
  • 网络ONS;The Office for National Statistics;national statistics
  1. 英国国家统计局称,经济持续的低迷势头更强劲,下降的更惨,但是恢复期也比先前预想的要早。

    The economy was stronger going into recession , fell much harder and started to recover sooner than had been previously thought , said the ONS .

  2. 英国国家统计局的数据显示,截至今年2月以来的三个月间,英国兼职总人数增加了八万人,总体失业人数的下降是建立在这一基础上的。

    The fall in overall unemployment has been bolstered by a large increase of 80000 in the number of people working part time in the three months to February , the ONS figures showed .

  3. 英国国家统计局表示,人口出生率下降被人口老龄化现象夸大。

    The Office for National Statistics says falling fertility rates have been exaggerated by an ageing population .

  4. 英国国家统计局的数据显示,在英国,痴呆症是仅次于心脏病的第二大杀手。

    Dementia is the second biggest killer5 in the UK behind heart disease , according to the UK Government agency , the Office for National Statistics .

  5. 英国国家统计局(officefornationalstatistics)表示,今年第一季度,英国失业人口增加逾200万,这是1997年以来的首次。

    Unemployment rose above 2m in the first quarter for the first time since 1997 the office for National Statistics said .

  6. 不过,我恐怕,英国国家统计局(officefornationalstatistics)发布的每一篇新的关于幸福的报告,只会加重人们的疑虑。

    I worry , though , that every new wellbeing report from the office for national statistics just deepens that doubt .

  7. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)最近发布的数据显示,英国家庭主夫的数量在过去20年增加了一倍。

    Figures released recently by the Office for National Statistics show that the number of stay-at-home fathers has doubled in the past 20 years .

  8. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)表示,2014年中国赴英商旅人次为4.8万,而上一年为5.5万。

    The Office for National Statistics said there had been 48000 business trips to the UK by Chinese in 2014 , down from 55000 the previous year .

  9. 不过,英国国家统计局(officeofnationalstatistics)的最新数据显示,由于内向移民数量继续维持在高位,加之新生人口数量上升,英国总人口继续强劲增长。

    However , the latest figures from the office for National Statistics said the total population continued to grow strongly as immigration remained high and the number of births increased .

  10. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)昨日承认统计有误,这大大减少了人们对英国经济出现通胀的担忧,降低了再次加息的可能性。

    The Office for National Statistics yesterday admitted to an error , which dramatically reduced the worry over inflation in the economy and makes a further interest rate rise less likely .

  11. 该组织对英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)数据的研究发现,自2010年以来,每周工作超过48小时的员工数量增加了15%,达到341.7万人。

    Its study of Office for National Statistics data found that the number of people working more than 48 hours per week had risen by 15 per cent since 2010 to 3417000 .

  12. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)的最新数据显示,截至8月底的3个月,英国失业率上升0.5%,至5.7%。

    The latest data from the Office for National Statistics showed a 0.5 per cent rise in unemployment , to 5.7 per cent , for the three months to the end of August .

  13. 从积极的方面说,英国国家统计局创造了国民福祉互动指标轮(NationalWell-BeingInteractiveWheelofMeasures)&这是一个图解,可以让你查看大量明显杂乱无章的统计数据。

    On the plus side ,  the   ONS has created the National Well-Being Interactive Wheel of Measures , an animation that allows you to view lots of apparently arbitrary statistics .

  14. 同样在最近,英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)发布了英国各地个人福祉排行榜。该排行榜的依据是对16.5万人的生活满意度调查。

    Also this week , the Office for National Statistics published its geographical league table of personal wellbeing in the UK , compiled by quizzing 165000 people on how satisfied they are with life .

  15. 英国国家统计局(officefornationalstatistics)公布,英国第一季度国内生产总值(gdp)环比下降2.4%,明显大于最初计算的1.9%。

    The office for national statistics reported a decline in gross domestic product of 2.4 per cent compared with the previous quarter , significantly sharper than the 1.9 per cent it initially calculated .

  16. 本周由英国国家统计局(officefornationalstatistics)和ids发布的另一份数据显示,尽管金融前景日渐恶化,董事们的奖金却继续以高于通胀的速度上升。

    Separate figures published this week by the office for national statistics and IDS reveal that bonus payments have continued to rise faster than inflation in spite of the deteriorating financial outlook .

  17. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)警示,月度数据浮动较大也经常修改,可能受到了6月份女王登基60周年庆典银行额外假期的影响。

    The Office for National Statistics warned that the monthly data , which are volatile and often revised , were probably affected by the extra bank holiday in June for the Queen 's diamond jubilee .

  18. 英国国家统计局(officeofnationalstatistics)的初步估算显示,上一季度英国国民收入下降了0.7%,双底衰退进一步加深,已经焦头烂额的财政大臣肩上的担子更重了。

    Initial estimates by the office of national statistics show that national income declined in the latest quarter by 0.7 per cent , deepening the double-dip recession and heaping more pressure on the already embattled chancellor .

  19. 英国国家统计局(OfficeofNationalStatistics)的数据显示,在截至今年5月底的12个月中,英国就业人数增加了18万,达到2907万,在新增就业人口中,65岁以上男性和60岁以上女性的比例仅略低于50%。

    Men above 65 and women above 60 accounted for just under half of the 180000 rise in employment to 29.07m during the 12 months to the end of May according to the Office for National Statistics in UK .

  20. 根据英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)的调查与数据,英国工会联盟(TradesUnionCongress)估计如果条件允许的话,另有超过180万的上班族希望在家办公。

    Using figures from the Office for National Statistics " surveys and data , the Trades Union Congress ( TUC ) estimated that a further 1.8 million people would like to work from home if they could .

  21. 英国国家统计局(officefornationalstatistics)发布的初步数据显示,相比于20岁出头之时,女性更有可能在30岁出头时生育,这与10年前英国的情况相反。

    Provisional figures published by the office for national statistics showed that women were more likely to have children in their early 30s than in their early 20s , reversing the situation in the UK seen as little as a decade ago .

  22. 英国国家统计局(ONS)试图通过其对于幸福感的开创性工作,给这个问题提供一个答案。

    The Office for National Statistics has set out to provide the answer in its pioneering work on happiness .

  23. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)表示,第四季度产出下降0.5%,逊于经济学家们预期的增长0.5%;即使没有12月份的大雪,增长仍然是零。

    The UK Office for National Statistics said that output fell by 0.5 per cent in the fourth quarter – worse than economists ' expected 0.5 per cent rise – and that growth would still have been zero even without heavy snow in December .

  24. 英国国家统计局(officeofnationalstatistics)首席经济学家乔格赖斯(joegrice)最近在一篇文章中表示,自2008年初以来工作时间的降幅高于就业岗位的降幅,但仅高出2%。

    In a recent article , Joe Grice , chief economist of the office of national statistics , shows that the number of hours worked has fallen more than the number in employment since early 2008 but only by 2 per cent .

  25. 在搞噱头方面无人能敌的戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron),已要求英国国家统计局(ons)调查国民幸福感,而初步结果现在已经揭晓。

    David Cameron , never to be outdone when it comes to a gimmick , has asked the UK Office for national statistics to investigate the area and the first results are now available .

  26. 在改正了错误后,英国国家统计局表示,今年第二季度,英国折合成年率的名义国内生产总值(GDP)增长率为并不令人吃惊的4.8%,而非上月估计的不可持续的6%。

    After correcting its mistake , the ONS now says that the cash value of national income grew by an unsurprising 4.8 per cent annual rate in the second quarter rather than the unsustainable 6 per cent rate it estimated last month .

  27. 就在戴维?卡梅伦(DavidCameron)对华贸易访问前一周,英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)确认中国公民首次成为移民英国人数最多的群体,2012年进入英国的中国人有4万人,相比之下2010年为2.9万。

    Just one week ahead of David Cameron 's trade visit to China , the Office for National Statistics confirmed that , for the first time , Chinese citizens account for the largest group of migrants to the UK , with 40000 coming to Britain in 2012 compared with 29000 in 2010 .

  28. 如果你不相信英国国家统计局的数据,你或许会同意罗纳德里根(RonaldReagan)的话,他说:“金钱买不来幸福,但肯定会提升你的回忆。”

    And if you don 't believe the ONS , you might agree with Ronald Reagan when he said : " Money can 't buy happiness , but it will certainly get you a better class of memories . "

  29. 根据英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)的最新数据,当前英国抚育孩子的女性比没有孩子的女性更有可能拥有工作,前者的就业率是69.6%,而后者的就业率为67.5%,这种现象在英国还是第一次出现。

    For the first time in the UK , mothers raising children are more likely to have jobs than women without young families , according to the latest UK figures from the Office for National Statistics . Employment rates among women with childcare responsibilities stand at 69.6 per cent , compared with 67.5 per cent for women without .

  30. 英国国家统计局公布的2009年新生婴儿名统计数据显示,Olivia已连续两年获选最受欢迎新生女婴名。

    Olivia was the most popular name for newborn girls for the second year in a row , according to figures published by the Office of National Statistics for first names given to babies born in 2009 .