
  • 网络cavendish;Henry Cavendish
  1. 你觉得这个诅咒是真的吗,卡文迪许教授?

    Do you think the curse is real , professor cavendish ?

  2. 你为什么要学这个呢卡文迪许夫人

    Why would you want to manage , Mrs. Cavendish ?

  3. 可我知道卡文迪许教授的事。

    But I know what happened to Professor cavendish .

  4. 卡文迪许先生并没有冒犯的意思

    Mr. Cavendish doesn 't mean to cause offense .

  5. 按照你的设计卡文迪许先生

    As per your design , Mr. Cavendish .

  6. 你认为杀掉卡文迪许会让我想和你约会?

    You thought killing Cavendish would make me want to go out with you ?

  7. 他告诉你们他杀了卡文迪许教授?

    He told you he killed professor cavendish ?

  8. 我们这种采买旅行很少会见到女眷啊卡文迪许夫人

    We don 't usually get wives on these buying trips , Mrs. Cavendish .

  9. 卡文迪许实验室为何成为诺贝尔科学奖的孵化器

    Why the Cavendish Laboratory can Become the Hatcher of the Nobel Prize for Science

  10. 它是通过卡文迪许实验得到验证的。

    It is verified through Cavendish experiment .

  11. 请允许我隆重介绍卡文迪许轮�

    may I present the Cavendish chair !

  12. 后来他到了剑桥大学,并在约瑟夫·汤姆生的指导下于卡文迪许实验室学习。

    He then went to Cambridge University and studied in the Cavendish Laboratory under Sir Joseph John Thomson .

  13. 卢瑟福被邀请去担任,卡文迪许实验室的主任。

    And , Rutherford was invited to occupy the chair and be the director of the Cavendish Laboratory .

  14. 卡文迪许太太我们有些新进展

    We 're doing very well . Well , Mrs. Cavendish , we do have some progress to report .

  15. 英国剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室,被誉为诺贝尔科学奖的孵化器。

    The Cavendish Laboratory of the English Cambridge University is hailed as the hatcher of the Nobel Prize for science .

  16. 他是剑桥的一名物理教授,他还是,卡文迪许实验室的主任。

    He was a professor of physics at Cambridge University , and he was also the director of the Cavendish Laboratory .

  17. 甚至卡文迪许都观察到了,氢气燃烧,会产生水蒸气。

    And , even Cavendish , one of the things that he observed was that hydrogen could be combusted to produce water vapor .

  18. 而他是实验室的负责人,卡文迪许在18世纪留下一笔财富,捐给给剑桥。

    So , he was the director of the laboratory , and Cavendish made a fortune in the1700s , and willed it to Cambridge .

  19. 他毕业后,开始为一个贵族世家工作,也就是卡文迪许家族,在那里他成为了他们儿子的私人教师。

    And after he graduated , he entered the service of an aristocratic family , the Cavandish family , where he became a private tutor to their son .

  20. 测量结果惊人的准确,他测出了万有引力恒量的参数,在此基础上卡文迪许计算地球的密度和质量。

    The result was a remarkably accurate estimate of a parameter called the gravitational constant , and from that Cavendish was able to calculate the density and mass of the earth .

  21. 借鉴卡文迪许实验室发展经验,探讨大学学术生态环境对科学研究的巨大作用具有重要的现实意义。

    There are important real guiding meanings of learning from the development experiences of the Cavendish Laboratory and discussing the great impact of the university academic ecology environment to the scientific research .

  22. 一些关于氢的东西:,氢气,就像其他元素一样,有同位素,人们在1766年就发现了这一点,卡文迪许分离出原子氢,并且阐述了它的一些性质。

    A couple of other things about hydrogen : hydrogen also , like other elements , has isotopes and we already saw that in1766 , Cavendish isolated atomic hydrogen and enunciated some of its properties .