
  • 网络defense technology
  1. 移动机器人的视觉导航技术是目前科学研究的热点和重点,随着视觉导航技术研究的深入,工业AGV搬运机器人、智能车辆和国防技术研究取得了重大的突破。

    Vision-based navigation technology is a new hot spot in the area of mobile robot research . Researching on the AGV technology , Intelligent Vehicle and National defense technology have acquired breakthrough with the Vision-based navigation technology be in-depth studying .

  2. 该系统由一家以色列武器和国防技术公司开发。

    The system has been developed by an Israeli weapons and defense technology company .

  3. 微通道电泳芯片系统和DNA检测芯片系统将生物芯片技术和信息技术结合到一起,在生命科学、药物化学、国防技术等领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    MCE ( Micro-channel Electrophoresis ) Chip and DNA Chip are two typical kinds of biochip combined with information technology .

  4. 其最令人意想不到的政府合作研究机构大概就是美国国防技术研究中心洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(losalamosnationallab)了。

    Its most unexpected government research partner may be the Los Alamos National Lab , the US defence technology research centre .

  5. 宰登文于1993年完成高中所有科目,然后,他继续在国防技术学院深造。

    Sai finished his high school in1993 with distinction in all subjects .

  6. 在现代国防技术中,许多军事武器系统装备都需要用到振动惯性器件&陀螺。

    Gyroscope is widely used in modern national defence technology and military weaponry system .

  7. 空间角度测试技术在航天和国防技术中具有广泛的应用前景。

    Technology of space angle measurement is widely used in aviation and national defence .

  8. 国防技术基础2003年总目次

    Technology foundation of national defence

  9. 近年来,惯性技术一直都是世界各国国防技术的研究重点。

    In recent years , the inertial technology has been the important research point in national defense all over the world .

  10. 这届展会仍然以国防技术为中心,大多数参展的设备都与军事用途有关,不过,这些技术的应用前景远远不止局限于战场。

    Consistent with its defense-centric past , most of the more significant developments at AUVSI were military-related , but applications for these technologies reach far beyond the battlefield .

  11. 鲍威尔在一次采访中表示,五角大楼必须确保获得最好的国防技术,同时保护自身供应链的可靠性和完整性。

    In an interview , Mr Powell says the Pentagon must ensure access to the best defence technologies , while protecting the reliability and integrity of its supply chain .

  12. 综合运用当今社会学、管理学和系统学等思想、理论和方法逐步展开对国防技术创新的社会构建问题的分析与讨论。

    The ideas and approaches of sociology , management and systematology and other sciences are employed to address the problem of defense technology innovation in the light of social construction .

  13. 利用计算机视觉实现目标自动识别与跟踪是国防技术现代化、工农业生产过程信息化的重要环节之一。自动对目标进行准确、有效地识别和跟踪已经成为一项重要的热门研究领域。

    Automatic Target Recognition ( ATR ) with computer vision is very important in modernization of national defense technology , production inspection of industry and agriculture and has become a hot research branch .

  14. 金属及合金在国民经济中具有重要地位,广泛应用于化工、冶金、船舶、汽车、航空航天工业、国防技术等领域。

    Metals and alloys play an important role in the economy growth of each country . They are widely used in the chemical , metallurgical , marine , air and land transport , and aerospace and defense industries and also many other fields .

  15. 国防科学技术研究中,大型闪光X射线机的研制具有很大的意义。文中对开拓强流电了束新的应用领域提出了展望。

    With the development of defense science and technology , the development of high power flash X-ray machines is necessary .

  16. FORT是国防科学技术大学441B-Ⅲ型计算机上所使用的基本FORTRAN程序设计语言。

    FORT is the basic FORTRAN programming language for Type 441B - ⅲ computer designed and produced by Polytechnic University of National Defence .

  17. 另外从80年代起,美国国防先进技术研究计划署(DARPA)就开始支持自动驾驶汽车的研究,还赞助了一个无人驾驶车辆的竞赛,称作“无人驾驶机器人挑战赛”(DARPAGrandChallenge)。

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ) has been supporting research into autonomous vehicles since the 1980s and sponsors a driverless vehicle competition , called the DARPA grand challenge .

  18. 国防科学技术大学浅谈校风建设

    NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY On the Construction of School Spirit

  19. 第三要抓国防尖端技术。

    Third , we should develop sophisticated technology in national defence .

  20. 国防科学技术委员会。

    Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense .

  21. 外形隐身目标雷达散射截面高频散射特性的研究国防高技术名词:隐身技术

    Research of High Frequency Scattering Characteristic of Radar Cross Section on Shaping Stealth Targets

  22. 论国防高技术的经济开发

    Economic exploitation of defense high technology

  23. 在美国的国防关键技术计划中,航空推进技术受到重视。

    Aviation propulsion technologies have been taken seriously in the key technology program of US national defense .

  24. 这些事实表明,中国完全有能力自主开发任何国防尖端技术。

    These facts indicate that China has a full capacity to independently develop any sophisticated national defense technology .

  25. 北京市经济委员会(北京市国防科学技术工业办公室)

    Beijing Municipal Commission of Economy ( Beijing Municipal Office of Science , Technology and Industry for National Defense )

  26. 据国防科学技术工业局说,这张照片覆盖了月球的全部表面。

    The picture covers the complete range of the moon 's surface , according to the State Administration of Science , Technology and Industry for National Defense .

  27. 本研究在现实意义上对云南国防职业技术学院的教师管理、教学质量和科研水平的提升,防止教师出现职业倦怠等方面具有重要实际意义。

    This study is good for promoting teacher management 、 quality of teaching and scientific research level for YunNan national defense professional technology institute in practical significance .

  28. 最后,对问卷结果进行讨论,并提出提高国防产学研技术创新成效的七项建议。

    Finally , the author discusses the results of questionnaire , and puts forward seven suggestions to improve the effectiveness of technical innovation in industry-university-research of defense industry .

  29. 不再保留国防科学技术工业委员会、信息产业部、国务院信息化工作办公室。

    The Commission of Science , Technology and Industry for National Defense , the Ministry of Information Industry and the State Council Informatization Office will not exist any more .

  30. 在此基础上,认为技术选择是技术发展的重要机制,确立了技术选择的一般模式,分析了国防科学技术发展面临的主要技术选择问题与影响因素。

    Based on this , the paper gets the result that the technology choice is an important factor in the technology development , and establishes the general pattern of technology choice .