
  • 网络the Cato Institute;CATO
  1. 卡托研究所的分析师马罗·因森特表示美国在利比亚面临着巨大的挑战。

    Cato Institute analyst Malou Innocent said U.S. challenges in Libya are substantial .

  2. 卡托研究所的分析师马卢·因森特表示俄罗斯的明显转变对于阿萨德总统而言是个坏消息。

    Cato Institute analyst Malou Innocent said Russia 's apparent shift is bad news for President Assad .

  3. 华盛顿卡托研究所的分析师丹·埃肯森表示贸易协定的扩展正在放缓其完成度。

    Analyst Dan Ikenson from Cato Institute in Washington says the breadth of the trade deal is slowing its completion .

  4. 约翰霍普金斯大学应用经济学教授和华盛顿的卡托研究所的高级研究员汉克认为,他们说的都对。

    They both are , according to Steve Hanke , professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University and a senior fellow at the Washington-based Cato Institute .