
  • 网络migrant workers;Rural migrant workers in cities
  1. 现在书价高了,让不少群体买书产生了困难,比如进城务工人员、贫困大学生等。

    Many books are high-priced , which presents a heavy burden for many people , such as migrant workers and college students .

  2. 进城务工人员权益维护刍议

    Initial perception on rights and interests protection for migrant workers

  3. 第四,加快社会保障制度建设,抓紧解决进城务工人员参保问题。

    Fourth , lspeed up development of the social security system ;

  4. 新时期进城务工人员子女教育歧视现象透视&以瑞安市为例

    Perspective on Educational Discrimination for Children of Migrant Workers in New Period

  5. 这些进城务工人员当中,不少人还带着子女来到城市。

    Among these migrant workers , many of them carry their children .

  6. ph.1.人格吸引力吸引人的能力农村进城务工人员人力资源能力研究

    Research on Human Resource Capacity for the Migrant Workers from Rural Areas

  7. 山东省进城务工人员发展现状调查研究

    The Research of the Development Status of Migrant Workers in Shandong Province

  8. 农村进城务工人员医疗保险制度模式探究

    The Research of Rural-urban Migrant 's Medical Insurance System

  9. 她说:仅仅五年前,进城务工人员关注的还主要是生活必需品。

    Just five years ago , migrant workers were most concerned about the essentials .

  10. 进城务工人员子女社会化的环境支持体系研究

    A Research on the Environmental Support System for Socialization of the Migrant Workers ' Children

  11. 进城务工人员子女义务教育责任主体的实践研究

    The Research of the Practice of Responsibility Body of Free-education for Rural-urban Migrant Workers ' Children

  12. 进城务工人员是山东社会经济发展的重要力量。

    Migrant workers are an important impetus to the social and economic development of Shandong province .

  13. 工作场所中进城务工人员艾滋病行为改变交流策略的形成性评估研究

    Formative Assessment Research on HIV / AIDS Behavior Change Communication Strategies for Rural-to-Urban Migrant Workers at Workplace

  14. 从来没有一个群体能像当今的进城务工人员那样,以他们独特的群体性吸引着社会的关注。

    There has been never a unique group as rural migrant workers who attract attention from society .

  15. 进城务工人员卫生服务供给机制研究专业人员、行政人员、事务人员和电子计算机工作人员协会

    Research on Health Services Supply of Migrant Workers ; Association of Professional , Executive , Clerical and Computer Staff

  16. 棚户区进城务工人员生存状况研究&以长沙市为例

    Investigation of the Living Condition of Migrant Workers in Shanty Towns & Take the Situation in Changsha as Example

  17. 铁打的住房流动的民工&9900万进城务工人员住房问题亟待解决

    Fixed Houses Versus Floating Workers The housing problems of 9900 million migrant rural workers have yet to be resolved urgently

  18. 因此,研究进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育情况具有重大的理论意义和应用价值。

    Therefore , the study of migrant situations Children in compulsory education is of great theoretical significance and application value .

  19. 本文所要探讨的不是全社会的医疗保险内容,而是农村进城务工人员这一特殊群体的医疗保险问题。

    The migrant workers from rural areas are a new group of industrial working class in the transformation of society .

  20. 工会应关注灵活就业人员、进城务工人员的社会保险问题

    The Trade Union should give the concerns to the social insurance problem of the flexible employment personnel and the migrant workers

  21. 建筑业是劳动密集型行业,就业容量大,农村进城务工人员的四分之一都在建筑行业工作。

    Building industry is labor-intensive industries , huge employment capacity , a quarter of rural migrant workers are in the building industry .

  22. 对提高其综合素质,推进农村城镇化和进城务工人员工人阶级化进程,起到了重要作用。

    This attempt has given great impetus to better the comprehensive qualities of rural workers and accelerate the urbanization and the transformation .

  23. 这位姓曾的农村进城务工人员起初拒绝被采访,说别问我(任何问题),我就是个打工的而已。

    The rural migrant worker surnamed Zeng first turned down the interview , saying , Dont ask me ( any questions ) .

  24. 在学校素质教育不断深入发展的今天,研究进城务工人员子女心理健康问题疏导的策略,具有十分重要的意义。

    The quality of school education develops deep ceaselessly today . The children of migrant workers mental health counseling strategies have very important sense .

  25. 进城务工人员子女的义务教育问题正是这一急剧变迁过程与滞后的制度、政策矛盾的产物。

    The problem of free-education of rural-urban migrant workers ' children is the result of the conflict of the changing process and temporarily out-of-time policy .

  26. 越来越多的儿童跟随父母来到城市。进城务工人员随迁子女也逐渐进入研究者的视域。

    More and more rural children with parents migrate to the city . Children of migrant workers also gradually come into the researchers ' sight .

  27. 其中,进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育情况一直是城市义务教育长期存在的一个突出问题。

    Among them , the children of Migrant Workers to receive compulsory education compulsory education had been in long-term existence of the city a prominent issue .

  28. 基于2006年吉林省进城务工人员调查数据,采用倾向分匹配法对农民工的培训收入效应进行估算。

    The paper uses the propensity score-matching method to estimate the effects on training on rural labor 's earnings based on micro data of Jilin Province in2006 .

  29. 为进城务工人员随迁子女提供教育服务已经成为一个重大的问题并越来越为社会所关注。

    Providing education for the children of rural migrant workers has created a critical problem for the government and getting more and more attention by the society .

  30. 进城务工人员子女作为新时期的一支独特的弱势群体,其心理健康问题已日益受到关注。

    The children of migrant workers as the new era of a unique vulnerable group , their psychological healthy problem has attracted increasing attention in recent years .