
  • 网络the national anthem;God Save the Queen;British National Anthem
  1. 英国国歌是上帝拯救女王。

    The British National Anthem be'god save the queen ' .

  2. 在英国国歌奏响之前,还有一个让人感动的瞬间,查尔斯亲吻了母亲的手。

    Before the National Anthem was played , there was a touching moment as Charles kissed his mother 's hand .

  3. 海沃德说:最大的失礼就是你的手机在教堂里响起,哪怕你的手机铃声是英国国歌《天佑女王》。上推特或更新Facebook状态同样也是没有礼貌的行为。

    " The ultimate faux pas would be to have your mobile phone go off in the Abbey , even if you had ` God Save the Queen ` as your ringtone ," Hayward said . Tweeting or updating your Facebook status is also bad manners .

  4. 它的音乐和英国国歌《上帝保佑吾王》相同。

    The music is the same as the British national song , God Save the Queen .

  5. 本月早些时候,伦敦奥运会闭幕式奏响英国国歌时,全球数亿观众看到他代替女王出现在了现场。

    Earlier this month he was watched by hundreds of millions around the globe standing in for the queen while the national anthem was sung at the closing ceremony of the London Olympics .

  6. 英国的国歌过去是、现在是、也许再过1000年还是那首古老的“上帝拯救国王(或女王)”。

    The national anthem was , is and will be in the near 1000 years the old " God Save the King ( or Queen ) . "

  7. 在通过了英国生活考试,并支付了600英镑后,他站在当地一所学校的礼堂里,与几个东欧人及菲律宾人一起,一字一句地唱着英国国歌,并宣誓对女王效忠。

    Having passed his Life in the UK exam and sent off 600 , he stood in the hall of a local school , sang all the words of the national anthem in the company of several eastern Europeans and Filipinos , and swore allegiance to the crown .