
  • 网络cnsa;NASA;China National Space Administration;SANSA
  1. 国家航天局表示,“祝融号”火星车将继续向乌托邦平原南部的古海陆交界地带行驶,实施拓展任务。据介绍,目前,环绕器运行在中继通信轨道,主要为火星车进行中继通信(relaycommunication)。

    The CNSA added that the rover will continue to move to the boundary zone between the ancient sea and land in the southern part of Utopia Planitia to carry out tasks .

  2. 中国国家航天局与俄罗斯国家航天集团公司将就国际月球科研站的规划、设计、建设以及运营等事宜进行商讨,合作建设并运营该科研站。

    The CNSA and Roscosmos will negotiate on matters about the international lunar research station 's planning , design , construction and operations , and will work together to build and run it .

  3. 在美国国家航天局准备阿波罗航天计划时,他们让宇航员们去亚利桑那州纳瓦伙族保留区进行训练。

    When NASA was preparing for the Apollo Project , it took the astronauts to a Navajo reservation1 in Arizona for training .

  4. 国家航天局鼓励开展基于月球样品的空间科学国际联合研究工作,促进成果的国际共享。

    Meanwhile , China National Space Administration encourages researchers at home and abroad to use the samples in joint studies on space science and to share their findings with each other .

  5. 国家航天局表示,8月23日,“祝融号”火星车在火星表面行驶里程已突破1000米,已完成全部预定任务,且超出其3个月的设计寿命。

    China 's Mars rover Zhurong had traveled more than 1000 meters on the surface of the red planet as of Monday , the Lunar Exploration and Space Program Center of the China National Space Administration ( CNSA ) said . The Mars rover has outlived its three-month life expectancy with all of its predetermined tasks completed .

  6. Minc说,例如巴西的国家航天局可以为监测非洲的森林和森林砍伐提供免费卫星服务。

    For example , Brazil 's national space agency could offer free satellite services for monitoring forests and desertification in Africa , said Minc .

  7. 中国航天工业总公司(国家航天局)

    Chinese General Company of Astronautics Industry ( State Aerospace Bureau )

  8. 中国的新闻记者也被国家航天局的新闻记者招待会拒之门外。

    The Chinese journalists were also kept away from NASA 's press conferences .

  9. 一个左上角印着国家航天局标志的官方信封。

    An official-looking envelope with NASA 's logo in the upper left-hand corner .

  10. 1995年6月,中国国家航天局正式加入了“机构间空间碎片协调委员会”。

    In June 1995 , CNSA acceded to the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee .

  11. 2008年11月26日,国家航天局正式发布经处理后的第一幅由“嫦娥一号”卫星传回的月面图像。

    The first picture of the Moon was relayed on November 26 , 2007 .

  12. 从大学毕业之后,他在加拿大国家航天局工作。

    After he graduated from University , he got a job with the Canadian Space Agency .

  13. 国家航天局选上一位来自新罕布什尔州康科德的名叫克里斯塔·麦考利夫的教师。

    NASA had chosen a teacher from Concord , New Hampshire , by the name of Christa McAuliffe .

  14. 威廉姆斯的妹妹迪娜·潘德亚和美国国家航天局的宇航员凯仁·耐博在地面上跟她同时比赛。

    Williams'sister , Dina Pandya , and NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg were running in the race on the ground .

  15. 国家航天局表示,整个任务预计持续约23天。

    The entire mission is scheduled to last about 23 days , according to the China National Space Administration .

  16. 这项工作也是国家航天局航天遥感论证中心工作的一部分,有助于建立我国完善的航天遥感论证体系。

    This is one of the important works of Demonstration Center for Spaceborne Remote Sensing ( DCSRS ) of China .

  17. 国家航天局表示,轨道修正是为了确保探测器始终飞行在适当的轨道上。

    Orbital correction is necessary to ensure the probe follows its theoretical trajectory as closely as possible , said the CNSA .

  18. 这种类似全球定位系统的导航系统由中国国家航天局开发,受中国卫星导航办公室管理。

    The GPS-like navigation system is a product of the Chinese National Space Administration and managed by the China Satellite Navigation Office .

  19. 国家航天局准备纠正这一错误,为此将把4名宇航员送入太空修复望远镜。

    NASA is now going to put the telescope right , so it will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it .

  20. 中国国家航天局表示,探测器已在太空飞行了116天,所有系统状况良好。

    China National Space Administration says the probe has flown in space for 116 days and all its systems are in good condition .

  21. 据国家航天局消息,9月20日晚,我国的“天问一号”火星探测器完成第二次轨道中途修正。

    China 's Tianwen 1 Mars probe carried out its second midcourse correction maneuver on Sunday night , according to the China National Space Administration .

  22. 来自国家航天局的消息,11月30日4时40分,嫦娥五号探测器着陆器和上升器组合体与轨道器和返回器组合体顺利分离。

    The lander-ascender combination of the spacecraft separated from its orbiter-returner combination at 4:40 am Monday , according to the China National Space Administration ( CNSA ) .

  23. 国家航天局称,嫦娥五号任务采集月球样品约1731克。

    Chang'e 5 samples handed over China 's Chang'e 5 probe retrieved about 1731 grams of samples from the moon , according to the China National Space Administration .

  24. 不喜欢中国搞航天的美国阻挠中国参与据称当前围绕地球运转的国际太空站。于是中国国家航天局(中国太空机构)决定自己建一个。

    American disfavour prevented Chinese involvement in the allegedly international station currently orbiting Earth , so CNSA , China 's space agency , has decided to construct its own .

  25. 这是一块名叫杰克的石头,这并不是根据罗马神来的,它是以一个参加了火星探索项目所有工作的美国国家航天局工程师命名的。

    It 's a rock named Jake , that 's not after a Roman god , it 's named after a NASA engineer who worked all the Mars rover projects .

  26. 在神舟六号升空的筹备阶段,理大纺织及制衣学系也应中国国家航天局的邀请,按局方的严格要求为地面控制中心的工作人员设计可防静电的工作服。

    At the invitation of CNSA , the University 's Institute of Textiles and Clothing has designed anti-static work clothes for CNSA staff at the Control Centre during its latest China Space Mission .

  27. 国家航天局9月21日上午发布声明称,9月20日晚11时许,在收到地面控制团队的控制信号后,“天问一号”探测器四台120N发动机同时点火,工作20秒,完成了轨道修正任务。

    The robotic spacecraft ran its four 120-Newton thrusters for 20 seconds at around 11 pm after receiving control signals from its ground controllers , the administration said in a statement on Monday morning .

  28. 在美国国家航天局发现一块太空垃圾正在飞向国际空间站的轨道上之后,今天国际空间站的成员们紧急撤离到了逃生舱,随时准备紧急返回地球。

    The crew members were scrambled into escape capsules ready to fire off for an emergency return to Earth after Nasa officials spotted a piece of space junk hurtling towards the path of the ISS .

  29. 国家航天局副局长吴艳华近日表示,我国将于2017年12月前后发射嫦娥五号无人月球探测器,嫦娥五号将携月球土壤样品返回地球。

    China 's unmanned lunar probe Chang'e-5 , set to be launched around December 2017 , will bring lunar soil samples back to Earth , says Wu Yanhua , deputy chief of the China National Space Administration .

  30. 国家航天局发布声明称,截至11月17日凌晨,我国的“天问一号”火星探测器飞行里程突破3亿千米,探测器各系统工作正常。

    China 's Tianwen 1 Mars probe had traveled 300 million kilometers as of Tuesday morning , according to the China National Space Administration . The administration said in a statement that the spacecraft was in good condition .