
lǎo hǔ
  • tiger
老虎 [lǎo hǔ]
  • [tiger] 亚洲产的一种大型食肉类哺乳动物( Felis tigris ),在黄褐色的毛皮上有黑色横纹,尾长而无簇毛,有黑圈,下体大部白色,无鬣,典型的体形比狮子略大

老虎[lǎo hǔ]
  1. 她为了保护孩子,可以凶得像只老虎。

    She 'll fight like a tiger to protect her children .

  2. 彼得∙威尔逊,也称“老虎”。

    Peter Wilson , also known as ' the Tiger ' .

  3. 老虎栖息在丛林里。

    The tiger 's home is in the jungle .

  4. 他想进行一次观兽旅行,拍摄一些蛇类和老虎的照片。

    He 'd like to go on safari to photograph snakes and tigers .

  5. 她有世上最佳的宠物——一只活生生的老虎。

    She has the best pet of all — a real live tiger .

  6. 奶奶不太像奶奶——倒像是来自故乡的母老虎,她已经几十年没有露出过笑脸了。

    Grandma is something else — a battle-axe from the old country who hasn 't smiled in decades .

  7. 那只老虎躺着一动不动,简直不像活的。

    The tiger lay so still that it scarcely seemed animate .

  8. 老虎烦躁地在兽笼里走来走去。

    The tiger paced the floor of his cage restlessly .

  9. 下次你们参观动物园,要仔细观察老虎。

    Next time you visit the zoo , watch the tigers carefully .

  10. 老虎的爪子非常锋利。

    The claws of a tiger are very sharp .

  11. 大量硬币从吃角子老虎机中倾泻而出。

    Coins cascaded from the fruit machine .

  12. 老虎在笼子里走来走去。

    The tiger paced in its cage .

  13. 那只老虎终于被捕获了。

    That tiger was finally captured .

  14. 这是一只成年的老虎。

    This is an adult tiger .

  15. 逃出来的老虎被捕获后,大家都松了一口气。

    With the capture of the escaped tiger , everyone felt relieved .

  16. 老虎向山羊扑去。

    The tiger sprang on the goat .

  17. 只有大家一起干,才能制服沙老虎。

    Only by working together can we beat the sand tiger .

  18. 能不能让老虎和狮子交配?

    Is it possible to cross a tiger with a lion ?

  19. 老虎被捉住后关进了笼子。

    After the tiger was caught , it was caged .

  20. 老虎在笼中走来走去。

    The tiger paced up and down in his cage .

  21. 在亚洲的丛林中有老虎。

    Tigers are found in the jungle of asia .

  22. 那只老虎倒在了猎人的枪口下。

    The tiger fell to the hunter 's gun .

  23. 老虎和羊有完全不同的天性。

    Tigers and sheep have quite different natures .

  24. 他的绰号叫小老虎。

    He is nicknamed 〝 young tiger 〞 .

  25. 老虎是猫科的一种。

    The tiger belongs to the cat family .

  26. 狮子和老虎是大猎物。

    Lions and tigers are big game .

  27. 老虎是凶猛的动物之一。

    Tigers are among the ferocious animals .

  28. 老虎比狮子还厉害。

    Tigers are even fiercer than lions .

  29. 老虎有条纹状的皮毛。

    A tiger has a striped coat .

  30. 或者把老虎打死,或者被老虎吃掉,二者必居其一。

    Either kill the tiger or be killed by him & one way or the other .