
  • 网络progressive;progressivism;Progressionism
  1. 现在,让我们看看:进步主义如何走向高潮。

    Let us now see how progressivism came to flood tide .

  2. 支持教育技术的另一个观点是进步主义理论。

    The other idea supporting instructional technology is the theory of progressivism .

  3. 美国进步主义教育对我国实施素质教育的启示

    The Implications Of American Progressive Education For Our Quality Education

  4. 克伯屈是20世纪美国著名的进步主义教育家,在当时的中外教育交流中扮演了一个重要的角色。

    William Kilpatrick is an American outstanding progressive educator in 20th century .

  5. 不同国家从不同角度接受了进步主义议程。

    Different parts of this agenda are already being embraced in different countries .

  6. 从自由主义到国家主义&美国进步主义时期的政治变动

    From Liberalism to Nationalism & The political changes during the period of American progressivism

  7. 但是所有这些附属学校都没有囊括进步主义教育实践。

    All of these secondary schools did not embrace Progressive Education practices , however .

  8. 关于美国进步主义运动的几个问题

    On the Progressive Movement in the United States

  9. 从进步主义到存在主义,现代教育哲学是以相对主义为主流的。

    From progressivism to existentialism , relativism dominates the progress of modern education philosophy .

  10. 进步主义教育与新教育健康教育思想的比较研究

    Progressive Education and the New Thinking of the Education of Health Education A Comparative Study

  11. 美国进步主义时期对美国历史以及公共管理理论发展有着重要影响。

    The progressivism in American history and public management theory has an important effect on the development .

  12. 转型、困惑与出路&美国“进步主义运动”略论

    The way out for transition and predicament & a study on the american " progressive movement "

  13. 宫崎骏作品当中除了一些进步主义题材之外,观众经常会看到以下一些元素:

    Besides their progressive themes , in Miyazaki 's films , viewers frequently encounter the following elements :

  14. 他非常重视舆论的力量,并充分利用公众舆论来推行他的进步主义改革。

    He once made full use of the force of public opinion to promote the progressive reform .

  15. 进步主义及其检讨

    Progressivism and Its Review

  16. 最能昭示一个大进步主义时代到来的事件,莫过于通过全国范围的医疗福利改革。

    What would define a big progressive moment more than anything else would be passing national healthcare reform .

  17. 进步主义者希望而传统主义者害怕,最高法院在全联邦赋予人民同性婚姻的权利。

    Progressives hope and traditionalists fear that the Supreme Court will find a federal right to same-sex wedlock .

  18. 《章鱼》的进步主义意义及其影响

    And the exploitation background and significance of this system . Significance The Progressive Meaning and Effect of Octopus

  19. 可见,新党推动了进步主义改革的发展,促进了改革措施的建立。

    Obviously , the Bull Moose Party advanced the progressive movement , and promoted the reform measure establishment .

  20. 我们评价进步主义成就时,不应轻率漏掉它引起的政治变化。

    In assessing the achievement of progressivism , one should not dismiss lightly the political changes that it effected .

  21. 杜威的教育哲学和其实用主义哲学思想浑然一体,成为美国当今教育思想中进步主义教育这一主要流派的理论基础。

    Dewey 's philosophy of education influenced American education greatly , and is the theoretical basis of Progressive Education .

  22. 设置适应学生经验和个性发展的现代主题课程和活动课程,其基础一般与进步主义或存在主义有关;

    The theoretical basis of the experience curriculum , theme-based curriculum , and activity curriculum is progressivism or existentialism .

  23. 在西方德育实践中经历了宗教式灌输、进步主义教育反对灌输和灌输的再回复;

    The west witnessed progressively religious indoctrination , progressive education moment which was against indoctrination and then regression to indoctrination .

  24. 进步主义运动产生于美国由农业社会向工业社会转型的历史时期。

    Progressive movement produced in the United States by the agricultural society to the industry society transformation period in history .

  25. 总的说来,卡津是一个对未来感到失望的进步主义者,一个批判传统的传统主义者。

    Generally speaking , Kazin is a progressive with a despairing sense of the future , a traditionalist fighting against the tradition .

  26. 这两项政策或许具有进步主义色彩:毕竟大学(肯定)和图书馆(可能)是中产阶级经常光顾的场所。

    Both those policies are probably progressive : universities ( certainly ) and libraries ( probably ) tend to be middle-class haunts .

  27. 他们的努力与付出,无论是文字上的或是行动上的,都为美国进步主义运动画上了浓墨重彩的一笔。

    Their efforts whether in literature or in action , are painted on a splendid touch in Progressive Movement in the United States .

  28. 由于该时期美国社会转型的复杂性,进步主义运动也蕴涵诸多悖论,对其加以准确释读对于观照普遍意义上的资本主义转型不无裨益。

    Due to the complexity of then American society in transition , the story of Progressivism contains many paradoxes that need examining thoroughly .

  29. 在这种背景下进步主义运动应运而生,在许多州和城市火热地进行着。

    It is his reformation that made the progressive movement nationwide , which before that was only going on some states and cities .

  30. 另一方面是因为具有科学主义倾向的科学派人士大都是进步主义进化观的赞成者。

    The other important reason was that the members of scientific party who were inclined to scientism were for the evolution viewpoint of progressivism .