
jìn liào
  • feed;charge-in;charging;feedstock
进料[jìn liào]
  1. 在CO变换之后,实际上在进料中所有的碳都呈二氧化碳的状态。

    After the CO conversion step practically all the carbon from the feedstock is in the form of carbon dioxide .

  2. 进料中H2O/O2比例的增加只是显著降低反应温度,而对合成气H2/CO比的影响较小;

    Increase of steam in feedstock has little effect on H_2 / CO of synthesis gas but can be used to control the reaction temperature .

  3. 进料口径大可快速粉碎进料

    Its large caliber enables fast and pulverizing of material .

  4. 丙烯腈流化床反应器进料系统的PID自动整定

    PID Auto-tuning of the Feed System of an Acrylonitrile Fluid Bed Reactor

  5. 连续进料超临界二氧化碳萃取和浓缩α-VE的试验研究

    Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of α - Vitamin E by Continuously Feeding Material Method

  6. 并根据实际的进料情况确定了适合酒精废水处理的参数k值,k取0.03是可靠的。

    And the right parameter k was determined as 0.03 which should be reliable .

  7. 球形Ni(OH)2包覆钴化合物的积分进料工艺

    Integral feeding technique for coating spherical Ni ( OH ) _2 particles with cobalt compounds

  8. 液-液喷射器不同进料方式下混合过程的CFD模拟

    CFD simulation of mixing process of liquid-liquid ejector with different feeding methods

  9. 浅析PTA装置氧化混合进料控制

    The Oxidation Mix Feeding Control in Pure Terephthalic Acid Unit

  10. PTA装置溶剂脱水塔进料组分含量变化对塔分离效果的影响

    Influence of Feed Components on Distillation Operating in the Acetic Acid Dehydration System

  11. FCC乳化重油冷进料的工艺参数与产品收率的关联

    Association Between Process Parameters of Cold Feedstock and the Yields of Products in Emulsified Heavy Oil in FCC

  12. 结晶器不同进料位置混合过程的CFD模拟用这套测试装置对9种不同结构的复合材料进行了实验研究。

    Feeding at different locations of industrial crystallizer simulated by CFD Nine different composite matericals are tested by the de vice .

  13. PA6生产中的现代萃取循环工艺:再进料、超比例再进料和再聚合

    Modern Extract Recycling Processes in PA 6 Production : Refeeding , " Over-Proportional " Refeeding and Re-Polymerization

  14. 平衡组分中H2/CO比值主要取决于进料中H2O/CO2比值,与O2量关系不大;

    The H2 / CO ratio of equilibrium composition was mainly deter - mined by the H_2O / CO_2 ratio of feed composition , but it had little relation to oxygen content .

  15. 以对二甲苯(PX)装置吸附塔进料成分的定量分析为例,进行了对比研究。

    Comparative studies were taken on to quantitatively analysis the incoming stock components of paraxylene absorption tower .

  16. 提出了一种积分进料的工艺方法,在球形Ni(OH)2的表面包覆上了一层钴的化合物;

    In the present work , the surface of the Ni ( OH ) 2 grains was micro encapsulated with a layer of cobalt compounds using a novel integral feeding technique .

  17. 首先求解了设计型变量塔顶产品流量,回流比,理论板数和进料位置,然后给出精馏过程的数学模型MESH方程组。

    Some variables such as production flow , rate ratio , theoretic tray counts and theoretic input place are gained , and the mathematical model MESH equations are brought out .

  18. 以此为基础,综合考虑CFD数值模拟得出的最佳进料量要求,实现薄膜蒸发器的工艺计算。

    Based on the results , the process calculation of thin film evaporator was realized by synthetically considering the optimum feed rate derived from CFD simulation .

  19. 美国堪萨斯州ElDorado炼油厂德士古气化炉采用低值进料的操作经验

    Operating Experience with Low-Value Feedstocks for Texaco Gasifier at the El Dorado Refinery in Kansas , USA

  20. 研究了进料量Qf和分流比R(溢流与进料之比)对筛分的影响。

    The effects of feed rate and split ratio ( overflow rate to feed rate ratio ) on fractionation of pulp fiber are studied .

  21. 基于PCA和PLS的常压塔质量相关分析与建模大型常压塔切向进料口下层塔盘结构设计


  22. 多向同步进料精密级进冲压工艺探讨精密级BMC在汽车发动机中的高端应用

    High-precision progressive stamping process with multi-way co-feeding in parallel Advanced Application of Accurate Grade of BMC on the Car Engine

  23. 采用标称孔径为0.22μm的聚偏氟乙烯微孔膜,对减压膜蒸馏法分离Cr(VI)水溶液进行了实验研究,探讨了进料浓度和pH值对膜分离性能的影响。

    The feasibility of the separation of aqueous Cr ( VI ) solution by vacuum membrane distillation , employed microporous PVDF membrane possessing gauge pore size 0.22 ? μ m , was investigated .

  24. 以DBP和DBS混合物进行了模拟计算,详细考察了进料浓度和进料速率对分子蒸馏过程的影响,并与实际蒸馏效果作了对比分析。

    The influences of feed concentration and feed rate on molecular distillation were carried out with simulation of DBP and DBS mixtures .

  25. 对加热炉出口&常压塔进料温度设计SPC设定值监督控制,在DOS环境下开发模糊控制方案的详细设计,得到较好的仿真结果。

    Temperature of a heating fumace . outlet-an atmospheric tower . the detailed plan of a fuzzy control scheme under DCS environments and obtained fairly good imitated results .

  26. 利用担载型双金属活性组分催化剂,考察了反应温度、压力、进料空速和V(空气)∶V(H2O)(体积比)等反应条件对催化湿式氧化处理某农药废水效果的影响。

    The wastewater in pesticide plants on the supported bimetallic catalyst is treated and the operation conditions of CWO including temperature , pressure , space velocity and the ratio of air / water are investigated .

  27. 在前期研究的基础上,以城市污水为进料,对比研究常规A2/O工艺与倒置A2/O工艺的水处理功能。

    A comparison was conducted on the ability of nitrogen and phosphorus removal from municipal wastewater by the reversed A2 / O process on the basis of the prophase study .

  28. 系统地考察了放电电极材质、放电电极直径、氢气和氧气进料总气速和氧气浓度等参数对H2O2生成的影响。

    Effects of different experimental parameters , such as diameters and material of discharge wire , total rate of H_2-O_2 feed , oxygen concentration on the generation of H_2O_2 have been systematically studied .

  29. 用极限电流、循环伏安和阳极极化等方法对低温、高浓度进料条件下Pd/Nafion复合膜直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)进行研究。

    DMFC with Pd / Nafion composite membrane was studied at low temperature and high concentration by limiting current density , cyclic voltammetry and anode polarization methods .

  30. 简要介绍CCK型催化裂化进料喷嘴的雾化机理、性能特点以及在延炼实业集团公司400kt/a重油催化裂化装置上的工业应用情况。

    The atomizing mechanism and performance characteristics of a new CCK type feed nozzle and its application in a 400kt / a resid FCCU are briefly introduced .