
  • 网络Corporatization;corporatized;demutualization
  1. 论证券交易所的公司化改革

    On Corporatization reform of stock exchange

  2. 公司化的组织与家族化的运作&基于中国私营企业的实证研究

    Corporatization of Organizational Form and Familization of Organizational Operations & An Empirical Study Based on China 's Private Enterprises

  3. 苏通长江大桥D1标项目公司化管理探索

    On Management of Tender D1 of the Suzhou-Nantong Yangtze River Bridge

  4. 论文通过对国内现行两种经营模式的SWOT分析,提出了通过代理外包形式的信用卡公司化经营模式的构想。

    Based on SWOT analysis of the existing two operating modes in China , this author advances an operating mode of credit card agent company .

  5. 我国城市土地资产公司化运营的经济学研究

    COMPANY Economics Research in Cooperation Operation of Urban Land in China

  6. 民办教育公司化运作倾向性之思考

    The Thought about Tendentiousness of Company 's Running of Private Education

  7. 港台公司化可以让员工做节目时有更大弹性。

    Corporatising RTHK could allow staff more flexibility in running programmes .

  8. 国有商业银行金融控股公司化研究

    On the Research of the Financial Holding Company of State-owned Commercial Bank

  9. 股票市场与国有企业公司化改革

    Stock market and the state-owned enterprises ' reform involving the company system

  10. 投资主体多元化是国有企业进行有限责任公司化改革的关键。

    The key to the reform is to diversify the investment subject .

  11. 公路客运业公司化经营模式的分析

    Analysis of the Corporate Managing Mode of the Road Passengers ' Transportation

  12. 数字图书馆公司化运作模式的思考

    Thoughts on the Corporative Operation Model of Digital Library

  13. 应当确立决策与投资相统一的供给主体,而不能简单地进行公司化运作;

    The infrastructure provider should be a single entity of decision and investment ;

  14. 难道此处只是一块公司化美国之地,而不是宗教化美国之地?

    Surely this is a slice of corporate America rather than religious America ?

  15. 综合经营趋势下国有保险集团金融控股公司化分析

    State-owned Insurance Groups Turning into Financial Holding Companies amid the Trend towards Comprehensive Operation

  16. 美国是一个高度公司化的国家。

    America is a highly incorporated country .

  17. 论产权法律制度创新与国有企业公司化改制

    On the Innovation of Property Right Laws and the Transitional System of State-owned Enterprises to Companies

  18. 医院集团模式的探讨&建立现代医院制度实行公司化经营

    Probing in model for multi - hospitals : to establish a modern hospital regulation through Corporation

  19. 我国国有煤炭企业大多处在现代公司化改制进程中。

    The stateowned coal corporations in our country are mostly in the process of corporation modernization reformation .

  20. 对非公司化企业的审计

    Audit of unincorporated enterprise

  21. 我行银行卡业务公司化重组改制总体上可以分为三大阶段。

    As a whole , the corporate reorganization on the banking card business of our bank contains three stages .

  22. 公司化理论对于信用卡业而言,是一次飞跃式的转变。

    The theory of " Companying " is the saltant transformation for credit card , and is just underway .

  23. 中国金融业的改革重中之重是大力推进四大国有商业银行的商业化、市场化、公司化,提高国有银行的竞争力。

    The most important thing in china finance industry reform is to turn the state-owned bank into a real corporate .

  24. 利用产权理论提出新的产权权利束作为公司化运营的理论依据;

    Using the Property Right Theory to propose a new property right bunch as the theoretical basis of corporation operation ;

  25. 水景:在什么位置?不清楚。形状不太有说服力,同样太公司化,象酒店里的装饰。

    Waterfall : where is it positioned ?? Unclear . Form not so convincing ; again : too corporate , like hotel aesthetics .

  26. 随着竞争的加剧以及其公司化的趋势日益明显,证券交易所追求商业利益的动机日益加强。

    As competition intensifies and the trend is increasingly evident , the motivation to pursue business interests in the stock exchange is increasingly intensified .

  27. 另一方面在运输管理信息化、运输服务和资源管理公司化的基础上建立大铁路局。

    On the other hand , establish greater railway administration based on transportation management by modern information and commercialized transportation service and resources management .

  28. 在传统国有企业公司化改制过程中,很多大型、特大型国有企业选择了国有独资公司形式。

    In the course of state-owned enterprises ( SOEs ) reform , many large and super SOEs have chosen the form of solely state-owned company .

  29. 同时,铁路企业在运作模式等方面还面临着从政企不分向着公司化管理的转变过程。

    At the same time , the operation mode of the railway enterprise is also faced with the change from government mode to company mode .

  30. 加速发展和完善资本市场,进而推进国有商业银行和国有企业的公司化改革。

    It also makes suggestions to accelerate the development and the consummation of capital market and to advance the corporation reform of state-owned commercial banks and state-own enterprises .