
  • 网络the Statute of the International Court of Justice;the International Court of Justice Statute
  1. 契约债务法律适用公约国际法院规约缔约方

    Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice

  2. 其他许多美国参与谈判的公约也存在同样的问题,比如《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)和《国际刑事法院规约》。

    The same is true of many other treaties the US helped to negotiate . Think of the Kyoto Protocol and the International Criminal Court .

  3. 国际刑事法院规约草案工作组

    Working Group on a draft statute for an international criminal court

  4. 推动批准国际刑事法院规约全球运动

    Global Ratification Campaign for the International Criminal Court

  5. 一九九八年在罗马外交大会中通过的《国际刑事法院规约》对国际刑事法的发展,具有重大的意义。

    The Rome Conference and the adoption of the International Criminal Court Statute were truly significant events in the development of international criminal law .

  6. 国际刑事法院罗马规约

    Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

  7. 此外,1998年7月《国际刑事法院罗马规约》的规定及其生效代表了规范武装冲突的法律准则的执行转折点。

    Furthermore , the conclusion and adoption of the Statute of ICC in Rome in July 1998 represented a turning point in the enforcement of legal norms regulating armed conflicts .

  8. 没有哪一种解释可以普遍适用于每一种案件和每一类管辖法院。根据规约之规定,国际刑事法院对规约所列之享有普遍、强制性的管辖权。

    No words which are of universal application to every kind of inquiry and every kind of domestic tribunal . The Court has universal jurisdiction over the list of crimes in the Statute .

  9. 基于对国内法院的补充性原则,《国际刑事法院罗马规约》包含了关于受害人问题的颇具革命性的条件:受害人可参与某项程序并提出索赔;

    Based upon the principle of complementarity with national courts , the Rome Statute of ICC contains revolutionary conditions so far as victims are concerned : victims can participate ina procedure and claim compensation ;

  10. 利比亚不是国际刑事法院《罗马规约》(RomeStatute)缔约国,因此有必要由安理会向国际刑事法院作出提交。

    A referral the ICC is necessary because Libya is not a party to the ICC Rome Statute .

  11. 作者认为,首先,WTO法是国际公法的一部分,因此,《国际法院规约》第38条中规定的国际法的法律渊源对确定WTO法的法律渊源有重要参考价值。

    The author believes that , first of all , WTO law is part of international law so that sources of international law speculated in Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of Justice are of important reference value in determining sources of WTO law .