
  • 网络UK Trade & Investment;UK Trade Investment;UKTI;UK Trade and Investment
  1. 英国贸易投资总署(uktradeandinvestment)的数据显示,过去一年中国企业在英国境内共进行了60多个投资项目。

    There have been more than 60 inward investment projects by Chinese companies in the past year , according to UK Trade and investment .

  2. 2015年,英国贸易投资总署组织了一系列活动,通过足球来为来自中英两国的企业家提供合作和经验交流的机会。

    In 2015 , UK Trade and Investment organized a series of activities for entrepreneurs from China and the UK to cooperate and exchange experience through football .

  3. 英国贸易投资总署在上海和广州的同事经常乘坐火车前往周边城市,就象重庆的同事坐火车出差去成都一样。

    The trade and investment teams in Shanghai and Guangzhou often use rail to travel to neighbouring cities , as do the team in Chongqing when they travel to Chengdu .

  4. 今天早些时候,副首相在英国贸易与投资总署举办的能源贸易研讨会上发表了演讲。

    Earlier in the day , the Deputy Prime Minister presented a speech at a seminar on the trading of energy organised by UK Trade and investment .

  5. 在过去的一段日子里我在英国参加了由英国贸易投资总署组织的一系列“在亚洲做生意”会议,向大家介绍广东和华南地区的商机。

    I was speaking about the opportunities in Guangdong and Southern China at a series of Doing Business in Asia briefings organised by UK Trade & Investment .