
  • 网络French Parliament;French Assembly
  1. 法国议会将在未来几周讨论这项提案。

    The proposed law will be debated in the national assembly in the coming weeks .

  2. 法国议会下院批准了一项全国气候法案,旨在降低碳排放。

    France 's lower house of parliament has approved a sweeping climate bill aimed at lowering carbon emissions .

  3. 但是,法国议会也正在讨论是否要放松这些规定,以便大学课程可以使用英语教学。

    However , the French parliament is debating relaxing these rules so that university courses can be taught in English .

  4. 一家线上音乐公司的主管,希望法国议会此举能够松动苹果对线上音乐市场的箝制力。

    MALLIKA KAPUR , CNN CORRESPONDENTOne online music executive hopes the move will loosen Apple 's grip on the online music market .

  5. 法国议会已召开为期一个月的特别会议,希望启动“重建”法国经济的进程。

    The parliament has been called into an extraordinary session for a month to start the process of " rebuilding " the French economy .

  6. 之前由于两院之间的争议,法国议会就是否通过这一有争议的议题已经讨论了两年多的时间。

    It has taken more than two years to pass the controversial legislation because of differences between the two houses of parliament over the issue .

  7. 法国议会曾详尽地讨论过这样一个问题,即当一位绅士在路边小便池方便而此时恰有异性从旁边经过时,是否应该向她脱帽致敬。

    The French parliament once debated at length the question as to whether or not a gentleman in a pissoir when recognising a female passer-by , should lift h hat to her .

  8. “英国首相托尼布莱尔在一次峰会上让世界各国的领导人为之一乐,只因为他在法国议会上表达了他”“在很多不同场合”“对一位法国前总理的渴望。”

    Prime Minister Tony Blair entertained world leaders at a summit here with the story of how he told france 's Parliament of his desire for a former French premier " in many different positions . "

  9. 法国议会正在对一个提案进行讨论。该提案将对以模特为职业的女性的最低体重进行切实的规定;法案的支持者称,要和持续存在的厌食症状况作斗争,这样的举措是有必要的。

    The French Parliament is debating legislation that would effectively set minimum weights for women and girls to work as models , a step that supporters of the bill say is necessary to combat the persistence of anorexia .

  10. 该协议以495票对61票在法国国民议会顺利通过。

    The agreement sailed through the French national assembly by 495 votes to 61 .

  11. 法国国民议会(nationalassembly)的议员们一度中断了下午的会议,以便在奥运火炬经过议会大厦之际,让部分议员离开房间去参加抗议。

    Deputies in the National Assembly briefly suspended their afternoon session to allow some members to leave the chamber and join the protest as the torch passed in front of Parliament .

  12. 法国国民议会昨天开始讨论打击的提议。

    The French National Assembly started debating the idea of a strike yesterday .

  13. 法国国民议会和美国众议院决定为纪念他而举哀服丧。

    Both the French National Assembly and the United States House of Representatives voted to wear mourning in his honor .

  14. 法国国民议会通过了一项法律草案,允许将非法下载人踢出网络。

    The French National Assembly has passed a draft law that would allow illegal downloaders to be thrown off the net .

  15. 法国国家立法议会的形成怎么样?

    How about the formation of the French National Constituent Assembly ?

  16. 现在,10名法国议员向议会递交了要求废除该法的议案。

    But a group of ten French MPs has now submitted a draft bill to parliament to remove the law , which has survived repeated attempts to repeal it .

  17. 现在,10名法国议员向议会递交了要求废除该法的议案。人们曾一再试图废除这项法律,但它还是多次逃过劫难。最近一次要废除这条过时法规的努力发生在2003年。

    But a group of ten French MPs has now submitted a draft bill to parliament to remove the law , which has survived repeated attempts to repeal it 。

  18. 然而,法国对于梯也尔在议会上发表的自以为像海妖的歌声一样迷人的言辞置若周闻。

    France , however , turned a deaf ear to what Thiers flattered himself to be a parliamentary siren 's song .

  19. 法国总理弗朗索瓦•菲永告诉议会,希腊必须快点决定是否想留在欧元区。

    French Prime Minister Francois Fillon told parliament Greece must decide quickly , whether it wants to remain in the euro zone or not .

  20. 社会的第三等级;被认为是组成社会政治秩序的平民(尤其在英国和法国),在议会中有代表。

    The third estate of the realm ; the commons ( especially in Britain or France ) viewed as forming a political order having representation in a parliament .

  21. 法国执政党社会党在法国选举欧洲议会成员时遭到了选民的严厉指责。

    France 's ruling socialist party has received a sharp rebuke from voters as the country selects its members for the European Parliament .

  22. 法国总理曼努埃尔•瓦尔斯(ManuelValls)在法国国民议会(NationalAssembly)发言称,目前还不能排除任何假设。

    Speaking at the French National Assembly , Manuel Valls , the prime minister , said that no hypothesis could be ruled out .

  23. 他说,法国不能接受女性被宽大的布袍囚禁起来,被剥夺所有的尊严。法国总统支持议会对布卡进行调查。

    He said France cannot accept that a woman should be behind a cloth grill , all The French president backed the idea of a parliamentary inquiry into the burqa .