
lǎo jiǔ
  • wine;wine (esp. Shaoxing rice wine)
老酒 [lǎo jiǔ]
  • [wine (esp. Shaoxing rice wine)]〈方〉∶酒,特指绍兴酒

老酒[lǎo jiǔ]
  1. 女人像老酒一样,只会越陈越香。

    Women are like wine , They only get better with age .

  2. 新瓶装老酒&后冷战时代美国全球战略剖析

    Old Wine in New Bottles & U.S. Global Strategy in the Post-Cold War Era

  3. 酒到咸亨方知妙,老酒一壶乐悠悠。

    Sip the best wine and have a wonderful day .

  4. 爬上墙去找陈年老酒。

    Climb a wall for old time 's sake .

  5. 这是陈年老酒,味道香醇。正宗火腿,香高味醇。

    The authentic ham smells good and tastes pure .

  6. 福建老酒中血管紧张素转换酶抑制物质的分离鉴定

    Isolation and Identification of Substances with Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Activity in Fujiang Rice Wine

  7. 用液上气相色谱法测定福建老酒中易挥发成分的探讨

    A Study in the Analysis of Volatile Components in Fujian Rice Wine by Headspace Gas Chromatography

  8. 如喝了窖藏多年的老酒,让我略带醉意。

    Such as a cache to drink wine for many years , let me slightly tipsy .

  9. 古老而神奇的老酒海铸就了太白酒酒体醇香馥郁、醇厚丰满、绵柔甜爽、余味悠长的典型风格。

    Taibai liquor stored in Jiuhai has mellow and soft taste and long aftertaste with appealing aroma .

  10. 钓鱼台总统酒特选窖藏老酒配酿,为尊贵馈赠和珍藏极品。

    " Diaoyutai President ", prepared with cellar-stored spirit , makes a premium gift or a collection item .

  11. 如果是一瓶老酒那些人之中大概很多都去世了

    and , if it 's an old wine , how many of them must be dead by now .

  12. 至于百香飘来象陈年老酒,天天润口,也就不食其味了。

    As for the100 Fragrance Spreading to like old wine , every day Run-mouth , she does not eat its own flavor of the .

  13. 他们冲着他挥手微笑,那老酒保伸手拿出个玻璃杯,说道:“跟以往一样吗,海格?”

    they waved and smiled at him , and the bartender reached for a glass , saying , " The usual , Hagrid ? "

  14. 厅堂正上方挂着一幅对联:小店名气大,老酒醉人多。

    In the hall hangs an antithetical couplet , reading Small , the inn enjoys big fame ; old , the wine infatuates the world .

  15. 我去绍兴出差时,朋友送了我好几坛老酒,味道真是不错。

    When I went on a business trip to Shaoxing , my friend gave me several jars of Shaoxing rice wine , which tasted fantastic .

  16. 老木最好烧,老酒最好饮,老友最可信,老作家的书最好读。&培根

    Old wood best to burn , old wine to drink , old friends to trust , and old authors to read . & Francis Bacon

  17. 信托公司充当桥梁的角色,将筹集到的资金投资到债券、股票、陈年老酒以及钻石等资产,或者直接向外放贷。

    The trust companies operate as conduits , raising money to invest in assets ranging from bonds and stocks to aged wine and diamonds , or to making loans .

  18. 假如老公不喜欢回家,建议还是要每天烧好晚饭,将他的碗筷和他喜欢的老酒端正的供在桌前。

    If the husband does not like to go home , it was suggested to burn a good dinner every day , his dishes and his favorite wine at the table for the straight .

  19. 其中的一个正在吸长管烟,一个带着高高帽子的年青男子正在同老酒保聊天。老酒保的头顶光秃秃的,好像一颗肿胀的核桃。

    One of them was smoking a long pipe . A little man in a top hat was talking to the old bartender , who was quite bald and looked like a toothless walnut .

  20. 清晨或夜晚,老茶客或老酒客们常爱在茶坊酒肆相聚,谈天说地。

    Old tea drinkers or wine drinkers often like to meet in a tea house or in a wine Bar in the early morning or at night , and talk of everything under the sun .

  21. 然后,分三部分,分别从产品文化、品牌文化和企业文化角度,较为细致地介绍即墨老酒感恩主题绿色文化营销策划方略。

    Then , from the perspective of the cultures on production , brand and corporation culture , the strategies of the green cultural marketing by the theme of " Thanksgiving " is presented detailedly in three parts .