
yīng shì gǎn lǎn qiú
  • rugby
英式橄榄球[yīng shì gǎn lǎn qiú]
  1. 球队适应了英式橄榄球甲级联赛的节奏。

    The team has accustomed itself to the pace of first division rugby

  2. 澳大利亚的英式橄榄球联盟队创纪录地赢了法国队。

    Australia 's rugby union side enjoyed a record-breaking win over France .

  3. 他是业余英式橄榄球队队员。

    He 's in the first fifteen .

  4. 媒体格外青睐英式橄榄球联盟。

    The media have a mania about rugby union .

  5. 举例来说,WTO可以阐明,一个国家将某些重点行业列为优先发展对象的五年计划,是属于美式还是英式橄榄球的范畴。

    For instance , the WTO might clarify whether a national five-year plan that identifies development of certain key industries as a priority is a case of American football , rather than rugby .

  6. 伦敦奥组委主席是塞巴斯蒂安•科(SebastianCoe),而本次赛事的主席是英式橄榄球联盟(RugbyFootballUnion)的首席执行官伊恩•里奇(IanRitchie)。该联盟是英式橄榄球的管理机构,负责确保本次赛事顺利进行。

    The tournament 's Sebastian Coe equivalent is Ian Ritchie , chief executive of the Rugby Football Union , English rugby 's governing body , in charge of making sure the event runs smoothly .

  7. 澳大利亚法院此前已准许通过电子邮件发送判决书,而今年一位英式橄榄球联盟的明星提前与悉尼一俱乐部解约,转会法国土伦(toulon),则是通过手机短信收到诉讼通知的。

    Australian courts have previously allowed judgments to be delivered via e-mail , while a Rugby League star who walked out early on his contract with a Sydney club to play for Toulon this year was notified of proceedings via SMS text message .

  8. 足球或英式橄榄球的端线。

    Either of the sidelines in soccer or Rugby .

  9. 这场游戏不同于“贸易领域的英式橄榄球”。

    This is a different game to trade rugby .

  10. (足球及英式橄榄球)边线以外区域

    ( in football and Rugby ) part of the pitch outside the sidelines

  11. 足球或英式橄榄球都不是这样,更不用说美国的运动项目了。

    This is not true of football or rugby , let alone American sports .

  12. 比尔胡克是我心目中第一个英式橄榄球英雄。

    Bill hook was my first rugby hero .

  13. 英式橄榄球世界杯是世界上最重大的国际间英式橄榄球联盟的比赛。

    The Rugby World Cup is the premier international rugby union competition in the world .

  14. 我最喜爱的团体运动是英式橄榄球。

    My favourite team sport is rugby .

  15. 她每星期六下午都站在边线上,看她的男朋友打英式橄榄球。

    She spends her Saturday afternoons standing on the touchline , watching her boyfriend play rugby .

  16. 在联盟制橄榄球中,每队有13人,在业余英式橄榄球中,有15人。

    In Rugby League there are13 players in each team , and in rugby union there are15 .

  17. 开始!他们在英式橄榄球队,帆船队,电影布景还是总统竞选?

    Here we go : are they on a rugby team , sailboat , movie set or political campaign ?

  18. 另有四项更得民心深受喜爱的体育运动,英式橄榄球联赛、橄榄球联盟、澳式橄榄球和板球。

    There are4 other sporting codes that attract a greater following-Rugby League , Rugby Union , Australian Rules , and Cricket .

  19. 难道另外一种足球(美国式的英式橄榄球)再一次的占据了所有的电视频道?

    Or did that other type of football the American kind played with rugby balls and all that padding hog the limelight again ?

  20. 在英国,人们会新年当天加赛一轮英式橄榄球(除非这一天正好是周四、周五或周日)。

    In Britain an extra round of football fixtures is played ( unless New Year 's Day falls on a Thursday , Friday or Sunday ) .

  21. 在邮件里,他们谈到正在组织一次旅行,前往迪拜观看英式橄榄球比赛,还吹嘘自己的父母如何富有,打算如何背着女朋友乱搞。

    They were organising a trip to watch the rugby in Dubai and bragging about how rich their parents were and how they were going to cheat on their girlfriends .

  22. 英式和美式橄榄球是身体接触的体育运动,选手会受很多伤。

    Rugby and American footbau are contact sports in which players receive a lot of iniuries .

  23. (在英式足球或橄榄球)在踢以前把球固定放在地上的踢球。

    A kick ( in soccer or football ) in which the ball is placed on the ground before kicking .