
  • 网络corporate welfare
  1. 因此,当我们减少穷人的福利时,企业福利会增加。

    So corporate welfare increases as we reduce welfare for the poor .

  2. 我认为石油公司并不需要这样的企业福利。

    I don 't think oil companies need more corporate welfare .

  3. 实际上,按照Fitbit的IPO招股说明书所示,该公司的5个战略目标之一是“进一步渗透企业福利市场”。

    Indeed , one of Fitbit 's five strategic goals is to " further penetrate the corporate wellness market , " according to its IPO prospectus .

  4. 2003&2004中国企业福利调研之培训

    2003 & 2004 Chinese Businesses Benefits Research : Training

  5. 有一段时间,在家工作是一项时髦的企业福利。

    For a while , working from home was the hip corporate perk .

  6. 国有企业福利补贴的漏洞和解决措施

    Welfare Subsidy Leak of State-owned Company and Solving Measures

  7. 基于投资报酬率管制下上下游垄断企业福利分析

    Welfare Analysis Based on Rate-of-Return Regulation on Successive Monopolistic Upstream and Downstream Firms

  8. 2003-2004中国企业福利调研之住房安排

    2003-2004 Chinese Businesses Benefits Research : Housing Arrangements

  9. 20世纪20年代美国企业福利资本主义运动评析

    On Welfare Capitalism Movement in US in 1920s

  10. 基于自助式福利组合的知识型企业福利点数方法研究

    Research of Knowledge-based Enterprises ' Welfare Points Method Based on Self-service Welfare 's Combination

  11. 福利措施的推行提高了广大员工的生产积极性,成为国有企业福利制度建设的重要蓝本,为国民政府时期军事工业的进步奠定了较好的基础。

    Welfare system stimulate the enthusiasm of staff , which laid a good foundation for the military industry .

  12. 种种现象表明,我国企业福利体系急需改革,寻求新的福利体系成为企业关注的焦点。

    These phenomena show that the welfare system needs reform and enterprises begin to focus their attention on seeking new social welfare system .

  13. 我们通常说的福利和企业福利,是为员工或者集体谋利益,这些福利和腐败有什么关系,表现为何种形式等;2、腐败和福利腐败的关系。

    The commonly called welfare and enterprise welfare aim at pursuing the interests for the employees and the collective . What is the relationship between welfare and corruption ?

  14. 福利满意度作为员工对企业福利制度和措施的一种感受和评价,对员工的工作态度和行为产生很重要的影响。

    Employee welfare satisfaction is a sort of feeling and evaluation to a corporate welfare system and measures , and it has a very important impact to employees ' attitude and behavior .

  15. 略论企业薪酬福利法的渊源

    A brief discussion on origins of corporate salary and welfare law

  16. 中国企业员工福利状况分析

    The Analysis of Employees ' Welfare in Chinese Companies

  17. 寡头企业社会福利的计算和调控

    On Calculating and Regulating of Oligopolies ' Social Welfare

  18. 浅谈企业员工福利设计的几个问题

    Discussion on Several Problems of Welfare Design

  19. 第三部分是企业员工福利消费方式选择的影响因素。

    The third part is about the factors influencing the way of consumption selections of staff welfare .

  20. 第二部分是企业员工福利的内容及其消费现状。

    The second part is about the content and the current consumption situation of the welfare of employees .

  21. 因此,法国企业对福利体系的贡献比例高于其它许多国家,它们甚至要为家庭津贴出资。

    Companies thus contribute to a higher proportion of the welfare system than in many other countries , even to family allowances .

  22. 本文的研究问题是中国企业职业福利与国家福利的关系发生了怎样的转变、为何转变以及如何实现转变。

    The research questions of this study are how the relations between EOW and state welfare changed , why and how the relations transform .

  23. 当然这个前提基础是他能够胜任这项工作,因为我们深知企业不是福利机构,是一个具有一定社会责任的赢利机构。

    Of course , they must be equal to the jobs , because a corporation is not a welfare institution but a profit making one with social responsibilities .

  24. 是社会各界进行公务、商务考察,举办各类会议培训、旅游观光、企业员工福利疗养、奖励度假的最佳选择。

    Is the official community , business visits , conferences and meetings organized by training , travel and tourism , business convalescence employee benefits , rewards the best choice for a holiday .

  25. 国有企业的福利负担主要包括“企业办社会”和社会保险变为“企业保险”这两个方面上。

    The burden of welfare of state-on enterprises can be seen that the enterprises take on too many obligations that should be taken by the society , such as insurance , education and medication .

  26. 本文的基本结论是企业员工福利消费方式的相同点都是法定性福利的消费方式为主,实物性福利的消费方式和机会性福利的消费方式占据重要位置。

    The basic conclusion of this thesis is that the similarities of the welfare of staff in different enterprises lies in their basic statutory-benefits pattern of consumption , material benefit pattern of consumption and opportunistic benefit pattern of consumption .

  27. 在中国,随着经济社会的发展,人们生活水平的提高,对高水平、多元化的福利需要不断产生;企业职业福利成为满足员工不同层次福利需要的重要途径。

    In China , as the development of economy and society , the living levels are left up , people need more and higher welfare and the enterprise occupational welfare ( EOW ) becomes an important way to satisfy different levels of welfare needs .

  28. 同时,计划经济向市场经济的转型,企业单位福利解体,企业职业福利、社会保险和社会服务从其中分离出来,共同构成与市场经济相适应的多层次社会保障体系。

    At the same time , the economic transition from planned economy to market economy induced disintegration of enterprise dan-wei welfare , EOW , social insurance and social services were separated from it , and finally all the three parts constitute multilevel social security system adjusted to market economy .

  29. 但是欧洲经济体还需要欧盟(EU)和各国政府同时采取措施,开放产品市场,放开劳动力市场,支持企业,改革福利。

    But European economies also need both European Union and domestic measures to open up product markets , liberalise labour markets , support enterprise and reform welfare .

  30. 企业工资与福利制度的权变选择

    An Analysis of the Contingent Choice of Pay and Welfare Policy