
  • 网络IOM;IMO;international organization for migration;migration
  1. 国际移民组织女发言人JeminiPandya称,那些地方的失业数据相当高。

    IOM Spokeswoman , Jemini Pandya , says the unemployment figures there are high .

  2. 国际移民组织称这些人是最贫困的一群人。

    IOM calls these people the poorest of the poor .

  3. .“国际移民组织(InternationalOrganizationforMigration,IMO)敦促消费者不要购买利用廉价劳动力的移民制造的商品。IMO在全球发起终止人口贩卖的活动。

    IOM Launches New Campaign to End Human Trafficking The International Organization for Migration is urging consumers not to buy products made by migrants

  4. 该报告来自瑞士日内瓦国际移民组织的专家。这份报告的其中一位作者是HaleyWest。

    The report is from specialists at the International Organization for Migration in Geneva , Switzerland . One of those authors was Haley West .

  5. 与国际移民组织(InternationalOrganizationonMigration)合作在东非处理移民事务的CraigMurphy称,该事件显然是前所未有而且极富戏剧性。

    ' This is obviously pretty unprecedented and dramatic , ' said Craig Murphy , who works on migration issues in East Africa with the International Organization on Migration .

  6. GerardWaite是联合国国际移民组织的主席,他说难民已经成为一个日益严重的问题。

    Gerard Waite , head of the UN-affiliated International Organization for Migration , says the displaced population is a growing concern .

  7. 国际移民组织(IOM)称,它将从星期天开始把数千名南苏丹人运送回上尼罗地区的村庄。

    The International Organization for Migration says it will begin transporting thousands of South Sudanese to their villages in the Upper Nile region on Sunday .

  8. 根据政府间机构国际移民组织(IOM)的数据,全球目前逾1.9亿人居住在国外,每35个人中大约就有一个,而且,这个数字正以每年3%的速度增长。

    According to the inter-governmental International Organisation for Migration , more than 190m people currently live outside their home country , about one in 35 people , and the number is growing at the rate of 3 per cent a year .

  9. RichardDanziger是国际移民组织全球反人口贩卖项目负责人,他表示,贫穷,性别歧视和冲突导致人口贩卖活动猖獗,但是,正是对廉价劳动力和廉价商品的需求导致肆无忌惮的人口贩卖活动发生。

    Richard Danziger is head of the Global Counter Trafficking Program at the International Organization for Migration . He says poverty , gender inequality , and conflict human trafficking , but it is the demand for unreasonably cheap labor and cheap goods that drive this trade .

  10. 国际移民组织也在提供实际的帮助。

    The international organization for migration also is providing practical assistance .

  11. 试析国际移民组织与中国的关系

    The Relations between China and International Organization for Migration

  12. 国际移民组织说,该组织又取得了8个签证。

    The International Organization for Migration says it has received eight additional visas .

  13. 他说,国际移民组织已经有8支流动医疗队在该地区开展工作。他说:

    He says IOM already has eight mobile health teams working in the region .

  14. 随着中国海外移民人数的持续增加,中国与国际移民组织的关系还会进一步密切。

    Moreover , their relations will become closer with the continuing increase of Chinese emigrants .

  15. 该报告来自瑞士日内瓦国际移民组织的专家。

    The report is from specialists at the International Organization for Migration in Geneva , Switzerland .

  16. 星期五,国际移民组织包租的一艘船只离开利比亚东部城市班加西,前往米苏拉塔。

    On Friday , an IOM-chartered ship left the eastern Libyan town of Benghazi for Misrata .

  17. 日内瓦报道国际移民组织计划今年安排数以千计的这些人搬迁到更安全的地方。

    In Geneva reports IOM plans to relocate thousands of them to safer places this year .

  18. 国际移民组织的报告指出,伊拉克许多地区的治安状况正在改善,新的流离失所问题在减少。

    IOM notes security in many parts of the country is improving and new displacements are decreasing .

  19. 他说,在南非的外国人到国际移民组织驻比勒陀利亚的办公室寻求帮助。

    He says foreigners have been coming to IOM 's regional office in Pretoria asking for assistance .

  20. 国际移民组织称,与其他地方的内迁家庭相比,这些家庭的状况相对稳定。

    And , these families , says IOM are in a relatively comfortable situation those displaced elsewhere .

  21. 国际移民组织说,伊拉克政府正在制定各种法律和切实可行的措施鼓励他们返乡。

    The IOM says the government is enacting a variety of legal and practical measures to encourage these returns .

  22. 国际移民组织说,他们收到被困在的黎波里的外国移民需要帮助的请求。

    The International Organization for Migration says it is receiving requests for help from foreign migrants stranded in Tripoli .

  23. 国际移民组织与当地医疗诊所工作人员和地区卫生官员合作制定和实施了平衡记分卡。

    A balanced scorecard was developed and implemented in collaboration with local health clinic staff and district health officials .

  24. 国际移民组织目前在埃塞俄比亚的阿索萨有一个办公室。

    The International Organization for Migration currently has an office in Assosa , in the Benishangul-Gumuz region of Ethiopia .

  25. 国际移民组织说,在萨德尔城,大多数医疗设施、学校以及一些商店都已重新开门。

    IOM says most health facilities and schools , as well as some shops , have reopened in Sadr city .

  26. 国际移民组织称,他们正在疏散被困在也门的数千名埃塞俄比亚移民。

    The International Organisation for Migration says it 's evacuating thousands of Ethiopian migrants who 've been trapped in Yemen .

  27. 该组织发言人肖齐说,国际移民组织正在分发急救箱,里面装有衣服、毯子、口服补液盐和食物。

    Spokesman Jean-Philippe Chauzy says the agency is distributing emergency kits containing clothes , blankets , oral rehydration salts and food .

  28. 据国际移民组织这份报告,这些难民中几乎没有人由于政府采取的措施而返乡。

    According to the IOM report , very few of these refugees have taken up the government 's offer to return .

  29. 他说,国际移民组织还鼓励愿意谴责这次暴力事件的南非人为暴力事件的受害者捐款。

    He says IOM is also encouraging South Africans who want to denounce this violence to donate money to the victims .

  30. 肖齐说,国际移民组织和南非当地广播电台Metro-FM合作,呼吁人们宽容。

    Chauzy says IOM has teamed up with Metro-FM , a South African and regional broadcaster , to air messages of tolerance .