
  • 网络National Energy Administration;National Energy Board;neb
  1. 刘铁男,59岁,2010年12月至今年3月任国家能源局局长。

    The 59-year-old was head of the National Energy Administration from December 2010 to March this year .

  2. 在今天的播客中,国家能源局第六位官员成为了腐败调查的目标。

    In today 's podcast , a sixth National Energy Administration official becomes the target of a graft investigation .

  3. 中国将加强勘探努力、建立天然气储备并扩大天然气进口,以实现该目标,中国国家能源局(NEA)副局长吴吟今年早些时候表示,相对于24.1%的全球平均水平,中国4%的比重较低。

    China is set to enhance exploration efforts , build gas reserves and increase natural imports to meet the goal , said Wu Yin , deputy head of the NEA , earlier this year . The 4 per cent level is low compared with the 24.1 per cent average globally .

  4. 金融危机对能源工作既带来严峻挑战,同时也蕴藏着重大机遇。去年3月经全国人大批准,组建成立了国家能源局。

    In last March , Chinese National People 's Congress approved the establishment of the National Energy Administration .

  5. 美国能源部将向中国国家能源局持续通报有关状态进展。

    The DOE is to keep the National Energy Administration of China informed of the status of the process .

  6. 分析人士说,目前国家能源局正寻求进行电力行业改革,部分是针对国家电网,将这两家监管机构合二为一有可能扩大国家能源局的权力。

    Analysts say combining the regulators would strengthen the NEA as it seeks electricity-sector changes partially directed at State Grid .

  7. 刘铁男当时工作的中国国家能源局的新闻办公室曾将这些指控指责为谣言。

    The public information office of the energy regulator , where Mr Liu then worked , dismissed the accusations as rumours .

  8. 中国国家能源局的官员以前也曾预测,中国在能源消费量方面很快会超越美国。

    Officials from the national energy administration have also previously forecast that China will soon overtake the US in energy consumption .

  9. 去年,望江县政府向安徽省政府提交了一份正式报告,省政府又把它呈递给了北京的国家能源局。

    Last year , Wangjiang submitted a formal petition to the Anhui government , which passed it up to the National Energy Administration in Beijing .

  10. 国家能源局副局长钱智民称,到2030年中国可能成为全球最大的铀进口国。

    According to Qian Zhimin , a deputy at the National Energy Administration , China could be the world 's largest importer of uranium by2030 .

  11. 2011年,国家能源局发表声明,称应停止煤炭废料发展。

    For instance , in 2011 , the National Energy Bureau issued a notice saying the country should stop developing the sector that uses coalmining waste .

  12. 国家能源局局长张国宝说,核能和风能等新型能源扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    New energy such as nuclear and wind power played an increasingly important role , said Zhang Guobao , head of the National Administration of Energy .

  13. 在2011年初召开的水电工作座谈会上国家能源局明确提出了要在十二五期间开工建设1.2亿千瓦水电的目标。

    In early 2011 , China Energy Bureau at the meeting on hydropower clearly put forward the goal of constructing 1.2 billion kilowatts hydropower during the twelfth five-year-plan .

  14. 就在两年前,国家能源局还曾估计,2020年,单是国内的页岩气产量就可以达到600亿到1000亿立方米。

    Just two years ago , the National Energy Administration estimated that China would produce 60 billion to 100 billion cubic meters of shale gas alone by 2020 .

  15. 据国家能源局、国家统计局发布数据,2010年我国一次消费能源量为32.5亿吨标准煤,已成为世界第一大能源消费国1。

    According to the national energy board data released , Energy consumption in china in 2010 is 32.5 million tons of coal , china has become major energy consumer in the world .

  16. 业内人士指出,国家能源局发展规划司司长俞燕山成为了贪污调查的对象。

    Yu Yanshan , the director of China 's energy policymaking body 's planning department , has become the target of a corruption investigation , sources close to the situation said to Caixin .

  17. 国家能源局、工信部、环保部都承担相关的职能,充分保障了我国核能的安全利用。

    The National Energy Board , the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Environmental Protection bear the related functions , providing adequate protection for the safe use of nuclear energy in China .

  18. 近年来,我国政府一直积极探索以强制性手段保障可再生能源发展的有效机制,可再生能源配额制政策作为一项重要强制性能源政策,已被纳入国家能源局2011年工作计划。

    In recent years , The Chinese government has been actively develop a mandatory renewable energy policy . As an important mandatory energy policy , the policy of Renewable Portfolio Standard have been included in 2011 work plan in National energy board .

  19. 2008年以来,在国家能源局的组织下,以各省风能资源普查及风电建设前期工作为基础,七个千万千瓦级风电基地规划相继完成。

    Since 2008 , the organization of the National Energy Bureau under the Census and wind energy resources to the provinces the construction of wind power based on preliminary work , seven million kilowatts of wind power base in planning have been completed .

  20. 国家能源局局长吴新雄今夏在演讲中令人意外地表示,中国2020年国内天然气生产的目标仅为,页岩气和煤层气各300亿立方米。

    Wu Xinxiong , the director of the National Energy Administration of China , unexpectedly said in a speech this summer that China 's target for domestic natural gas production in 2020 was only 30 billion cubic meters for shale gas and another 30 billion cubic meters for coal seam gas .

  21. 国家能源信息局四月份发布报告称,有48个页岩气盆地遍布于32个国家(见地图)。

    The country 's Energy Information Administration released a report in April that looked at48 shale-gas basins in32 countries ( see map ) .

  22. 2013年3月,国家开除了刘铁男国家能源局局长职务,5个月之后开除党籍。

    Liu was sacked as the director of the National Energy Administration in March 2013 and expelled from the party five months later .

  23. 但接下来值得关注的是,在国家发改委管理下的国家能源局如何协调与其他部门在能源领域可能发生交叉。

    However , he also pointed out that , the main concern after the adjustment would rest on the possible overlapping of the functions of the bureau and other administrations in the energy field .

  24. 该规范(报批稿)已上报国家发展与改革委员会、国家能源局,预计近期发布实施。

    The specification has been submitted to the National Development and Reform Commission , and the National Energy Board , is expected to be promulgated recently .

  25. 就在国家电力监管委员会于2013年与国家能源局合并之时,俞负责电力监管政策研究和新闻宣传工作。

    Yu was in charge of power industry policy studies and publicity when the State Electricity Regulatory Commission was merged into the NEA in 2013 .

  26. 9月24日,国家发展和改革委员会原副主任,也是国家能源局局长刘铁男在法庭上承认与儿子刘德成收受贿赂3560万元,并利用职务之便利为个人谋利。

    The former deputy head of China 's top economic planner Liu Tienan , who also once oversaw energy policies , confessed in court on September 24 to taking some 35.6 million yuan in bribes with his son , Liu Decheng , and using his position to seek personal gain .

  27. 59岁的刘铁男是国家发展和改革委员会原副主任,也是原国家能源局局长。

    The 59 year old is a former deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission and ex-head of the National Energy Administration .