
  • 网络francis;frances
  1. 美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)院长法兰西斯·S·柯林斯(FrancisS.Collins)博士表示,在基因检测中获得的信息可以从诸多方面为患者提供助益。

    Dr. Francis S. Collins , director of the National Institutes of Health , said that information from the tests could benefit patients in many ways .

  2. 在1960年,莫斯科法庭宣告美国间谍U-2飞行员法兰西斯加里有罪!

    In1960 , a tribunal in Moscow convicted American U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers of espionage .

  3. 因怕奚落,她把原名法尼(Fannie:英文中有屁股的意思)改为法兰西斯。

    She changed her name from Fannie to Frances , thinking the former might subject her to ridicule .

  4. 他雇用了一个物理学家法兰西斯·尤佩顿来协助他。

    He hired physics expert named Francis Upton to help him .

  5. 法兰西斯,这个问题你得自己做决定。

    Francois , you have to make your own decision on this .

  6. 我的室友当中,法兰西斯是非常有上进心的演员。

    One of my roommates , Francis , is an aspiring actor .

  7. 抱歉,法兰西斯,这个不能带去。

    Sorry , francois , they didn 't have these back then .

  8. 法兰西斯:你把话说清楚好吗?我为甚麽要远离她们?

    Francis : what do you mean ? Why should I do that ?

  9. 尽管法兰西斯很贫穷,但他很忠诚。

    Poor as Francis was , he was honest .

  10. 终于,我和法兰西斯要在这里一起吃饭了。

    Evidently , Frances and I were to eat in here , by ourselves .

  11. 1850年他成为法兰西斯剧院的指挥。

    In1850he became conductor of the theatre francais .

  12. 法兰西斯独力翻译那本文法文小说。

    Francis translated that French novel by himself .

  13. 法兰西斯和查尔斯西格琉提。

    Domino : frances and Charles cigliutti .

  14. 它们前来接受祝福,庆祝亚西济圣法兰西斯宴会节。

    They 've arrived to be blessed , in celebration of the feast day of St.

  15. 其三位主要人物分别是女主人公法兰西斯、婆婆茱莉亚和继女西尔维娅。

    The three main characters are the heroine Frances , mother-in-law Julia and stepdaughter Sylvia .

  16. 呃,我希望越多越好的东西多的是,法兰西斯。可否把范围收窄一些。

    Well there 's a lot that I can 't get enough of , Francis .

  17. 法兰西斯在找教授多的那副眼镜届时我看看是否符合。

    Francois is looking for his spare pair . I 'll see if the prescriptions match .

  18. 法兰西斯修士会出现在十三世纪的西欧,它的出现有深刻的历史背景。

    The Franciscan order was founded in Europe in thirteen century . Its emergence has profound historical background .

  19. 法兰西斯:幸好是每四年一次,今天我就避开她们好了。

    Francis : Once in four years . That 's just as well . I 'll keep well away today .

  20. 著作家俾扎说:法兰西斯第一若是象撒克逊选侯一样,柏昆就可以成为第二个路德了。

    Said Beza : Berquin would have been a second Luther , had he found in Francis I a second elector .

  21. 二十出头的时候,法兰西斯•贺赛苹接到一个电话,对方邀请她领导宾夕法尼亚州约翰斯敦市的女童军17团。

    Frances Hesselbein received a call to head girl scout troop 17 in Johnstown , Pa. , in her early twenties .

  22. 法兰西斯,组织一队人马去州外

    as anything that 's ever come through our doors . Francis , start putting together teams to travel out of state ,

  23. 不过最高法院判决,法兰西斯可的性惩罚与她妻子所做之事并不相当,这使佩耶拉注定要生活在永远的挫折感之中。

    But the highest court ruled that francesco 's sexual punishment did not fit the crime , and doomed Piera to perpetual frustration .

  24. 除了尊严,什么都没有了。法国国王法兰西斯一世于1525年帕维亚战役失利后所说。

    All is lost save honour popular version of saying by Francis I of France after his defeat atthe battle of pavia , 1525 .

  25. 教皇法兰西斯一世,这就是阿根廷大主教豪尓赫·贝尔格里奥的新头衔,他也是首位美洲裔天主教皇。

    The Pope Francis I , that is the name chosen by Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina , the first pope ever from the Americas .

  26. 那么,法兰西斯,你可以给我办一件小小的侦探工作,而且干得又巧妙,又秘密吗?

    Well , Francis , do you suppose you could undertake a little piece of detective work for me , and handle it intelligently and quietly ?

  27. 第一个马槽建在圣法兰西斯一所教堂外面,意在向孩子们展示耶稣诞生的场景。

    The first crib ever was made outside a church of St. Francis of Assisi for children to show them how the Nativity scene was like .

  28. 加藤泉极推崇法兰西斯‧培根和梵谷两位肖像画大师,他相信只有藉扭曲的人像才能真实的传达画家的情感。

    Francis Bacon , Van Gogh are artists who Kato believes successfully did so in favouring the human figure but distorting it to convey the emotions of the artist .

  29. 下个礼拜就是法兰西斯·薛华逝世25周年纪念,他在明尼苏达州罗彻斯特市的家中去世,时年72岁。

    Next week ( May15 ) will be the25th anniversary of the death of Francis Schaeffer , who died in his home in Rochester , MN , at the age of72 .

  30. 我还看到了火光,看到取暖管中串出深锈红色的火苗,漫不经心地对法兰西斯说,“你家管子着火了。”

    I saw the firelight , too , a dull rusty glow up in the pipe , and I said to frances , without alarm ," I think yourpipe 's on fire . "