
  • 网络high housing price;high house prices;House Prices
  1. 最后,本部分从房地产市场的整个经济环境进行分析,目前房地产市场处于一个高房价的阶段,同时面临着宏观调控政策的影响。

    Under such an economic condition , the current real estate market is in the period of high housing price , and faces influences of macro-control .

  2. 中央政府的住房宏观调控政策没有抓住形成高房价的根源,使得实际效果与宏观调控意图发生了背离。

    The housing macro policies of central government did not catch hold of the root forming high housing price , leading to the final effects deviating the original intent .

  3. 工薪阶层都盼望高房价能合理归位。

    The salariat class are longing for a rational return in the commercial housing price .

  4. 繁荣发展但不稳定的国家的富人们会大量涌入“对冲城市”的房地产市场,从而催高房价。

    A hedge city is a place where wealthy people in booming but unstable2 societies pile into local real-estate markets , driving up values .

  5. 如果地方官员能够从“唯GDP是从”中解脱出来,他们便会较少地依赖土地销售来资助预算,而中国的高房价正来源于这种依赖。

    If they 're off the hook for hitting targets , it could make them less reliant on land parcel sales -- the prices of which have been rising -- to fund their budgets .

  6. 其他被ECA国际列在世界高房价前10名的亚洲城市包括了孟买、首尔、新加坡与胡志明市。

    Other Asian cities that made ECA 's top 10 global list were Mumbai , Seoul , Singapore and Ho Chi Minh City .

  7. 为了抑制国内当前的高房价,我国对房地产实行紧缩的宏观经济政策,这为REITs在国内的推出提供了良好机遇。

    In order to control the current high domestic price of real estate , China apply macroeconomic policies , which provides a good opportunity for the introduction of REITs in China .

  8. 就是因为高房价,中国的中产阶级存不下什么钱。波士顿咨询公司的合伙人JeffWalters说。

    ' If only because of rent , it is hard to save a lot of money in top-tier cities for the middle class , ' said Jeff Walters , a partner at Boston Consulting .

  9. 在我国信用制度不发达的前提下,REITs的推出一方面可以降低房地产开发商和投资性购房者的投机性,从而对目前的高空置率和高房价起到一定程度的抑制作用;

    Base on the fact that our country 's credit system is undeveloped , the introduction of REITs can reduce the speculativeness of participator of real estate market , and restrain the high vacancy rate and foam of real estate market .

  10. 不过,对很多潜在购房者来说,高房价仍是阻止他们出手的一个障碍。

    But high prices remain a hindrance for many potential buyers .

  11. 高房价使得很多人推迟结婚。

    The high house price has many people delay their wedding .

  12. 纽约的高房价让中高收入的居民也会租房。

    High home prices keep middle-income and upper-income residents here renting .

  13. 中国的中产阶级也受到高房价的困扰。

    The middle class in China also suffers from high housing costs .

  14. 伴随着高房价的产生,也催生了一系列的社会问题。

    The high houses price lead to a series of social problems .

  15. 首先,本文从理论上定性地推导出高房价对投资的挤占效应。

    Firstly , the paper derives that high house price can crowd out investment .

  16. 高房价已经严重制约了区域经济的进一步发展。

    The high building price level already baffling the further development of district economy .

  17. 住房制度变迁、市场扭曲与高房价

    Transition of the Housing System , Distortion of the Housing Market and the High Price

  18. 高房价会加剧贫富悬殊,容易成为社会不稳定因素。

    High prices will aggravate the gap between rich and poor vulnerable to social instability .

  19. 高房价导致人们迁离纽约,它是一场环境和文化的灾难。

    The high prices drive people away from New York , an environmental and cultural disaster .

  20. 员工们的抱怨还有加班和低工资与高房价间的巨大差距。

    Overtime and a wide mismatch between low salaries and high housing costs were also grumbles .

  21. 寡头垄断是造成我国高房价的一个主要原因。接着将对我国房地产市场垄断的表现以及成因进行深入的分析。

    Oligopoly monopoly is one of the main reasons which have caused the costly housing price .

  22. 高房价是在房地产市场供给层面和需求层面上,各相关主体相互博弈中逐渐形成的。

    The supply game and demand game of the real estate market cause the high price .

  23. 现阶段,高房价问题已经成为中国的社会政治问题。

    Nowadays , high-price housing has been raised up to a social and political issue in China .

  24. 对于许多年轻白领,中国的高房价让他们的生活方式绝不可能像电视上一样。

    For many of the young professionals , China 's property boom istranslating into a decidedly untelegenic lifestyle .

  25. 后者指政府通过税收手段,限制开发商屯地,减少住房空置,调节高房价,抑制炒房行为。

    The latter is that government restrains developer from stationing land , decrease free-housing and regulates high house price .

  26. 该蓝皮书称,买房观念的变化与高房价有关。

    The change in attitude about buying houses is related to high property prices , the blue paper said .

  27. 高房价问题不仅仅是一个经济问题,而且还演变成一系列的社会问题。

    The problem now is not just limited to the economical area but leading to a series of social issues .

  28. 目前如何控制和稳定持续攀升的高房价,已经成为了国家宏观调控的首要问题。

    At present , how to control high rising prices , the country has become the most important macro-control problem .

  29. 但是高房价以及高空置率给房地产市场的健康发展带来了隐患。

    But the sustained high prices and the high vacancy rates affected the healthy development of the real estate industry .

  30. 原因在于快速变化的社会、日益激烈的竞争、长工作时间还有高房价。

    They blame pressure from a rapidly changing society , increased competition , long work hours and high property prices .