
  • 网络high-level universities
  1. 近年来,一批高水平大学在拔尖创新人才培养方面,进行了多样化的探索,也取得了初步成果。

    In recent years , a lot of high-level universities have undergone diversity exploration and achieved initial results in outstanding innovative talents training .

  2. 促进大学发展,建设世界高水平大学是中国高等教育改革的主要目标。

    The objective of the higher education reforms in China is the development of the universities and the building of a number of high-level universities .

  3. 随着信息和通信技术的不断发展,特别是随着Internet的普及,国内各高校都把信息化作为高水平大学建设的发展战略之一。

    With the rapid development of the information and communication technology , especially with the popularity of Internet , the domestic universities take informationization as one of the development strategies of the construction of high-level university .

  4. 21世纪COE计划不仅对推动日本世界最高水平大学建设和高等教育改革具有重要的意义,而且对于我国建设世界高水平大学和推动我国高等教育改革具有重要的借鉴意义。

    The author brings forth some suggestions in the end . " COE Program for the 21st Century " has significant meaning to the world-class universities development and the higher education reform in Japan , and provides references to China 's development of world-class universities and higher education reforms .

  5. 国际化:中国高水平大学的必由之路

    Internationalization : a necessary process for high level universities in China

  6. 全面加强党的建设,向社会主义高水平大学迈进

    Strengthen the Party Construction and Stride toward a Socialism Well-advanced University

  7. 广西建设高水平大学的政策性建议

    Suggestions Concerning the Policy to Build Universities with High Qualities

  8. 我国高水平大学师资队伍国际化研究

    The Research on Internationalization of Teaching Staff of Top-grade Universities

  9. 高水平大学建设的国家战略及其政策分析

    On Government Strategy and Policy for Building High Quality Universities

  10. 大学排行榜对地方高水平大学建设的启示

    Revelation of University Ranking List for Local Higher Level University

  11. 建设高水平大学必须要有高水平的教学科研人员及管理服务人员。

    Construction of high-level university must have high-level faculty and management personnel .

  12. 知名高水平大学精英教育探析

    Exploration and Analysis on Elite Education at Famous High-level Universities

  13. 高水平大学学科费用系数的测算

    Determining the coefficient of the disciplines cost in top universities

  14. 网络教育在高水平大学建设中的作用与途径

    Roles of Web-based Education in Building up High-Level University and The Ways

  15. 建设高水平大学人事分配制度改革的思考

    Some thoughts on deepening the reform of personnel distribution system in high-level university

  16. 高水平大学背景下高校后勤管理的创新

    On innovating Universities'Rear service management under the background of constructing high level universities

  17. 对创建世界知名高水平大学的思考

    Investigation on Building a World - famous Top University

  18. 高水平大学建设要重点处理好的八个关系

    Eight well-handled relations in the construction of high-level university

  19. 塑造大学精神,建设高水平大学

    Figuring collegial spirit , building high level university

  20. 关于高水平大学师资队伍建设的思考

    On the Faculty Construction of High Level University

  21. 我国建设高水平大学关键是要科学规划,有所为,有所不为,实现大学的跨越式发展。

    To establish high level universities in China requires scientific programming and cautious action .

  22. 落实战略发展规划,创建世界知名高水平大学

    Implementing Strategic Programs of Development and Building BUAA into a Well-known University in the World

  23. 我国高水平大学培养本科创新型人才研究

    Research on the Cultivation of Innovative Talents of Undergraduate Education in Top Universities in China

  24. 世界一流大学就是对人类社会做出了重大贡献并得到国际公认的高水平大学。

    World-class university is the high level university which makes great contribution and be recognized internationally .

  25. 国外高水平大学土木工程专业的课程体系有其相对的合理性。

    Course systems for undergraduate students of civil engineering in foreign countries have their relative rationality .

  26. 为达成建设高水平大学的目的,大学必须重视大学文化建设。

    The construction of university culture should be emphasized in order to build a high level university .

  27. 在高水平大学建设的背景下,要求大学不断提高学术水平。

    Under the background of achieving high-leveled university , it requires universities to enhance academic level continuously .

  28. 第2部分,分析了我国高水平大学教育学科建设的必要性性和可行性。

    The 2nd part , has analyzed Our country High level college education discipline construction feasibility and the necessity .

  29. 在对高水平大学进行条件分析时,借鉴了经济学规模经济的理论,构建了高等教育投入模型,这是本文的另一个创新点。

    According to the theory of economics , construct the input model , and this is this another innovations .

  30. 为建设创新型国家培养杰出人才,高水平大学责无旁贷。

    It is an unshirkable duty of a high-level university to develop outstanding talents for constructing a creative country .