
kǎ tōng
  • cartoon
卡通 [kǎ tōng]
  • [cartoon] 动画片

卡通[kǎ tōng]
  1. 在这个卡通童话里王子变成了一只青蛙。

    A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale

  2. 这个卡通人物被刻画成了一名疯子科学家。

    The cartoon figure was depicted as a mad scientist .

  3. 现在卡通画家用传真机发送作品。

    These days , cartoonists send in their work by fax .

  4. 他最初通过向幽默搞笑类报纸出售卡通漫画维持生计。

    He at first kept body and soul together by selling cartoons to the humorous papers .

  5. 卡通是孩子们最喜欢的。

    Cartoons are always acceptable to kids .

  6. 她正在设计卡通影片。

    She is designing cartoons .

  7. 在过去的20年里,许多图画书被制成了卡通。

    Many picture-books have been made into cartoons in the past 20 years .

  8. 同时,剪纸也出现在了卡通、杂志或电视节目当中。

    At the same time , paper cut also appears in cartoons , magazines or TV programs .

  9. 他们中的许多人身上都有色彩鲜艳的时尚设计,比如卡通或流行歌星的图片。

    Many of them have colorful and fashionable designs on them , such as pictures of cartoons or pop stars .

  10. 你知道我非常喜欢迪斯尼的著名卡通人物,例如白雪公主和米老鼠。

    You know I love the famous cartoon characters of Disney such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse very much .

  11. 熊猫,以国宝形象,成为中国的象征之一。小鼹鼠,捷克国家级的经典卡通形象,已在捷克和东欧风靡数十载。

    One is a panda that typifies China , the other is a mole that has delighted Czechs and eastern Europeans for decades .

  12. 随着3D技术和更多迷人的故事情节,美国卡通电影在世界动漫市场上获得更高的经济效益。

    With3D technology and more engaging story lines , American cartoon movies have claimed higher profits in the world animation market .

  13. 你可能知道Cartoon这个词,因为跟在中文里的卡通听起来很像。

    You probably know this word , because it sounds just like the Chinese word .

  14. 一种用于非接触式IC卡通用脱机型读写器的集成电路模块。

    Provided is an integrated circuit module used for non contact type IC card general offline type reader and writer .

  15. HelloKitty卡通形象是三丽欧公司于1974年设计的,它的首次亮相是在一个塑料零钱包上。

    Designed in1974 by Sanrio , Hello Kitty first appeared on a plastic coin purse .

  16. 该卡通过一片DSP实现了数据自主收发的管理能力,减轻了微机CPU的负载,节约了微机资源。

    A DSP is used to manage the receiving and sending data of the interface , and the PC 's CPU load is abated .

  17. 为了验证我们的设计思路,我们开发了一个实际的系统:计算机卡通动画生成系统CAS。

    To verify our thoughts , we develop a prototype system : Cartoon Animation System ( CAS ) .

  18. 旁边交相辉映的是一幅妻子希勒的卡通画,她身穿1992年竞选时的运动衫,上面印有闺蜜希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)的画像。

    Propped up nearby is a cartoon of Shearer in a 1992 campaign sweater bearing a picture of close pal Hillary Clinton .

  19. 实现了支撑形式化检验与QoS感知的服务组合架构,并将该架构应用于数字卡通的网上协同制作。

    The service composition architecture supporting formalization verification and QoS-aware composition has been also implemented . Furthermore , the architecture is applied to digital cartoon cooperation manufacturing in the Internet .

  20. 他不仅是小樱桃卡通公司的CEO,还是中国第一本动漫产业期刊的总负责人。

    Not only is he CEO of Xiaoyingtao Cartoon Company , but now he 's also General Director of China 's first periodical dedicated to the animation industry .

  21. HelloKitty其实并不是一只猫,这有点奇怪,因为她是一个长得像猫且名字叫Kitty(小猫)的卡通形象。

    Turns out Hello Kitty is not actually a cat . Which is strange because she looks like a cat and is named Kitty .

  22. 百事可乐本月曾求助于twitter,此前用户开始发帖批评pepsimax的广告,广告描绘了卡通人物“卡路里”自杀。

    PepsiCo turned to twitter this month after users began posting criticisms of a Pepsi Max advertisement , which depicted a cartoon calorie committing suicide .

  23. 她在YouTube上搜索音乐视频,在GaiaOnline(一个角色扮演网站,玩家流行不停更换矫揉造作的卡通人物身份)上逗留。

    She searches for music videos on YouTube and logs onto Gaia Online , a role-playing site where members fashion alternate identities as cutesy cartoon characters .

  24. 里程碑式的原创3d卡通巨片《精灵世纪》,加上先进成熟的产业化思想,再加上全面娴熟的媒体推广运作,当然值得广大观众和儿童产品企业的热切期待!

    Creative3d cartoon movies < < eidolon century > > , as a landmark of China cartoon industry , combined advance cartoon industrialization and excellent media promotion activities , will be expected fervidly by vast audience and related enterprise !

  25. 最近,该公司因两次失败的兼并而有点动荡。不过,值得注意的是,它与Netflix公司签署了多项合约,将为后者制作1100多集原创卡通节目。

    The studio recently roiled by two failed mergers notably has contracts to produce more than 1,100 episodes of original cartoon programming for Netflix .

  26. BeyondVerbal的管理人员说,该应用主要是用于自我诊断,也可以带来一些小小的乐趣:它给每一次分析配上一张卡通脸孔,用户可以把脸孔拿到社交媒体上去分享。

    Beyond Verbal executives say the app is mostly for self-diagnosis & and a bit of fun : It pairs a cartoon face with each analysis , and users can share the face on social media .

  27. 图像的卡通部分是由一个有界变差(BV)函数来刻画,相应的将BV罚项合并到变分泛函中需要解偏微分方程。

    The cartoon component of an image is modeled by a bounded variation ( BV ) function ; the corresponding incorporation of BV penalty terms in the variational functional leads to solve PDE equations .

  28. 如今,日本企业特别注意开发小巧可爱的卡通形象。日本东京营销公司繁荣计划(BoomPlanning)总裁中村宁子(YasukoNakamura)说道:为吸引女性消费者,日本产品制作小巧可爱。

    Japanese companies now take special care in projecting their kawaii image , says Yasuko Nakamura , president of Tokyo-based marketing company Boom Planning : Japanese products are made to be kawaii so that they are liked by women .

  29. 在巴贝斯通(Babesta,一家纽约童装店——译注),她看到一座好玩的巨大台灯,是以卡通形象米菲(Miffy)为原型制作的。

    At Babesta , she studied a large , playful lamp modeled on the cartoon character Miffy .

  30. 不过,用户们赠送的不是虚拟的马天尼酒之类的礼物,而是虚拟的礼品卡,这种卡通过手机就能在大型零售商如GAP、H&M或丝芙兰(Sephora)处兑换商品。

    But instead of giving , say , a virtual Martini , wrapp users give each other virtual gift cards that are redeemable , via their mobile phones , at major retailers like gap ( GPS ) , H & M or Sephora .