兰西南的一个城市,是罗琳的老家。

    Dursley : A city in Gloucester County , Rowling 's home county in southwest England .

  20. 英格兰西南部一工业城市,也是一个港口,位于埃文河入海口。

    An industrial city and port in southwestern England near the mouth of the River Avon .

  21. 畅销犯罪小说作家阿加莎·克里斯蒂来自英格兰西南海岸的德文郡托基市。

    Best-selling crime author Agatha Christie comes from Torquay in Devon , on England 's southwest coast .

  22. 而在英格兰西南部公园里的这些秋千是在25年以前安装的。

    The swings , at a park in Wiltshire , in southwestern England , were put up25 years ago .

  23. 我们准备变卖家产,年底回到英格兰西南部。

    We 're going to sell up and retire to the west country at the end of the year .

  24. 费尔茅斯是一座沿海的城镇,同时也是重要的海港,位于在英格兰西南角。

    Falmouth is a coastal town with an important harbour , and is located at the southwestern tip of England .

  25. 英格兰西南部的约维尔镇将实施一项计划,要求进入酒吧和俱乐部的人员需要进行指纹扫描,留下自己相关信息。这项计划旨在清除酒吧中那些醉酒后寻衅滋事的人。

    Revellers in a British town are to have their fingerprints scanned when they enter pubs and clubs in a scheme aimed at weeding out drunken troublemakers .

  26. 他的父亲来自英格兰西南部,是一个当地牧师,把他送进了??尽管他进大学时只有14岁。

    His father , who was a local pastor from the southwest of England , sent him to Oxford , although he went at the age of14 .

  27. 最近的怪天气使得这个秋冬寒意全无,就连英格兰西南部的大型植物园“伊甸园”中的水仙花仍然在争奇斗艳,还有其他种种现象表明冬天的脚步还没到来。

    Daffodils are blooming outside the Eden Project in Cornwall in the latest cockeyed weather phenomenon to hit the UK and amid signs that winter is still not on its way .

  28. 巴士一车人每年粪便产生的燃料,可供其往返英格兰西南的兰兹角到苏格兰陆地最北端的天涯海角,且排放量比柴油更少。

    The annual waste of a bus-load of people would provide enough power for a return journey from Land 's End to John O'Groats , while producing fewer emissions than a dieselengine .

  29. 罗马硬币的英国有史以来最大的发现之一是出土的窖藏在萨默塞特,英格兰西南部,在一个领域由一个用金属探测器业余寻宝。

    One of the largest hoards of Roman coins ever found in Britain has been unearthed in a field in Somerset , southwest England , by an amateur treasure hunter with a metal detector .

  30. 根据到到网搜集的数百万评论,英格兰西南部遭受风暴侵害的布里斯托尔和托基人气猛增,进入英国十大旅游城市之列。

    There was also a boost for the storm-damaged south west of England with Bristol and Torquay making it in to the top 10 UK destination table compiled by TripAdvisor from millions of reviews .